Throughout the Bachelor of Nursing program at CQUniversity, students have been asked to maintain the currency of a professional portfolio. This assessment is intended to assist students in developing a professional curriculum vitae and receive academic feedback prior to providing their professional portfolio to prospective employers.

1 Professional Portfolio 
Assessment Type 
Task Description 
Throughout the Bachelor of Nursing program at CQUniversity, students have been asked to maintain the currency of a professional portfolio. This assessment is intended to assist students in developing a professional curriculum vitae and receive academic feedback prior to providing their professional portfolio to prospective employers. 
The professional portfolio consists of ?ve (3) activities, all of which must be completed to a pass level as per the portfolio marking guide before a pass grade can be awarded. The portfolio marking guide is available on the unit Moodle site. 

Activity 1: Responses to 5 Interview reflections 
Write a concise reflective response to each of the ?ve (5) points below in preparation for a postgraduate interview (maximum 100 words per above point). During the interview you will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate the following at a graduate level: 
? Patient focus – consistently and enthusiastically delivers high level of patient centered service to exceed patients' expectations. 
? Team focus – supports and respects team members, communicating e?ectively and demonstrating a commitment to the team. 
? Work ethics – demonstrates strong self-management skills, a commitment to nursing and ?exibility to adapt to unexpected changes. 
? Quality and research focus – knowledge of and a demonstrated commitment to evidence- based practice, identifying areas for improvement and contributing to these improvements incorporating nursing research. 
? Work values – demonstrates honesty, integrity, and respect for all patients, carers, and sta?. 

Activity 2: Professional Evidence 
Professional Evidence – include 5 to 10 relevant pieces of evidence that highlight your clinical practice as a student nurse. These may include but are not limited to: most recent medication safety certi?cate of completion (100%); any recent clinical performance review (formative and summative from CNP 3); conferences attended; participation in research; anecdotal notes from sta? while on clinical placement, volunteer community service, outward bound nursing trips (Nepal etc.); any relevant in-service attendance; workshop or simulation attendance; or any other relevant evidence. Please do not include any mandatory training requirements i.e. hand hygiene, infection control, blood safe, basic life support etc. 
Activity 3: Written response to answer the selection criteria for your employment application 
Write a short response (maximum 500 words) describing how your experience, abilities, knowledge and personal qualities are relevant to the role; taking into account the key responsibilities and attributes of a Registered Nurse position. You may want to structure any examples using the 'STAR' methodology: 
– Situation – a brief outline of the situation 
– Task – the task that you performed in the particular situation. 
– Action – the action/s you undertook to achieve the situation. 
– Result – the outcomes from your actions and results of the overall situation. 
Minimum mark or grade 
Must pass this assessment item to be eligible to pass the Unit. Please note – only two attempts at completing this assessment will be permitted. Second attempt will only be available to students who submit their portfolio by the due date. 
Assessment Criteria 
This assessment consists of five (3) activities, all of which must be completed to a pass level as per the portfolio marking guide before a Pass grade can be awarded. 
A detailed marking guide is available and can be accessed on the unit Moodle site. You must achieve a Pass grade for Assessment 1 to be eligible to pass the unit. 
Please note: only one revert to draft will be allowed as this enables students to resubmit their portfolio for their ?nal attempt to pass this assessment. 
Should you not pass the ?nal attempt at this assessment you will receive a FAIL for NURS13133. 
Important – point 4.62 of the CQUniversity Assessment Policy and Procedures (Higher Education Coursework states – “In non-graded (pass/fail) units, all assessment tasks must be submitted by the due date. Students who fail a single assessment task in a pass/fail unit, or who fail a pass/fail component of a graded unit will be deemed to have failed that unit.” 
Referencing Style 
American Psychological Association (APA) 
Submission Instructions 
An electronic version of your completed clinical portfolio documentation must be uploaded into NURS13133 Clinical Nursing Practice 4 unit Moodle site. 
Learning Outcomes Assessed 
? Integrate cultural competence and advanced communication skills to communicate and collaborate e?ectively with individuals, families, carers and members of the multidisciplinary team to facilitate positive health outcomes. 
? Apply the principles of patient safety and quality to the nursing process to deliver evidenced based, person centred nursing care to individuals, families and carers experiencing long term alterations in health. 
? Function within legal and ethical frameworks and scope of practice as a nursing student in accordance with Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) competencies when caring for individuals, families and carers experiencing long term alterations in health.