Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Module 5/ Writing for Nurses.

Review alphanumeric outlines at

Remember when you are creating an outline that each heading MUST have a minimum of two (2) subheadings.  The rationale lies in the thinking that if you cannot think of at least two items to flesh out a specific heading then the information in that one subheading is really part of the topic in the heading. Nursing homework help


  1. Introduction to topic
    II. Topic:  Abuse of alcohol and opioids can affect individuals economically, physically, and emotionally
  2. Economically
    1. Alcohol
  3. Cost to buy alcohol
    b. Cost of legal proceedings
    c. Cost of property damage
  4. Opioids
  5. Cost of legal prescriptions
    b. Cost of illegal purchases
    c. Cost of legal proceedings
  6. Physical effects
    1. Alcohol
  7. Poor nutrition
    b. Liver damage
    c. Depression
  8. Opioids
  9. Infection from use of dirty needles
    b. Tolerance and dependence
    c. Depression
  10. Emotional effects

lll. Next topic, etc.


Selecting Credible Sources

University of California San Diego Department of Psychology. (2018). What types of references are appropriate?

University of Maryland. (2018). Is my source credible?

Writing for Nurses/Module 5 Outline directions.


Creating an outline of a paper assists the author in organizing the content of the paper.  It allows the author the opportunity to discover what ideas fit together well and which ones need additional clarification.  The more detailed the outline the easier it will be to write the final paper.

Review first sample outline at

  • Use Roman numerals for the main headings in the outline (I, II, III, IV)
    • Capital letters are used for the subheadings (A, B, C, D)
    • If another set of subheadings is needed use 1, 2, 3, 4
    • The next subheading would be lowercase letters, e.g., a, b, c, d

Note: There can be no fewer than two (2) subheadings beneath any heading. See the example in the Instructional Materials folder for Module 5. Nursing homework help



  1. You are to create an alphanumeric outline of the final paper.
  2. Main headings will include one heading titled Introduction and one titled Conclusion.  Other main headings will address major concepts in your thinking.
  3. The outline is to provide the logical progression of the ideas and points you will make in the final paper. Items do not need to be in complete sentences.
  4. The outline is to have at least two (2) peer reviewed references.  You do NOT need to include in-text citations in the outline, but you will need to include a reference list on a separate page to give credit to the original author of the information. References MUST be in proper APA Manual 7th edition
  5. Include a properly formatted student APA Manual 7th edition title page


  • Click on the link titled ” M5 A1: OUTLINE OF FINAL PAPER – SUBMISSION AREA” to submit the assignment.
  • Refer to Rubric for evaluation guidelines
  • Points: 20
  • Due: See Course Calendar/Checklist

Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret your SafeAssign originality report.

Kindly note: If a submission has been made for more than 48 hours without a re-submission, it will be considered final and will be subject to being graded.