Describe the data/information that flows between health care organizations.

Question Description

Topic: Describe the data/information that flows between health care organizations.The Week 3 readings focus on data – data quality, data storage, and data records (EHRs). For your Stage 2 assignment, you will identify external organizations with which the Midtown Family Clinic needs to share data, identify what data elements will be shared, and whether the data is going to the external organization or is coming from the external organization. In this discussion, we will examine what interoperability (data sharing) is, why it is important, and why it is so difficult. First, you should conduct some research and find out what interoperability is and how it impacts or is used in health care systems. Then,to gain an understanding of the major challenges with sharing data go to: 3: Using a rehabilitation facility as the organization,List three data elements (or items of information) that the rehab facility would need to receive with a patient referral [Review what others have posted and try to come up with some different data elements]List one unique (not previously listed by another respondent) data element that the rehab facility would need to provide to an external organization, and identify what type of organization that is and the purpose of the data sharing.Choose one aspect of interoperability that you found in your research and explain what an EHR system for the rehab facility would need to be able to do to exchange information with other organizations.GROUPS 1, 2 and 4: In replying to the postings, you are to critically evaluate all of the following for at least two main postings:Are the data elements listed appropriate to the information that a rehab facility would receive with a patient referral? If not, explain.Is data element that is identified to be provided to an external organization appropriate for sharing with the identified organization, and is it related to the stated purpose? If not, explain.Does the explanation of what the rehab facility’s EHR system would need to be able to do to exchange information with other organizations correctly relate to the component of interoperability chosen? Explain your response.EVERYONE: Review the criteria in the Discussion Grading Rubric, and reply to those who critique your work or post other points of view. Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of the topic and analytical thinking.