Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

Manuel Garcia Periu


Nursing informatics has integrated information and knowledge to support learning in my APRN education. McGonigle & Mastrian (2018) state that nursing informatics facilitates learning. This idea is accurate because, in my experience, I have had a learning experience using nursing informatics. Specifically, I have used the virtual simulation whereby there was the use of non-existent patients on the online platform to learn various aspects such as diagnosis, treatment, and the other elements of patient management. Therefore, technology played an excellent role by eliminating the need for having practical experience in the patient units. Besides, it also reduced the adverse risk of having students learn using actual patients, as the possibility of errors and other mistakes is high. The advantage is that it made learning logistics easy, thus enhancing the class experience. Nursing homework help


In my APRN education, learning informatics was not only a means of studying but an end in itself. Harerimana et al. (2021) state that nursing informatics is a competence that medical care workers must have as part of their qualifications. A nurse without the skills may appear less qualified. Therefore, in my APRN education, the skills for using information technology in practice were a significant consideration and part of the syllabus. Specifically, we learned how to operate the system that comprises tablets, and wearable technology, among others. Consequently, we learned how to use informatics and even did some tests on it to evaluate our competence. Furthermore, during our practical lessons in the hospital setting, informatics was applied in a real hospital context when we treated patients with the aid of that technology. Apart from the in-class education, I also consider my work and practice an opportunity for continuous learning and education. Therefore, since I worked full time as I studied, I used this technology in the hospital setting, and the knowledge I gained there was to be part of individual or personal studies. Through this learning and testing, informatics is primarily applied in education. Nursing homework help


Harerimana, A., Wicking, K., Biedermann, N., et al. (2021). Integrating nursing informatics into undergraduate nursing education in Africa: A scoping review. International Nursing Review68(3), 420–433.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian K.G. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge (4th e.d). Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.




Ivon Hernandez


According to Iyengar et al. (2018), healthcare informatics is the integration of healthcare science with other analytical and information disciplines to acquire, store, share, and manage data, knowledge, and information that is applicable in healthcare. It encompasses various components, including information management systems, use of the Internet, and online networking (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021). Healthcare Informatics has been applied in my Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) education through computer-mediated communication (CMC), computer-assisted instructions (CAI), and interdisciplinary collaboration.

CMC entails different forms of human communication aided by the computer network. Some of the components that have been used in the program include telephone conversations, audio, videos, and electronic mail. Also, coursework and other study materials have been made available through various electronic and digital mechanisms such as web links and e-mails. Besides sharing educative YouTube videos, the instructors have also organized and invited APRNs to attend video conferences. The discipline of computer science is largely incorporated to aid the learning process.

CAI is a technique in which instructional materials are presented in electronic form. The APRN program has incorporated online chats, electronic mailing list groups, instant messaging, and discussion forums through which instructions are presented. A platform for learners has been created through which they can share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences on different healthcare topics. Direct messaging and online chats are also used among peers as well as with the instructors to seek clarifications. Instructors also use online tutorials to guide students on how to complete certain assignments or activities. The program implements a blended instructional method.

The modules have applied a holistic approach to healthcare. Faculty and instructors, partner and collaborate with other institutions and experts to help APRNs learn different skills such as analytical, critical thinking, and research that are essential in the modern healthcare sector. For example, the IT department welcomes the opportunity to help APRNs understand the use of various systems and software, such as electronic health records, when providing telemedicine or telehealth.


Iyengar, A., Kundu, A., &Pallis, G. (2018). Healthcare Informatics and Privacy. IEEE Internet Computing22(2), 29–31.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2021). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.


Cira Perez Miranda

28 minutes ago, at 9:40 PM



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Diabetes is a common and most prevalent non-communicable chronic condition associated with increased mortality, morbidity, and economic burden. The disease is costly to treat and manage, posing a tremendous financial burden on healthcare systems and affected people due to associated severe micro and macro-vascular complications and longevity of the disease. According to the CDC, type 2 diabetes is avoidable with lifestyle modifications, such as physical activity and weight control (CDC, 2021).

Three main challenges could hinder preventive intervention for diabetes, including family and friends, economic factors, and limited knowledge. Friends and family can become facilitating factors and barriers to preventative intervention. At times, family and friends could act supportively towards diabetes promotion or obstruct it. Diabetes preventive interventions require dietary habits that members or friends might not be willing to change. If the family decides to stick to family traditions in preparing meals, it might hinder the effectiveness of the promotion being (Breuing et al., 2020).

Economic barriers are associated with preventive initiatives, such as travel or fitness costs and nutrition changes. Likewise, lack of insurance cover constitutes financial barriers, hindering access to quality care. Limited knowledge could delay the effective implementation of diabetes health promotion, particularly in implementing information, such as diet guidelines that require knowledge on cooking and food to improve well-being (Breuing et al., 2020).

Effective intervention requires comprehensive prediabetic management, particularly intervention that focuses on lifestyle interventions of exercise and diet. Therefore effective navigation of these challenges, such as friends and family, limited knowledge, and economic factors to achieve lifestyle modifications, is required. Effective implementation of diabetes promotion requires cultural competencies in the targeted population. Involving diverse interprofessional teams in diabetes health promotion can improve an organization’s cultural competence, enhancing patient outcomes. Likewise, creating awareness among the patients, families, and friends to embrace healthy living through community mobilization could reduce challenges to diabetes health promotion.


