Health care organizations (HCOs) need to acquire long-term and short-term assets to fulfill their mission to stakeholders. In addition to receiving grants from federal and state sources, HCO managers need to raise capital from either debt, equity or both in some cases.

Health care organizations (HCOs) need to acquire long-term and short-term assets to fulfill their mission to stakeholders. In addition to receiving grants from federal and state sources, HCO managers need to raise capital from either debt, equity or both in some cases.

Review the following link:

Explain the steps associated with issuing debt.

Define the ratings that are applied to organizations holding debt.

Identify and explain ten factors that affect an HCO’s debt rating.

Provide five reasons why HCO managers would be concerned about debt valuation.

Statistical Data for Two Nursing Units are shown in Table EX 9.6 :

Using the data provided above, analyze and compare the productivity of the two nursing units (for each productivity ratio indicate which unit is more productive) with respect to:

a. Adjusted Nursing Hours per Adjusted Discharge

b. Nursing Salary Expense per Adjusted Discharge

c. Percentage of Adjusted Nursing Hours in Direct Patient Care