Apply Legal and Ethical Parameters In Nursing Practice

HLTEN509B Apply Legal and Ethical Parameters In Nursing  Practice – Southern Cross Education Institute(SCEI)

Assessment Task No. 1  Questioning

1. Outline the significance of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (2009) on the governance of the conduct of the Enrolled Nurse.

2. In legal context, describe the difference between assault and battery and this applies to

nursing practice?

3. Discuss the type of restraints that may be used within the health care setting.

4. Discuss the term false imprisonment and give a nursing example of how this can happen.

5. What does the term defamation mean and how this applies to nursing practice?

6. Identify two (2) legal responsibilities you have as a student enrolled nurse, as opposed to

those as a graduated enrolled nurse.

7. Write in full the organisations listed below and what role do they fulfil in nursing.





8. Outline five (5) things you need to do to ensure your documentation in a client’s record meets the required legal aspects.

9. Discuss the management of client information; documentation and storing, relevant to your nursing practice. Include:

a. Legal documentation

b. Freedom of information legislation

c. Privacy Act

d. Confidentiality

10. All nurses are expected to adhere to Standards of care in their practice. Where can nurses locate these Standards of Care and where does the advice for these Standards comes from?

11. Access the Professional Code of Conduct for Nurses. According to statement 1.4, “When an aspect of care is delegated nurses ensure that the delegation does not compromise the safety or quality of care of people.” Given this statement, explain your understanding of your role as an enrolled nurse in relation to ‘restraint of a client.”

12. Enrolled Nurse, Michelle, begins to shower Mr Brown, aged 76, who has some R) sided weakness after a CVA (stroke) 4 years ago. Michelle leaves Mr Brown for a moment to get some towels. Although she told him not to move she returns to find him on the floor, and complaining a severe pain in his R) leg. An x-ray confirms a # R) femur.Identify the elements of negligence and explain how each element relates to this situation?

13. What does the term ‘valid consent’ mean in the context of your role as an Enrolled Nurse?

14. What does ‘legal and intellectual capacity’ mean in the context of your job role?

15. Explain the requirements of mandatory reporting for nurses in your state.

16. Explain your working knowledge of the following terms of law associated with the practice of nursing:

a. types of law

b. court system

c. common law

d. statute law

e. civil law

f. precedent

g. sources of law

17. Explain the types of consent related to the delivery of healthcare.

18. What is your knowledge of contemporary ethical issues of?

a. Autonomy

b. Non-maleficence

c. Beneficence

d. Justice

e. Rights

19. Describe the meaning and application of the following terms to Enrolled Nurse practice.

a. Ethics

b. Bioethics

c. Nursing ethics

20. An enrolled nursing student is undertaking professional practice placement in an Aged Care Residential Facility. The registered nurse knows the student is on their last placement before graduating. The registered nurse is extremely busy and asks the student if they have performed a female cauterization as part of their course. The student states she has in the simulated nursing skills laboratory. The registered nurse asks the student if she can read the facility procedure on female catheterisation and perform the procedure unsupervised on one of the female residents.

Using the Nursing Decision Making Framework and Flowchart, determine if it would be appropriate for the student to proceed with this procedure. Provide an explanation for your decision.

Scenario 1  Post Partum Haemorrhage

Mrs P is critically ill after delivering her first baby. She has had uncontrolled bleeding post-partum. Her severe blood loss is putting her at risk of dying. Doctors wish to transfuse 4 Units of packed red blood cells as her Haemoglobin level has now dropped to dangerously low. The midwife estimates Mrs P’s blood loss to be approximately 1200 mls since the birth of the child 6 hours previously.

Mrs P is now showing signs of hypovolaemic shock, medical staff are concerned she is a risk of cardiac arrest. Her blood pressure is low; her oxygen saturations are falling despite oxygen administration. She is tachycardic at 112 beats per minute but the pulse is weak….

Scenario 2  Right to Die

Mrs Joan White, aged 45, was diagnosed with the rare Pick’s dementia 2 years ago. Since then she has rapidly deteriorated, and now requires artificial nutritional support to sustain life. Doctors have inserted a nasogastric tube, and the dietician has started a regime of enteral feeds to maintain her body weight and meet the right nutritional needs. Mrs White has strongly voiced her disapproval to this intervention, but the doctors gained consent from her husband Mr White who she had earlier appointed as her Enduring Power of Attorney (Medical Treatment)….

Scenario 3 Individuals right to…….

Mr Jack Green is 68, single, and living in the supported accommodation facility where you work. Jack’s only known relative is a distant cousin, and he looks upon the staff of this facility as his family.Jack has a couple of hobbies that you are increasingly uncomfortable with. The first is his involvement with mail order companies. Every week several parcels arrive with products Jack has ordered. Quite often, he also receives a free product as part of a customer appreciation deal. Inevitably, Jack gives these freebies to individual staff members. Although this practice started quite innocently (with a bar of chocolate or a packet of lollies, of late Jack has been giving away gifts such as watches, fancy pens, diaries or similar items. You are concerned that accepting such gifts is unethical. You want to ask Jack to stop giving these goods to staff, but you are not sure of whether you would be breaching any policies, or rights, or law…..