Assignment:Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention Describe Your task New task Type of Service courseworkUrgency 8 to 12 hours No. of Pages

Assignment:Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention Describe Your task New task Type of Service courseworkUrgency 8 to 12 hours No. of Pages

_______________________________Assignment:Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention Describe Your task New task Type of Service courseworkUrgency 8 to 12 hours No. of Pages/Wordcount 6 page(s)/1650 WordsCitation Style APA StyleSources must be within the last five years only2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019Detailed Description/Explanation Assignment:Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?Locate a nursing study that utilizes some aspect of the internet (for instance, for recruitment, delivery of an intervention, or completing online assessments. What challenges did the researchers face, and how were these challenges overcome (or not)? How could future research efforts be improved?Using your computer’s office tools, develop a pie, bar, or plot chart to represent the following population estimates:Population PercentageEuropean American 20African American 30Native American 20Hispanic American 30The assignment should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length and contain at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook and provided material. Please submit your assignment in one APA formatted document.********these are examples of feedback I received on my other previous assignments, as well as several low grades. Please send me a paper that is original, has references that are within five years, and a really great formatted paper with a clear Introduction, clealr labled and a organized conlusion, thanks,1.) Thank you for your submission. I’ve provided feedback and scoring. All required content was discussed, minus a clearly labeled and discussed conclusion. The introduction was brief and did not provide a clear purpose. See all comments to improve.Organization Weight: 25%: Introduction is brief and requires a purpose statement. There is no clearly labeled and discussed conclusion as required. See all comments.Support Weight: 20%: Multiple errors. See comments. Quality of Written Communication Weight: 10%: All papers written within this course need to be in third person.  2.) Thank you for your submission. I’ve provided feedback and scoring. There are many areas to work on and improve. Please see all of my comments. *******Please make sure this assignment is ORIGINAL and REFERENCES ARE WITHIN FIVE(5) years.This is some feed back I received on some previous assignments, as well as low grades. Please make sure the assignment is correct, thanks-Thank you for earlier submission. I’ve provided feedback and scoring on previous tasks and you need to read them . All required content was discussed, minus a clearly labeled and discussed conclusion. The introduction was brief and did not provide a clear purpose. See all comments to improve.Organization Weight: 25%: Introduction is brief and requires a purpose statement. There is no clearly labeled and discussed conclusion as required. See all comments.Support Weight: 20%: Multiple errors. See comments. Quality of Written Communication Weight: 10%: All papers written within this course need to be in third person.  -Thank you for your submission. I’ve provided feedback and scoring. There are many areas to work on and improve. Please see all of my comments. Content Weight: 30%: It appears that some of the topics are discussed. Each paper requires a properly labeled heading to help organize the information presented as well as lets me know as the reader that you covered all required content. This was put out within course announcements. Organization Weight: 25%: The introductory paragraph needs a purpose statement. see comment. In addition, there is disorganization as there are no other headings organizing the required content being discussed. Support Weight: 20%: Errors present. See comments. Quality of Written Communication Weight: 10%: All papers are to be written in third person and no reference to “I”._______________________________