Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


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Post 1:

The public health nurse works to provide healthcare and disease prevention. They collaborate with other disciplines and key community stakeholders. These stakeholders are persons who are both involved and/or directly affected by the plans, actions, and outcomes of population health care. Stakeholders may be local government officials, community groups, faith-based organizations, or local business owners. (Green, 2018)  Nursing homework help


Community health centers (CHCs) are nonprofit, community-focused primary care providers that treat all patients regardless of ability to pay and are well positioned to address their patients’ social needs. CHCs provide primary care to more than 27 million patients annually, many of whom have complex medical conditions and high needs. Participation in projects with community-based organizations was associated with providing services on-site. On-site provision was associated with better performance on measures of health care quality. CHCs can also provide social services on-site, and with this association there is better performance of health care quality outcomes. (Kranz, 2017) Nursing homework help


The scope of community orientated nursing practice in the 21st century is much wider, and it is aimed at improving the health of families, groups, and populations. Community/public health nurses assist families and communities to support special and vulnerable populations. (Maurer, 2009)


Public health nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting holistic health care and preventing or minimizing illness in the faith community (ANA, 2012). South Carolina Faith Community Nurses Association purpose is to strengthen and engage nurses and health promoters interested in health ministry and faith community nursing (Parish Nursing) through basic and advanced education to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health in faith communities. (ANA, 2012)  Nursing homework help



American Nurses Association and Health Ministries Association. (2012), Faith Community Nursing. Scope and Standards of Practice Scope and Standards of Practice 2nd ed. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

Green, S. Community and Public Health, The Future of Health Care. Populations as Clients.


Kranz, A., PhD, Mahmud, A.,MPH, Agniel, D.,PhD, Damberg, C., PhD, and  Timbie, J., PhD. Provision of Social Services and Health Care Quality in US Community Health Centers, 2017. Am J Public Health. 2020;110:567–573. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305519


Maurer, F., and Smith, c., Community/Public Health Nursing Practice RRP: S128.95 (inc GST) Publisher: Elsevier St Louis. Missouri, USA, 2008 ISBN: 9781416050049


Post 2:

Like primary nurses in public health organizations, community health nurses (CHNs) understand challenges or factors that limit patients to adequate and quality care in the community. Typically, CHNs understand the areas and resources required to increase the efficiency of community health nursing. Therefore, the role of CHNs in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion is that guide health stakeholders on effective approaches leading to healthy practices with an underlying rationale to achieve healthy living among community members. CHNs advise stakeholders on areas of weakness and create sophisticated health promotions that target the well-being of health of every community member (Cicognani&Prati, 2020). Besides, CHNs advise community stakeholders on dangers or health threats facing community health and develop strategies that help mitigate such risk factors. For example, CHNs point out issues such as increased drug abuse trends among youth as a future health threat. Significantly, the role of CHNs in partnership with community health stakeholders in population health is to advise stakeholders on tailored approaches for healthy living and identify areas of weakness that need corrections to integrate quality health.

It is important to appraise community health resources as it plays a significant role in identifying missing and available community care resources. Assessment of resources takes practitioners to scrutinize the availability of resources such as community care facilities or religious centers as spiritual care resources. Community health resources are important in population health promotion as it creates an excellent environment allowing care practitioners to maximize their efforts of achieving top-notch quality (Fraser &Amendola, 2021). For instance, religious organizations such as Catholic church community hospitals play a significant role in delivering spiritual care to Christians, helping mano recover quickly from chronic illnesses. Significantly, community care resources are important since they allow care practitioners to achieve high-quality care in health promotion.


Cicognani, E., Albanesi, C., Valletta, L., &Prati, G. (2020). Quality of collaboration within health promotion partnerships: Impact on sense of community, empowerment, and perceived projects’ outcomes. Journal of community psychology48(2), 323-336.

Fraser, H., Adedeji, T., &Amendola, P. (2021). The importance of primary care records in low-and middle-income settings for care, resource management and disease surveillance: A review. TIC SAÚDE, 273.



