Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions

PUBH610: Public Health- History & Principle of Health Science- Nursing Assignment Help


Priority setting exercise  (NB the reading and submission dropbox for AT2 are under Assessment 3 below)

Read the three papers on priority setting in different health care settings below:

Paper 1)     Viergever et al. A checklist for health research priority setting: nine common themes of good practice Health Research Policy and Systems 2010, 8:36 1/36

Paper 2)     Persad et al. Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions Lancet 2009; 373: 423–31 als/lancet/article/PIIS0140- 6736(09)60137-9/fulltext

Paper 3)     MacDonald and Ollerenshaw Priority setting in primary health care: a framework for local catchments. Rural and Remote Health 2011 11: 1714. ournal/article/1714

In assessment 1 for PUBH 610, you conducted a health inequality audit for an area of your choosing from the Social Health Atlas. In your audit you uncovered inequalities in several health indicators.

For assessment 2, refer to the three papers above to write a report on the factors that may influence priority setting for these health indicators in your area.  In your report address key features of priority setting including:

1)     Data comparison

2)     Addressing pre-existing / background / non-modifiable risk factors (such as social determinants of health)

3)     Identifying the scale of the problem

4)     Aligning the priority with governments’ priorities and targets

5)     Assessing the financial cost

6)     Potential to produce improvement

7)     Strength of evidence base

You may consider other features of priority setting as well.