nurses as writers

Question Description

250-300 words ASAP

  • 250-300 words
  • First, review the list of readings in the Week 9 lesson. Select two readings that you personally connect with, that you find interesting, or that otherwise stand out to you for a particular reason.Next, after you have read the two selected readings, write an initial post that answers the following questions:
    1. Tell your classmates which readings you selected, and why. Try to be a specific as possible.
    2. How can you use the readings to inspire your Creative Reflection?
  • Mulvhill, L. (2013, July 9). Excerpt: A true story of becoming a nurse. Parade Magazine. Retrieved from
  • Marete, C. (n.d.). What if I die now?. Pulse. Retrieved from
  • Thompson, E. (2013, November 22). Supersize me. Pulse. Retrieved from
  • Romm, R. (2009). Excerpt from The Mercy Papers. KCRW. Retrieved from
  • Just a regular shift… [Blog post]. (2016, July 23). Confessions of a Student Nurse. Retrieved from
  • When a baby dies [Blog post]. (2016, February 25). Confessions of a Student Nurse. Retrieved from
  • I’ll never forget… [Blog post]. (2014, January 8). Confessions of a Student Nurse. Retrieved from
  • I have all the time in the world [Blog post]. (2016, September 25). Head Nurse. Retrieved from
  • Shot of ice [Blog post]. (2016, December 26). The Underside of Nursing. Retrieved from
  • Take a break [Blog post]. (2017, January 11). The Underside of Nursing. Retrieved from
  • No snacks worth eating [Blog post]. (2017, March 18). The Underside of Nursing. Retrieved from
  • Under my skin [Blog post]. (2011, July 6). Lost on the Floor. Retrieved from
  • The nurse’s heart: Poems, stories, quotes. (2014). Scrubs Magazine. Retrieved from (contains links to multiple works)
  • Cooper, J. (2002). Poetry. Lehman College. Retrieved from