3. Identify the bill by its title, number and sponsor(s).

Select a bill that is currently in the State or Federal Legislature related to nursing or health care.  Give your reasons for selecting this bill including its importance to you personally and its

1. Select a bill that is currently in the State or Federal Legislature related to nursing or health care.  Give your reasons for selecting this bill including its importance to you personally and its significance to nursing and health care.

2. Describe the significance to nursing and health care.

3. Identify the bill by its title, number and sponsor(s).

4. Obtain a copy of the bill to study and to include with your report.  (New Jersey Bills may be obtained from NJ Legislative Services 1-800-792-8630 or www.njleg.state.nj.us, or through internet sites.)

5. Identify the party affiliation of the sponsor(s) of the bill.

6. Determine the position of nursing and/or other organizations regarding this bill.   (e.g., NJSNA, ANA, NANP, NAPNAP, AONE, New Jersey Medical Society)

7. Do a literature review on the issue(s) related to the bill.

8. State your position on the bill. 

9. Defend your position with your reasons.  Substantiate.

10. Appropriately cite your sources of information.  Approximately 10 references from authoritative sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles or government agency reports should be used to support your position on the bill.

11. Contact your legislative representative(s) regarding your position on this bill; e.g. by writing letters/emails*, making phone calls, participating in related social media, or meetings with the legislator or staff member in his/her local office.

12. Identify other political strategies you used to oppose/support bill.

13. Evaluate the effectiveness of your lobbying efforts and strategies.

14. Write appropriate letters/emails/responses of appreciation, if response received from legislator.

15. Include copies of the bill, your letters and responses with your paper.  They should be added to the end of the paper like an appendix.

16. Use APA style manual. 

17. The body of the paper (not including title page and reference) should be 6-9 pages in length, double-spaced and attached to the appropriate space in the Assignment section of Blackboard where they will be submitted to Safe Assignment to ensure that the work is original.

18. Please be sure to include a copy of the bill