DQ .1    
Hiring the Right Person to Lead HIMs Products and Workflow
For this discussion, imagine that you have been tasked with being  the hiring manager for a HIM professional to help lead and improve the  workflow and quality of the HIT within the organization. Your first task  is to examine the current state of the workflow related to HIT within  the organization, or a specific unit or team. Your second task is to  curate a brief description or list of characteristics and qualifications  that a new HIM professional would have, and to comment on the relevance  and importance of them with regards to the position and organization.
For your main post of the discussion, from your viewpoint as a hiring manager, please address the following:

Briefly describe an organization that will be the basis of your post.      

This could be your current place of practice, a former place of  practice, or any health care organization you are interested in and can  research effectively.

Summarize the current state of the HIT workflow for the organization, unit, or team.
Identify the challenges that individuals or role groups are facing within the current workflow.      

How could trainings or additional supports help to improve their work experience and efficacy?
What leadership strategies or best practices could be leveraged  to overcome these challenges and improve outcomes related to HIT?

Based on the workflow, challenges facing those working with HIT,  and the potential leadership needs, briefly describe the type of person  who would be a good fit for the HIM professional position.
Identify required and desirable qualifications (educations, certifications, experience) for the position.      

Which of these qualifications are most relevant and desirable? Why?

Briefly comment on how the personal and professional qualifications you identified compare to those in similar job postings.      

Please, use actual job postings either from the internet or  elsewhere as the basis of your comparison. Remember to cite the job  postings used for comparison.

Support your post with at least one peer-reviewed source, using  course readings or other scholarly literature. Include APA-formatted  in-text citations and accompanying, congruent APA-formatted references.
Response Guidelines
Respond your peers according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines.
In your response, take on the role of an organizational leader.
Address the following in your response to your peers:

Comment on how the type of person that is being sought aligns  with the apparent workflow, training, and leadership needs of the  organization.
Comment on the degree to which the level of qualifications align with the level of job that they are being asked to do.      

To what extent do you agree with the qualifications that your peers identified as being most desirable and relevant?

Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Identify areas of need within an organization which a Health Information management professional could help.
Identify benefits to an organization of hiring a health information management professional.
Identify key job function of a health information management professional.
Identify required and desirable qualifications for a health information management professional to possess.
Apply current APA style guidelines.
Write clearly and accurately.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
APA Module.
Capella University Library.

Financial Impacts of New Hires and Creating Stakeholder Buy-In
For this discussion, you will be trying to illustrate how the  benefits of hiring a HIM professional outweigh the costs associated with  the new hire.
For your main post of the discussion, please address the following:

Identify the costs associated with hiring a new HIM professional. Consider costs such as:      

Advertising the position.
Time reviewing resumes and conducting interviews.
Compensation package.

Identify ways that the new HIM professional will benefit the organization. Consider benefit areas such as:      

Patient experience.
Employee experience.

Select a stakeholder group of the organization and explain how  you could message the benefits of the new hire to appeal directly to  that stakeholder group.

Support your post with at least one peer-reviewed source, using  course readings or other scholarly literature. Include APA-formatted  in-text citations and accompanying congruent APA-formatted references.
Response Guidelines
Respond to your peers according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines.
In your response, take on the role of the stakeholder group that your peer selected.
Address the following in your response to your peers:

Comment on your primary concern with regards to the costs associated with the new hire.
Comment on which benefits are most appealing to you, from your viewpoint of the stakeholder.
Comment on the strengths of your peers’ communication with the stakeholder group.

Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Identify the costs associated with hiring a new HIM professional.
Identify ways that the new HIM professional will benefit the organization.
Identify stakeholders key to hiring and evidence that will be compelling to them.
Apply current APA style guidelines.
Write clearly and accurately.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
Capella University Library.
APA Module.

Case Study: Is That a Union Forming?
The employees in your company have stated that they are forming a union. Address the following:

Suggest first steps for HR management to take in anticipation of the unionization.
Describe why those steps are appropriate.
Discuss what information you would consider critical to gather to make your recommendation.

Reference relevant provisions of the National Labor Relations Act to support your suggestions.
Initial Post Guidelines
Initial posts should be based upon peer-reviewed, evidence-based  literature. In your post, include at least one APA-formatted in-text  citation and the accompanying, congruent APA-formatted reference. Your  source can be a course textbook, assigned reading, or other scholarly  source.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of other learners according to the Faculty  Expectations Response Guidelines. If possible, respond to one learner  who has a perspective, background, or goals that are similar to yours  and then to one learner whose perspective, background, or goals are  different.
Peer responses should be substantive and must include one  peer-reviewed source (in current APA style) that aligns with the  discussion thread. You may feel free to add an additional source that is  new or provides a completely different perspective. “I agree” and  “Thanks for sharing your insights” are examples of unacceptable  responses that do not contribute content for enhanced learning. The goal  is quality, substantive feedback that demonstrates higher-order  critical thinking and evaluation of peers’ initial posts.

Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
National Labor Relations Act.
Capella University Library.
How Do I Find Peer-Reviewed Articles?.
APA Style and Format.

Unionizing: A Communication to Stakeholders
When a union first forms, communication is a critical component of  the process on all sides. Imagine you are a union organizer considering  your communication plan. You have decided to introduce your intention to  unionize your workplace to various stakeholders.

Identify the key stakeholders in the community, management, and  employees that should be considered when developing a communication  plan.
Draft a communication that states your intention to create a  union to one of the stakeholders that you have identified. As you craft  your communication, consider your initial objectives for the  communication as well as the audience, message, and tone.

Initial Post Guidelines
Your initial post must meet the requirements according to the  Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines and be formatted appropriately  for the type of communication described.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of other learners according to the Faculty  Expectations Response Guidelines. If possible, respond to one learner  who has a perspective, background, or goals that are similar to yours  and then to one learner whose perspective, background, or goals are  different. The goal is quality, substantive feedback that demonstrates  higher-order critical thinking and evaluation of peers’ initial posts.

Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.