construct a 3 to 5 page paper outlining the integration of cultural competency in nursing practice. To support your paper, use your course and text readings and resources.

Question Description

construct a 3 to 5 page paper outlining the integration of cultural competency in nursing practice. To support your paper, use your course and text readings and resources.

Refer to the provided rubric for specific guidelines for writing the paper.

1. Provide an overview (introduction) of cultural competence in

nursing practice in the first paragraph of the paper.


2. Identify how culturally competent care is fundamental to the

practice of nursing.


3. Identify and discuss the relationship between cultural

competency and diversity, as well as patient- and family-centered

care. Provide an example from your experiences in nursing.


4. Analyze and/or identify a barrier(s) to providing culturally

competent care to a diverse population (e.g., health disparities,

communication, and environment).


5. Recommendations for providing health promotion activities for

a selected population. Include conclusion to the paper.


6. Include minimum of three (3) APA formatted in-text citations

and references. The course text may only be used as one (1)

reference; two (2) additional credible references must also be



7. Writing skills, grammar, spelling, style, and adherence to APA

format in a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference page).
