Nursing homework help

In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following. Your title and references slides do not count toward the 5- to 10-slide limit.

  • Provide an overview of the article you selected.
    • What population (individual, group, or family) is under consideration?
    • What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already studied?
    • What were the author’s claims?
  • Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
  • Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article.  Nursing homework help
  • Use the Notes function of PowerPoint to craft presenter notes to expand upon the content of your slides.
  • Support your response with at least three other peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Provide references to your sources on your last slide. Be sure to include the article you used as the basis for this Assignment.

• Objective – The article utilized a meta-analysis to investigate 30 randomized
control trials made up of 30 study sites and 35 study arms that tested the
effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for alcohol or other drug use
• Target population was adults populations (age greater than or equal to 18
• Criteria for selection was based on alcohol or other drug use disorder or
addiction which meets DSM-IV characteristics.
• For this study, the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was the underlying
intervention used.


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Overview of the article
• Authors claim –
• The author claim that based on analysis, CBT efficacy provide moderate
effect if used for alcohol or drug addiction treatment.
• If Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used, it reduces the consumption, quantity
and frequency of substance used at the earlier state.
• CBT requires the use of follow-up strategies or methods to keep addicted
person is in check.
• CBT did not demonstrate much superiority in effectiveness compared to
other specific modality. Nursing homework help
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Delineating the outcome/findings
• CBT efficacy gave a moderate effect if used for alcohol or drug addiction
treatment in terms of frequency and quantity outcomes at early stages (1 to 6
months) and late (8 + months)
 This was obtained from the pool effect size for frequency was p=0.09 at early
follow up and p=0.39 at late follow up.
 Quantity outcomes also yielded p=0.98 at early stage and late follow up.
• When CBT was compared to other non-specific therapy (group drug
counseling or supportive therapy), it was small and statistically significant.
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How results translates into practice
• If the efficacy is quite moderate, then it is a somewhat appropriate tool to
improve patient self control (Spear et al., 2017).
• That additional strategy or remodeling must be done to allow good follow ups
when CBT is employed.
• It can change old habits (Marginean, 2017; Carroll & Kiluk, 2017)
• It can be used to help patients recognize situations which might evoke drug
use or alcohol use.
• From the results it can also mean that CBT cannot be used alone to achieve
100% efficacy.
• It an intervention that has a higher efficacy at the early stages.
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• Failed to include the CBT frequency effect sizes for follow-ups, although the
author claimed that it shown smaller effect size.
• Neglecting the above information by the author showed some form of bias,
and that can change the perspectives of using CBT as an overall therapy.
• The other limitation is that most specific intervention used as comparing
variables did have a combination of therapeutical methods. But the author
used CBT alone without combination of supportive therapies that moves along
with it during comparison.
• This means when CBT is combined with other therapeutic methods is likely the
efficacy would be heightened and can be used clinically as to effect change in
behavior. Nursing homework help
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