Gathering, Analyzing, and Summarizing Research Literature IV

Gathering, Analyzing, and Summarizing Research Literature IVIntroductionThis week you will gather the last four articles pertinent to your research problem and discuss attributes surrounding the probl

Gathering, Analyzing, and Summarizing Research Literature IV


This week you will gather the last four articles pertinent to your research problem and discuss attributes surrounding the problem and your investigation of the problem.  You will again present the studies as a synthesized review in the discussion board.  Your completed synthesized Literature Review assignment is due in Workshop Six day seven.

Upon successful completion of this assignment you should be able to:

  • Summarize research literature pertinent to a nursing problem.


  • Textbook: Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches (2018), Chapter 2, 4
    • PowerPoint: Chapter 2 Review of the Literature  
    • File: Chapter 2 Review of the Literature, Notes 
    • PowerPoint: Chapter 4 Writing Strategies & Ethical Consideration
    • File: Chapter 4 Writing Strategies & Ethical Consideration, Notes  
  • Textbook: Practical Research: Planning and Design (2016): Chapter 3, 13
    • PowerPoint: Chapter 3 Review of Related Literature 
    • PowerPoint: Chapter 13 Plan & Prep Final Report
  • Textbook: Preparing Literature Reviews: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (2016), Chapters 3, 4, and 5
  • Website: IWU Off Campus Library Services
  • Website: An Evidence Based Practice Toolkit for Nursing 
  • Website: Cochrane Library 
  • Website: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Website: How to Conduct a Literature Search and/or
  • File: Sample Spreadsheet of Articles Reviewed 
  • File: Spreadsheet of Research Articles Reviewed 
  • File: Spreadsheet of Research Study Analysis 
  • File: Synthesized Summary-Draft 2.12.2018.docx
  • Website: How to Write a Literature Review   and Part I Part II  Part III

Background Information

Research questions often change during the search for current research articles related to the problem.  According to Ling Pan (2016), a search which nets a large number of articles may warrant a narrowing of the question; and a search which nets only a handful of articles may call for a broader question.  There may be other influences as well, i.e., when a previously thoroughly researched topic is now outdated.  Some problems may be acknowledged in the literature, yet there are no current studies addressing the problem or subproblems.  Do not hesitate to contact the OCLS reference librarian, Jule Kind as needed.   Be sure and use the databases in the OCLS and request help so that you get the literature you need.  Also, it is not uncommon to revise the study question as needed to better target the problem.


  1. Read chapters 2 and 4 in Research Design, chapters 3 and 13 in Practical Research: Planning and Design, and chapters 3, 4, and 5 in Preparing Literature Reviews: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Review all materials listed.
  2. Navigate to the threaded discussion and post your quantitative research question.
  3. This discussion has three components:
    1. Gathering Research Literature IV
      1. In the OCLS, find four research studies which pertain to your topic/problem/ research question.  (Your search results should provide additional articles.  Save this search as you will be reviewing a total of 16 articles over the course of this class.)  Ensure that your articles are within the past 4 or 5 years.  If you cannot find more than 25 current articles related to your problem / question on this first search, let your instructor know immediately. 
      2. Complete the information requested on the spreadsheet entitled, Spreadsheet of Articles Reviewed for four articles and attach it to this discussion.  The completed spreadsheet with 16 articles will be due with your final synthesized Literature Review due in Workshop Six day seven.
    2. Analyzing Research Literature IV – Complete the information requested on the spreadsheet entitled, Spreadsheet of Research Study Analysis for each of the four studies for this week and attach to this discussion.
    3. Summarizing Research Literature IV
      1. Use the template entitled, Synthesized Summary-Draft 2.12.2018, to compare and contrast this week’s studies/articles on the points of research question, variables, study design, use of a theory, sample population, statistics, findings, and other key points as pertinent to your study. The synthesis should use scholarly and scientific writing with use of APA style. Copy and paste your synthesized summary into the discussion board.  Please do not attach.
      2. Your full synthesized Literature Review of a minimum of 16 articles will be due in Workshop Six day seven.

Navigate to the threaded discussion here.

Assessment Criteria


15 Points

12 Points

9 Points

6 Points


Your postings are well developed and answers provide clear evidence of critical thinking.

Your questions or observations add greater depth to the discussion by introducing new ideas.

Your postings show some development and some critical thinking is evident in your answers.

Your questions and observations add to the discussion by expanding the ideas of others.

Your postings show nominal development and only the beginnings of critical thinking.

Your contributions (questions or observations) do not clearly add to the discussion.

Your postings show no development and are mostly a reiteration of what the textbook or others have said.

Your questions and observations detract from the discussion.


6 points

5 Points

3 Points

0 Points


Your initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by day five of the workshop.

Your initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by the day six of the workshop.

Your initial posting to the question or topic assigned in the workshop activity is made by day seven of the workshop.

No initial post was made.


9 Points

6 Points

3 Points

0 Points


You respond to a minimum of two other classmates as well as all follow-up faculty questions directed to you. 

You are clearly collaborative by taking the initiative to respond to classmates’ questions, providing clarification and insight on issues in the discussion. 

You respond to two classmates and some of the faculty follow-up questions directed to you. 

You are collaborative in some situations and show some initiative in workshop discussions.

You respond to two classmates but do not respond to faculty follow-up questions directed to you. 

You show little initiative in discussions and your presence is not collaborative.

You do not respond to the postings of others in the discussion. 


25 Points

19 Points

14 Points

9 Points

Spreadsheet of Articles Reviewed

Information for all four studies is complete. Accurate. Current. Well targeted. Peer reviewed.

Few missing items or information not fully reflective of the article. Current. Closely targeted. Peer reviewed.

Missing items. Or less than four articles.  Information not fully reflective of the article. Outdated. Marginally targeted. Peer reviewed.

Information incomplete or less than four articles.  Information not fully reflective of the article. Outdated. Does not address topic.


25 Points

19 Points

14 Points

9 Points

Spreadsheet of Research Study Analysis

Information for all four studies is complete. Accurate. Current. Well targeted. Peer reviewed.

Few missing items or information not fully reflective of the article. Current. Closely targeted. Peer reviewed.

Missing items. Or less than four articles.  Information not fully reflective of the article. Outdated. Marginally targeted. Peer reviewed.

Information incomplete or less than four articles.  Information not fully reflective of the article. Outdated. Does not address topic.

Total Points