Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete, organized, detailed outline of your medication paper in APA format with sources cited and referenced accurately. Nursing homework help


Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:

  • Use standard alphanumeric outline format.
  • Include a rough draft of your abstract.
  • Include APA in-text citations.
  • Include an APA formatted reference page.
  • Include a title page.
  • Use APA format throughout.


you should include at least five recent references (published within the last five years)




  1. The outline includes several high quality, thought provoking ideas/points which are skillfully used to creatively and completely support the thesis. Outline demonstrates a well-balanced approach to researching the topic (subcategories are of equal significance under each body paragraph). Subtopics are specific and avoid generalities. Subtopics demonstrate extensive research and thought on the topic.
  2. The thesis is concise and clearly articulated in the beginning. Subtopics are pertinent and highly relevant to the main body paragraphs. Detailed, meaningful quotations and paraphrases aptly and accurately support the topic evenly throughout each subtopic. Nursing homework help










This is the topic proposal, just to give an idea of what was done before,

Imcivree is a medication widely used to treat people suffering from overweight and obesity conditions. The Imcivree medication also helps to control hunger resulting from particular genetic disorders that affect brain control over the feeling of hunger (Ryan, 2021). Generally, a medical practitioner can administer this type of medication to adults and children aged at least six years. It is administered to patients with specific conditions such as leptin receptor (LEPR) deficiency or pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) deficiency. Such conditions result from mutational changes in the genes used to make LEPR or POMC (Ryan, 2021). However, since pro-opiomelanocortin and leptin deficiencies are uncommon, the Imcivree medication was termed an ‘orphan medicine.’

I’m interested in researching Imcivree medication for various reasons. Firstly, I wish to determine whether the medicine effectively reduces body weight, as argued by past studies. For example, a study by Ryan (2021) shows that Imcivree has proved to be an effective medicine in reducing people’s body weight with LEPR and POMC deficiency conditions, with the rate of at least 10%. Secondly, I am interested in determining the effects of this medicine on hunger feelings. I aim to achieve this by using measured questionnaires to determine the percentage of patients who reduce hunger after taking medication.

According to Ryan (2021), very few patients have POMC and LEPR deficiencies. In this study, the author concluded that Imcivree plays a critical role in reducing the patients’ feeling of hunger and bodyweights. However, the benefits of this medication are remarkable, especially now that there is no other medication for these conditions. Therefore, Imcivree is relevant today because new concerns or changes to current medicine will update the drug. This is because Imcivree is the only authorized medicine for treating obesity and controlling the feeling of hunger in these patients.