Immunity to infectious conditions is acquired one of four ways- natural active (i.e., antibodies formed due to previous infection), artificial active (i.e., antibodies formed due to presence of vaccin

Immunity to infectious conditions is acquired one of four ways- natural active (i.e., antibodies formed due to previous infection), artificial active (i.e., antibodies formed due to presence of vaccin

Immunity to infectious conditions is acquired one of four ways- natural active (i.e., antibodies formed due to previous infection), artificial active (i.e., antibodies formed due to presence of vaccine), natural passive (i.e., antibodies passed from mother to child to provide temporary protection), and artificial passive (i.e., antibodies injected to provide temporary protection or lessen severity of infection).  Of these, the benefits vs. risks of artificial active immunity has been questioned by some, contributing to the growth in re-emerging infectious diseases.  Re-emerging infectious diseases are diseases that were previously under control, but due to lack of participation in immunization programs, infectious disease outbreaks continue.

After watching the videos below, share your thoughts on the challenges facing immunization programs.  Identify a specific public health problem that is increasing due to lack of immunization adherence, and describe its pathology (i.e., functional and structural changes characterizing the disease), and its signs and symptoms.  What can be done to properly educate the public and encourage immunization?

Measles: To Vaccinate or not?

Origins of Anti-vaccine movement

Science of Anti-Vaccination

Not all Doctors Agree (Though I do not agree with this viewpoint personally, I believe it is right to present both sides of the argument)

Based upon the current chapter readings/lectures, personal experiences, worldview, and media/resources provided, you must comment on the specific reflection prompts provided- reflecting on how they relate to the weekly topic(s) and current society.  Posts should be thoughtful, insightful, and 250-500 words.  These posts should add significant substance to the conversation and clearly reference (i.e. cite) information from current chapter readings/lectures (please follow current APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references).