Read the following article:O'Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes

Read the following article:O’Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes

Read the following article:

  • O’Brien, A., Weaver, C., Settergren, T., Hook, M. L., & Ivory, C. H. (2015). EHR documentation: the hype and the hope for improving nursing satisfaction and quality outcomes (PDF). Nursing Administration Quarterly, 39(4), 333–339.

This excellent and current article presents the “other side” of the issues. Not all technology has been a blessing to nurses. There are challenges, and this article—in a nursing administration journal—is a view from the actual users and managers who work with technology as it really is.

Read the NAQ article that was posted in the lesson. Knowing what you know from the chapters in this unit (Chapters 10 through 14), discuss the recommendations presented in the article for the Ideal system:

  1. Simple, fast documentation with minimal redundancy.
  2. EHR coordination with patient and family needs and wishes.
  3. Central source of best practice forms and other resources in a free, vendor-neutral, and accessible library.
  4. Multidisciplinary collaboration on the design of EHR and CDS systems.
  5. Data: Standardized, actionable, and interoperable.
  6. Integration of biomedical devices with the EHR to avoid nurses entering that data.
  7. Multiple sources of decision support information for clinicians.
  8. Decision support dashboards.

Discuss how these recommendations (re: nursing informatics) would affect nursing workflow and meaningful use. Pick and choose some of the ideas from the article and apply them to workflow analysis, system design, and meaningful use concepts from Chapter 14. This will require a bit of thinking, and please do not feel locked into one recommendation. Just make sure to support your opinions with rationales. Feel free to speculate and explore! Enjoy the opportunity!

Be sure to make reference to the week’s readings in your response. This week, your initial post may be longer than one paragraph. Try to present your main thoughts about the recommendations as a whole and then support