Nursing homework help

Nursing homework help

DQ#1 Tatiana:Yoga is an ancient practice that has been passed down over many generations for over five centuries ago. The term yoga encompasses aspects such as ‘yuj,’ which means unite, to symbolize the union of a person’s soul with the universal soul, leading to a state of consciousness (Fontaine, 2019). Yoga is related to health and illness. For instance, the World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete, mental, physical, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity; hence, it is evident that health is a multidimensional state (Yoga, 2021). Hence, it can be achieved by using a holistic approach to meet the needs of each of the dimensions. Nursing homework help


Yoga is an appropriate intervention that guarantees positive outcomes in each dimension. Besides, yoga is a union of yama, asana, niyama, pratyahara, pranayama, dharana, Samadhi and dhyana (Yoga, 2021). Intense practice of such dimensions leads to self-realization. In this manner, yoga is a holistic way of life that leads to a state of complete social, physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. Yoga is used as a therapeutic intervention for modern diseases such as obesity, stress, hypertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and coronary heart disease; besides, Studies show the significant role of yoga as a non-pharmaceutical intervention is essential in the treatment of such conditions (Kumar Taneja, 2014). To alleviate sickness or symptoms, yoga helps decrease stress, anxiety and lower the levels of salivary cortisol, including rennin levels. It also keeps epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in balance. Hence, effectively managing sicknesses such as coronary heart diseases, hypertension, and diabetes. Nursing homework help


DQ#2: Christian:Several activities and actions are used as complementary medications and they have abilities to yield the best possible results. One of them is meditation, and it is defined as the process of taking the mind away from the stressful points of life to focus only on that, which is helpful. In the former years, meditation was used as a spiritual activity to help the mind understand the mysteries of spiritual and religious aspects. Today, meditation is one of the major recommendations given by healthcare providers as the primary process for relieving the body of stress and bringing mental and physical healing to the whole body.

Meditation can take place in different forms including guided meditation, yoga, prayers, mantra meditation, Qi gong, mindfulness meditation, and Tai Chi among others. All these forms of meditation must have specific elements that include focused breathing, relaxed breathing, a quiet setting, a comfortable position, and an open attitude. The meditations can also be done in different formats including breathing deeply, scanning the body, repeating a mantra, walking and meditating, reading and reflecting, and placing focus on love and gratitude (Farias et al., 2020). Practicing any of these elements for a continuous period helps the body to remain healthy and scholars have argued that it can bring healing to people suffering from conditions such as anxiety, cancer, asthma, depression, chronic pain, high blood pressure, heart disease, tension headaches, and sleep problems (Kreplin et a., 2018).

Meditation mainly works by improving the ability of the body to fight infections and diseases. A clouded mind cannot fight infections as it leads to a weaker immune system. However, a peaceful and calm mind leads to a strengthened body that can fight any condition developing from other parts of the body.


DQ#3: Lisdiana:  In this scenario, when there is widespread worry about who may have sprayed graffiti outside the school compound, I would first examine material from various groups that appear to have an understanding of what is going on (Braga & Weisburd, 2006). I’ll choose a few people, primarily student leaders, and ask them if they’ve detected any questionable behaviour from any individual or organization. Because the graffiti appears to be familiar to me, I would examine it and compare it to what I observed at the recent drive-in meeting. I’ll also quiz the librarian to learn more about the physical copy she chose.

The cases have now made their way to Hometown High School (Braga, 2006). After scanning the numerous pieces of information, I gathered and analyzed the data in an attempt to determine what may be the root cause of this graffiti appearing on various structures. I’ll look at the parallels between the physical copy labels and the material they appear to represent. The contents will take me to the computer screen’s owner.

The third stage is to decide how to respond to the information acquired. As my first suspect, I’ll send the student with the computer screen name to interview him. Then I’ll summon the new student who appears suspicious based on his attire. I’ll ask the two to tell me where they were at the time of the crime. I’ll question about their associates, and if any of them does not have an alibi, they’ll be among my suspects, who will be brought before the disciplinary committee and punished ( Braga, 2006).

When attempting to analyze the issue, consider if the reaction was successful in resolving the problem. Assume there is a need to implement more safeguards to prevent similar crimes from occurring in the future (Santos, 2014). I will advise the school to install new security lights in strategic locations across the school grounds. Installing surveillance cameras and increasing school security will also aid in the prevention of such crimes.


DQ#4: Yirlem:  The five stages of the Kübler-Ross model denote the gradual acceptance of the loss, and the transition between the featured patterns is necessary to cope with the emotional distress. The text states: “a series of five stages—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—that people go through as they come to grips with their own imminent death” (James & Gilliland, 2017, p.380). The first stage is denial, and the individual strives to reject his condition or fact of the loss with logical arguments. The second stage is anger, and the person starts blaming his life or specific circumstances (Kübler-Ross, (2015). The third stage involves the individual’s willingness to delay or postpone the situation. The fourth and final stages denote the depression that ends with the acceptance of reality, and it can be acceptance of the loss or inevitable fact, like a terminal stage of a disease that has no cure.

There are different types of loss, and they depend on the specific situation and people, and the death of family members is not the only cause of these affections. The reading argues: “People commonly associate certain losses with strong feelings of grief” (Crowell, 2022). In turn, it can be a loss of a friend, child, parents, partner and the death of friends or family members. It is necessary to admit that the loss of a job, position, things, home and abilities is also a common type of grief. People share unique experiences and relationships, and their ends can be the cause of these negative emotions. For instance, the death of a favorite pet is also a type of loss, though it does not share the standard concept of friendship or kinship.