Post 3:

Community health nursing involves the health promotion of individuals and families, providing care in settings such as occupational or educational systems (Green, 2018). Community health nurses mainly have the functional role of providing restorative care and ensuring the good health of the community. Community health nurses provide healthcare to individuals who have a hard time obtaining or affording it. They also improve people’s health by recognizing their health problems, primarily through education and screening.

Community stakeholders in healthcare are organizations or individuals with an interest in issues relating to the healthcare industry, such as health program organizations and social care. Their participation in the healthcare industry is critical to the organization’s success. The community health nurse, in collaboration with community stakeholders, coaches them on healthy living habits. The community health nurse can with the help of the community stakeholders educate the community about healthy and safe habits like not smoking, exercising regularly, eating well, and maintaining environmental and food hygiene. This is a form of primary prevention for health promotion that usually addresses behavioral risk factors. They can also make use of these community stakeholders for instance the pharmacy to educate the people about deviant behaviors such as drug abuse and its bodily and psychological effects. Additionally, the teenagers and other vulnerable residents in the community can be sensitized to the need to abstain from premarital sex through sex education and regularly screened for sexually transmitted infections to reduce the spread.

Community resources must be analyzed to combine previously existing resources and work together to meet a community’s health goals. Existing resources will have people with whom they are currently collaborating. Community assessment helps to identify the needs and the resources available to meet the problems specified by a state or tribe through a systematic analysis. The nursing process can be used as a tool by the nurses to identify and analyze the problems of the community, health inequalities, and resources for the population. Public health nurses and community health nurses must collaborate closely. The community health nurse “serves as a liaison between health and social services and the community to facilitate access to services and to improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery” (NCCDPHP Community Health Worker Workgroup, 2016). Interplay is the appropriate way to meet the community’s health needs.


Lundy, K.S., & Bender, K.W. (2017) History of community health and public health nursing, in Community Health Nursing: Caring for the Public’s Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

NCCDPHP Community Health Worker Workgroup. (2016, August 18). Community health worker resources. Retrieved from CDC:


Post 4:

Health promotion and disease prevention require a collaborative effort among healthcare workers, families, and other societal stakeholders. A community health nurse is a crucial figure and link between the health of the people in the community and health facilities (St John, 2020). The primary role of community health nurses is to collaborate closely with societal influencers and individual families in preventing diseases, treating illnesses, maintaining and restoring health.

Community health nurses take on several roles that sum up to extensively promote health and prevent diseases. The nurse surveys the community to identify potential health problems that are common and unique to the community. The nurse also notes the sources of the health problems. As a health educator, the nurse educates individual families and caregivers on their health issues and home care for the health problems identified (Austin-Evelyn et al., 2017). The community also benefits from health education on lifestyle diseases, nutritional habits, hygiene, water and sanitation, drug abuse, violence, and family planning. The nurse distributes medications and vaccines among target populations during routine immunizations and community outreach. Community health nurses also link families with chronic illness patients and those who require rehabilitative services to community sources that offer them support.

Offering solutions to the community requires holistic care to address the integrated needs of the community. Therefore, the nurse must collaborate with influential figures in the community, such as community administrative leaders, spiritual leaders, non-profit organizations, and schools. The collaborative parties aid in sensitization of health programs, policymaking and support community initiatives. For example, non-profit organizations may offer financial support to health projects, while schools and churches amplify health education goals. Community health nurses are vital icons in achieving populations with improved health.


Austin-Evelyn, K., Rabkin, M., Macheka, T., Mutiti, A., Mwansa-Kambafwile, J., Dlamini, T., & El-Sadr, W. M. (2017). Community health worker perspectives on a new primary health care initiative in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. PLoS One12(3), e0173863.

St John, W. (2020). Context and roles in community nursing practice. In Community Nursing Practice (pp. 3-17). Routledge.