Breuing, J., Pieper, D., Neuhaus, A. L., Heß, S., Lütkemeier, L., Haas, F., … & Graf, C. (2020). Barriers and facilitating factors in the prevention of diabetes type 2 and gestational diabetes in vulnerable groups: a scoping review. PloS one, 15(5), e0232250.

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Mayra Oliva Rivero

43 minutes ago, at 9:25 PM



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Health promotion is the cornerstone in the public health sector from how it facilitates improved quality of life and overall reduction of premature deaths. At the same time, diabetes is a chronic disease listed among the leading burdens in public health, and this calls for a need for health promotion. According to Heath (2020), health promotion is a complex and challenging healthcare approach, especially when the issue addressed affects large numbers of people. This research explores challenges associated with the implementation of health promotion for cases of diabetes.

Challenges of diabetes health promotion

The world is characterized by multiculturalism. The population comprises people from different socioeconomic statuses, ages, cultural diversity, and education. In understanding diabetes epidemiology, the health issue is a nationwide issue and a burden for the United States and the world as a whole. For this case, therefore, the issue affects all people regardless of their needs and demographic characteristics. In understanding the concept of multiculturalism, major challenges affecting health promotion practices are; language barriers, religious issues, especially in strategizing diet plans, and unfamiliarity with the concept, especially from illiterate people.

Another key challenge is the varying patient needs, making it hard to address all needs through health promotion. According to Leyns et al. (2021), type 2 diabetes affects people differently, and among the issues associated are mental, social, and physical needs, all of which need to be addressed. Meeting these needs across millions of people globally is a costly and near-impossible approach. This extensiveness of disease pattern and association with commodity makes the disease complex to be understood. The population regarding disease patterns is also shaped by environmental, social, and economic factors whose extensiveness makes understanding diabetes complex (Galea, 2017). War, insecurity issues, and economic fluctuations are also historical issues that may affect health promotion’s effectiveness and successful implementation.

Diabetes is one of the common chronic health issues affecting millions of people across the globe. The fact that it is a disease burden associated with the high cost of healthcare to management and comorbidity is enough to mandate the implementation of health promotion approaches. The process is, however, complex and demanding. High cost of care, cultural barriers such as communication, historical issues like was wars, and economic fluctuations are some of the challenges preventing this health promotion process from taking place and should thus be considered during planning.


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Ivon Hernandez

an hour ago, at 9:08 PM



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Whether public or private, every organization is interested in the well-being of its workforce. A healthy workforce is more productive and poses minimal health burdens to the organization. However, effective management requires a holistic approach that addresses the health concerns at the grassroots or community level (Nash et al., 2016). In this regard, multi-sector partnerships and collaborations are essential to increase the capacity of the community to shape outcomes. Public and private organizations can work together better to achieve goals of mutual interest in healthcare through shared goals, joint community healthcare programs, and setting common healthcare policies and standards.

Public and private entities can establish shared healthcare values, objectives, policies, and standards to attain goals of mutual interest in healthcare. According to Nash et al. (2016), an organization should go beyond the international and national healthcare policies to address the specific healthcare concerns of its staff and the community they serve. Therefore, both public and private companies can set the same internal policies and put in place measures to address healthcare needs and demands.

Public and private organizations can plan and implement joint community programs aimed at promoting healthy living. Instead of each sector organizing its initiative, the sectors can collaborate to advance similar programs. Furthermore, these organizations can mobilize funds and other resources to oversee community or population-based health initiatives. The arrangement enables the entities to reach out to many people and save on resources.

Partnership and collaboration between public and private entities can be facilitated through ongoing, structured communication. Sharing information across sectors allows interested organizations to create a mutual understanding regarding the capacity of each entity (Nash et al., 2016). Through collaboration, each firm can focus on a specific area of concern depending on its strengths, thereby avoiding duplication of healthcare services or programs in a community.

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Taymir Torres

Transformative change is taking place in the government’s health sector. As a result of the public healthcare society’s adoption of a “health in all measures” strategy, several different technologies and projects are emerging across the country. Aggregation of insurance firms into massive corporations, value-based payment solutions, and a rising merging of inpatient and outpatient services into huge hospital systems, both charitable and shareholder, are just a few of the key changes occurring in healthcare provision and funding (Protasov&Morozova, 2021). One of the most encouraging aspects of this shift is the growing recognition of the importance of improved communication and increased public-private cooperation.

A large number of innovative and promising cross-sectoral efforts are now underway. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to be done. Cooperation between public health agencies and non-profit health care providers, and other community representatives are often lacking across the country (Filho, 2019). We need to disseminate the knowledge we’ve gleaned through effective cooperative partnerships. If you’re a healthcare, clinical, or public health group at the state and national level and you’re interested in providing training, government initiatives, and practical assistance to current and prospective public-private partnerships, there’s a lot of potentials there.

With the help of groups like the IOM, Academy Health, foundations with an interest in promoting public health, and universities—along with institutions such as these—the effectiveness of public-private partnership on the healthcare system and costs may be studied in a methodical manner (Collyer, 2019). Future public-private collaborations will benefit greatly from clearer documentation of the success or failure of current collaborations in terms of both economic and non-economic outcomes.


Collyer, F. (2019). Chapter thirteen: Navigating private and public healthcare. Navigating Private and Public Healthcare, 271-294.

Filho, P. O. (2019). Social organizations in health. Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration, 228-246.

Protasov, M., &Morozova, T. (2021). Risk accounting in a public-private partnership for the creation of infrastructure facilities for healthcare organizations. Buhuchet v zdravoohranenii (Accounting in Healthcare), (6), 40-46.