Evaluating Professional Practice according to New Zealand nursing standard.

I have an assignment regarding Professional Nursing: Evaluating Professional Practice according to New Zealand nursing standard.

Some of the literatures you are required to include for Task 2 are from:

New Zealand Nurses Organization – Code of Conduct

– Health Worker’s Rights: Your rights to support & respect

Nursing Council New Zealand – Competencies for registered nurses

– Professional Boundaries

Human Rights Act 1993

Health Practitioners Competency Act

Health & Disability Commissioner (HDC)

Cultural Safety

Please make sure everything is according to New Zealand context.Document Preview:

Assessment Introduction: The emphasis in this assessment is on your understanding of the ethical, legal and professional obligations of a registered nurse (RN), as outlined in the eight principles of the Code of Conduct (NCNZ, 2012). You will demonstrate that understanding through an exploration of, and reflection on, one interaction between a registered nurse and a patient/client you observed during a clinical placement. The interaction you select can be either positive or negative for the client/patient. Assignment Tasks: Task One: The interaction (300 words) Briefly summarise one interaction between a registered nurse and client/patient you observed during a clinical placement. You must ensure anonymity and confidentiality of all the parties and the clinical setting when developing your summary. The interaction you select can be either positive or negative for the client/patient but must be sufficiently complex to enable an indepth analysis of the ethical, legal and professional obligations of a registered nurse. Task Two: Evaluate the interaction against four (4) principles of the code of conduct. (1800 words) Identify which four of the eight principles in the code are MOST applicable. Then, For each principle, explain your understanding of the principle AND objectively evaluate the RN’s practice against this principle. Focus this discussion by choosing just one (1) or two (2) of the applicable standards. Support your discussion with appropriate literature. Task Three: The impact for professional nursing (300 words) Based on your overall evaluation of this interaction, briefly discuss how the practice of the registered nurse you observed contributes to, or detracts from, professional nursing within New Zealand. Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: https://products.aspose.com/words/ Professional Nursing Assessment 1 Assessment One Rubric: Evaluating…