Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help


using formal APA writing convention, using the 7th Edition APA




This week’s assignment included taking a strength finder assessment and analyzing our individual results. According to the signature theme report, My five main strengths include relator, achiever, discipline, consistency, and learner. A relator is an attitude toward relationships. My theme included being pulled toward people I already know. I am not afraid of meeting new people, however, prefer people I  already know. As an achiever, in order to feel accomplished, I must complete tasks no matter how small. This theme describes a fire burning within me. As far as discipline, I like a plan and routines. I feel the need to be in control. When it comes to consistency, balance and fairness are important.  Nursing homework help



Two Core Values

Core values can be defined as, “Personal values are the things we hold important to us, the behaviors and attributes that guide our decisions and motivate us to action” (Small Business Coach, 2021, para. 3). The two core values of utmost importance to me are discipline and consistency.  Discipline keeps me grounded and focused on the right choices. Discipline steers me in the right direction in life. Consistency is important to continue to stay focused and grounded. Consistency creates balance in my life which I value. “Our research shows employees display greater performance and well-being when the level of challenging tasks they work on is consistent or stable” (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2020, para. 2). I would also choose both of these themes as my strengths for the same reasons listed.  Nursing homework help

Two Characteristics to Strengthen

The first characteristic to strengthen would be relator. Although I form deep relationships with people I know, as a leader I want to be vulnerable and approachable. Although the relator theme states it’s a positive due to building strong teams, I feel it would be hard if one does not come across as approachable, to begin with. The second characteristic I would like to strengthen would be an achievement. While this is usually a positive, there are times the need for achievement can almost become like a competition. This is where I would like to strengthen this theme. Achievers tend to never shut off and tend to be judgmental (literacymn, 2010). I would definitely want to strengthen this area of this theme for effective leadership.


literacymn. (2010). Theme descriptors and barrier labels [PDF]. Strengths: Light and Dark (in balance or over-calibrated).

Small Business Coach. (2021, March 31). How to define your core values and beliefs.

define-your-core-values-and-beliefs/ Nursing homework help

University of Nebraska-Lincoln. (2020, June 16). Research shows connection between consistency, productivity.