Hypersensitivity, Allergy, and Asthma

Hypersensitivity, Allergy, and AsthmaAllergic reactions are sensitive reactions that occur in the body when the body detects a foreign particle or substance. Allergic illnesses affect about 30% – 35%

Hypersensitivity, Allergy, and Asthma

Allergic reactions are sensitive reactions that occur in the body when the body detects a foreign particle or substance. Allergic illnesses affect about 30% – 35% of total children [1]and the rate of this condition has been increasing in recent decades.  Children who are atopic possess a great development of antibodies when some releases certain chemicals that results in in a reaction accompanied by inflammation of the target organ which are exposed.[2]Asthma, food allergies and allergic rhinitis are closely interrelated. The three can occur together, or one condition may ultimately improve the other, or another shape may evolve.


Allergy is also known as hypersensitivity which is a response that arises when the immune system responds to the harmful substances from the environment.[3] Allergies are of different categories of allergens which include; food, drugs indoor, outdoor, etc. according to allergic diseases. [4]

There is a different type of allergic diseases which include atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and allergic rhinitis.

Immunology means how the body responds to any foreign materials that get inside the body. According to scientific definition, hypersensitivity reaction

[1] Motion, Daily. Allergy and Asthma Made Ridiculously Simple (Made Ridiculously Simple: Rapid. 2018. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5fed9y (accessed November 2018).

[2]. Bunyavanich, Supinda, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Thomas A. Platts-Mills, Lisa Workman, Joanne E.      Sordillo, Carlos A. Camargo Jr, Matthew W. Gillman, Diane R. Gold, and Augusto A. Litonjua. “Peanut, milk, and wheat intake during pregnancy is        associated with reduced allergy and asthma in children.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 133, no. 5 (2014):      1373-1382.

[3] Baatjies, R., T. Meijster, D. Heederik, and M. F. Jeebhay. “Exposure-response relationships for inhalant wheat allergen exposure and asthma.” Occup Environ Med 72, no. 3             (2015): 200-207.

[4] 24, Health. Allergy symptoms. October 2018. https://www.health24.com/Medical/Allergy/Overview/allergy-symptoms-20180313.