Women's health. Review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions: 1.What types of differences in health care and maintenance have you noticed between men an

Women’s health.   Review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions: 1.What types of differences in health care and maintenance have you noticed between men an

Women’s health.   

Review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions: 

1.What types of differences in health care and maintenance have you noticed between men and women in the clinical setting? How do women’s approaches and behaviors seem to differ from men’s, if at all? When female family members are present, how does their involvement or behavior seem to differ from male family members’ involvement, if at all? 

2.Mention and discuss the pros and cons of various contraceptives methods.   For example artificial reproductive technology, parental consent for abortion, adolescent reproductive rights, public funding for female cancer screening, reporting of partner abuse, female circumcision (in countries where it is the cultural norm), etc. 

3.Why do you think that women tend to go their providers more than men do? Why might women be more comfortable with doctors and healthcare? Is this something you notice in your own family and friends?  

As stated in the syllabus the assignment must be presented in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum on the discussion board.  A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used. References must be no older than 5 years.  

A minimum of 700 words is required.