Using Evidence-Based Practice Models to Guide Practice Change and Developing a Plan for the Evidence-Based Practice Project

In the videos for Week 5, an EBP committee discusses the evidence-based steps they used to identify, assess, propose and implement a practice change in their work settings. For this Discussion, you will see a committee as it completes it work. There are two scenarios with the videos. In the first one, there are issues that develop that need to be resolved. You will be asked to pause the video and identify how you would address the conflict that seems to be developing over the EBP change. In the second scenario, you will see how leadership skills are utilized to help focus the committee on the EBP project.


After viewing the videos, use the FLOW CHART IN THE  IOWA EBP Model to Promote Quality Care to discuss how closely the EBP project did or did not follow each step in this model. In what ways do you think the project would have benefited from implementing any step(s) that were not used?

Post: A three-paragraph response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ? 5-years-old.)