Example professional health care associations:

American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)

American Healthcare Association

American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration

Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI)

Association of Health Care Auditors and Educators (AHCAE)

Association of Registered Healthcare Professionals (ARHCP)

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

Medical Association of Billers (MAB)

Medical Group Management Association

National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS)

Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM)

Physician Office aManagers Association of America (POMAA)

HINT: Look up jobs that you desire. See what the requirements are. Then find the associations

that will help you meet those requirements! See:

Indeed.com pulls from most major job search engines (one stop shopping).

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 2010-11 Edition http://www.ache.org/career.cfmhttp://www.mgma.com/acmpe/http://www.ahcancal.org/Pages/Default.aspxhttp://www.ashhra.org/http://www.ahdionline.org/http://jobbank.hfma.org/home/index.cfm?site_id=7251http://www.healthecareers.com/mgmahttp://www.namss.org/AboutUs/tabid/54/Default.aspxhttp://www.pomaa.net/http://www.indeed.com/http://