Question Description


Scholarly Paper Guidelines

The scholarly paper allows the student to critically analyze the roles, responsibilities and functions of a nurse, integrate concepts of profession, professional & professionalism, and discuss an issue relevant to the profession that will influence future professional practice.


The purpose of this paper is to enable the student to articulate concepts of professional nursing and integrate relevant and critical issues related to the nursing profession. This analysis will allow the student to understand the current issues that will impact their profession & work environment.


At the completion of this project, the student will be able to:

  • Describe roles, responsibilities, functions of a professional nurse (LO 3, 4)
  • Analyze recent and relevant professional information related to the topic(LO 2, 4)
  • Analyze a current, relevant nursing issue in relation to professional practice(LO 3, 5)


1.Each student will write an informational paper about the roles, responsibilities and functions of a professional nurse.The student will choose a current, relevant issue in nursing and integrate how the issue relates within the profession.Issues may include those in course content or other nursing issues of personal interest.

2. Investigate an issue of current professional nursing and integrate using no less than 2 current (2010-present) professional NURSING journals (total of 4 professional references). If you have a question on what is a suitable and professional journal, please contact the professor up to 48 hours before the paper is due. 

3. The final scholarly paper should follow APA format throughout and will consist of the following:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Discussion (Body of paper which is your presentation of the topic. This section will consist of 5 pages).
  • References
  • Total number of pages: 8 (title page to reference page)

APA Format: 

A) Abstract:

The abstract should be a brief summary of the content of the paper – 150-250 words. 
B) Introduction:

Provide a clear and concise explanation of the topic of the paper include not only the information about professional nursing but also the current issue to be discussed. 
C) Presentation of Professional Nursing & Issue:

Analyze the roles, responsibilities, & functions of a professional nurse today.Identify a significant & current issue affecting current or future nursing in relation to nursing practice, administration, education and research.Use relevant professional articles and resources to discuss this important issue as it relates to professional nursing.Headings must be used. Bulleted and numbered seriation will not be acceptable in this paper.

D) Conclusion:

This is a discussion of your conclusions and/or summary. Do not restate the paper in this section.

E) APA Format:

The structure of the paper must be in APA format (6th ed.) with a title page, abstract, page numbers, running head, and reference page. Use headings throughout the body of your paper.


See Chapter 3 of the APA Manual entitled “Writing Clearly and Concisely”. Be aware of tone, economy of expression, precision and clarity, linguistic devices, and bias (see APA manual pp. 65-77).

Do not use personal pronouns!

Seek assistance from The Writing Center at Cedar Crest College

G) Spelling, Grammar and Organization:

The paper should have no misspellings or grammatical errors. The paper should be organized in a clear and understandable style with critical thinking and evidence of your own thought process. Statements or ideas should be clear.

H) References:

The paper must have a minimum of 4 current professional nursing references (minimum of 2 must be professional journal articles). Limit the usage of the textbooks, non-nursing & non-professional websites, newspaper articles, non-nursing and non-scholarly journals. These non-nursing and non-scholarly sources should only support the professional resources.

4. Complete Assignment Submission includes: The Vericite submission in the module & the final paper with PDF copies of the professional nursing journal articles due by April 16th (4/16/2017) by 2359

ONLINE submission only in the Scholarly Paper Dropbox found in the online course, “Scholarly Paper” module

Online submission of PDF copies of the journal articles utilized and accurate & complete web addresses for professional sites.

oPapers will not be graded if the PDF articles are not submitted.Web addresses of the reference page MUST be retrievable.

oPapers will not be graded if the paper was not submitted to Vericite.

oLate deductions accrue at 10% of the assignment points per day for five days (including weekends and holidays) for papers not submitted to Vericite and papers submitted without PDF articles. Complete assignments (paper & articles) not submitted within 5 days of the deadline or partial assignments after 5 days (ie. articles not submitted) will be graded with a 0/200 points.

oPlease alert the course faculty if you have submitted the paper or resources past the due date.

Your Scholarly Paper is worth 200 points (out of 1000) of the course grade.