Childhood obesity in community
Question Description
Intervention and Evaluation PowerPointPowerPoint Presentation
Introduction: (average of 2-3 slides)
Identify an evidence based intervention: (average of 2–3 slides)
Intervention Implementation: (average of 3–4 slides
Proposed Evaluation Methods: (average of 2–3 slides)
Summary: (average 1 slide)
You are a community public health nurse (C/PHN) working with the vulnerable population you identified in Milestone 2(Childhood obesity in community). Then develop a proposal to implement this intervention and a plan to evaluate the outcomes of this intervention. Create a PowerPoint that you could use to present to an organization in your community to request approval for funding and support for this intervention. (You are not required to implement the intervention or present your PowerPoint, though you may want to consider implementing your project in the future)
Question Description
Please see attached copy of the work.
In this third and final submission lanofp your Course Project, you will be completing a comprehensive care plan. This written assignment should include the following:
Comprehensive Plan of Care
Develop a comprehensive plan of care/treatment with short and long term goals and include safety needs, special considerations regarding personal needs, cultural/spiritual implications, and needed health restoration, maintenance, and promotion.
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.