Sources for the human right to health

The international human right to health has been established through various international agreements and other documents, as depicted in “Table 12: Sources for the human right to health” (pp. 279–280). Among the principles that are asserted as human rights are the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of public health and health care services.

In this Application Assignment you are asked to analyze a global public health problem using the international human right to health as a framework. In what ways would a human rights approach to the problem help to provide solutions to the health threat?

Begin by examining a global health problem, such as a particular infectious or chronic disease or type of injury. Alternatively, choose specific public health problems such as lack of access to medical or dental care, war, or a natural disaster. Research your topic by locating and reading at least three primary research articles.

Then, write a 3- to 5-page paper in which you address the following:

  • Explain why your selected health threat is global and not national in nature.
  • Using the international human right to health as a framework, describe the severity of this problem. Focus particularly on the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of public health and health-care services related to your chosen global health threat. (Refer to Box 17, p. 281.)
  • Do you think that a human rights approach is an appropriate and effective method for addressing this particular health issue? Take a stand and justify your position.

Your paper must provide APA-formatted references for all resources used and adhere to APA style and form