Nursing – Consumer-Centred Mental Health

Nursing – Consumer-Centred Mental Health – Nursing Assignment Help


Referring to evidence-based nursing literature and literature by people who have experiences of living with the effects of a mental disorder, you are required to:

(i) discuss how an understanding of peoples&; lived experiences of amental disorder can contribute to the development of person-centred mental 
health nursing practice.

(ii) reflect on your own nursing practice and identify one aspect that requires somedevelopment for you to work collaboratively with people who have a livedexperience of a mental disorder. With reference to relevant nursing literature,reflect on how you could develop this aspect of your own nursing practice. In thissection of the discussion you can use the first person, , when you are discussingyour own practice development; however, you must also support this section of the discussion with references to relevant literature.

Term Paper – Each student is required to write a term paper. As you will learn in this course, many criminological theories help to explain not only criminality and deviance, but conformity as well. For the term paper, you must determine which theories are most useful / applicable for explaining how you have arrived at where you are in your life. Your goal is to incorporate 5 theories into your paper by discussing each relevant theory thoroughly and identifying the theorist(s) credited with developing it. Be sure to point out the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as you integrate them into an analysis of how you have become the person you are today. Papers shall be a minimum of 7, maximum of 10, pages in length; typed in 12 point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. This paper is worth 150 points.