Benchmark PowerPoint Presentation

Week 8 Benchmark PowerPoint- Assessment Traits

 You have had the opportunity to understand the important role human resources has as a strategic business partner and to reflect on the role of HR within your respective organizations.  For this presentation, you will be capturing the key findings you’ve learned, including making recommendations to your company leadership team.

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint presentation and your presentation should include the following:

  • Develop a synopsis of your outcomes for acquiring, developing, training, and leveraging on human capital within your organization. Examine the pros and cons to the current systems or processes being used.


  • Based on the immediate hiring and training needs within the company, how can the company focus on the employees’ current strengths (knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences) to leverage diversity to improve performance outcomes?
  • Propose plans for developing and integrating the positions of HR specialist or generalist, HR leadership, HR consultant, or HR of One within the organization. Benchmark PowerPoint Presentation
  • What recommendations would you make to the leadership of your company relative to making sound decisions when acquiring, developing, and leveraging resources (i.e., human talent, technology, knowledge management) to meet organizational needs while staying legally compliant with employment practices?



  • Based on the knowledge gained in this course, how will you apply what has been learned into your organization? As a human resource professional, describe the elements of your personal development plan within the field of HR.

APA format not required but solid academic writing is expected.





Synopsis of Outcomes assessment

Synopsis of Outcomes

7.5 points

expand Employee’s Current Strengths (B) assessment

Employee’s Current Strengths (B)

15 points

expand Proposed Plans assessment

Proposed Plans

7.5 points

expand Recommendations to the Leadership (B) assessment

Recommendations to the Leadership (B)

15 points

expand Application of Knowledge Gained assessment

Application of Knowledge Gained

7.5 points

expand Professionalism assessment


7.5 points

expand Presentation of Content assessment. Benchmark PowerPoint Presentation

Presentation of Content

45 points

expand Layout assessment


15 points

expand Language Use and Audience Awareness assessment

Language Use and Audience Awareness

15 points

expand Mechanics of Writing assessment

Mechanics of Writing 

7.5 points

expand Documentation of Sources assessment

Documentation of Sources