Why Health IT? Health Information Technology



Discussion – Week 1


Informatics Position Requirements, Salary Ranges, and SettingsInformatics is a burgeoning field that already has a wide variety of positions available. This Discussion will familiarize you with those positions, their responsibilities, and salaries.To prepare for this Discussion, explore the Internet for positions in informatics. Research the position titles, responsibilities, and salary ranges for positions in the field. Search general career sites like Career.com, and informatics recruiters, like StaffPointe.com or biohealthmatics.com, for job descriptions. Also search for salary information at Salary.com Free Salary Wizard.Examples of job titles:

  • Chief Medical Information Officer
  • Medical Coder
  • RN – Clinical Informatics
  • Electronic Medical Records Project Manager
  • Informatics Analytic Support Specialist

Choose one informatics job description, preferably one that interests you.By Day 4, post a brief summary of the job position you found, including:

  • Job title
  • 3-4 of the duties assigned to the position
  • Required and preferred qualifications
  • Name of job board or website you used to find the position. Include a link to the URL
  • Geographic location of the job
  • Salary (if included)
  • Does this job interest you? Why/why not?
  • Why are health informatician positions, such as the one you found, critical to a health care organization, to the community, and to individuals?  Use the readings for this week to help you support your answer




  • Hersh, W. (2009). A stimulus to define informatics and health information technology. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 9(1).
  • Cesnick, B. (2010). History of health informatics: A global perspective. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, 151(1), 3–8.
  • Bernstam, E., Smith, J., & Johnson, T. (2010). What is biomedical Informatics. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 43(1), 104–110.
  • Hersh, W. (2008). Health and biomedical informatics: opportunities and challenges for a twenty-first century profession and its education. Yearbook of Medical Informatics. Retrieved from http://www.schattauer.de/en/magazine/subject-areas/journals-a-z/imia-yearbook/imia-yearbook-2008/issue/840/manuscript/9833.html
  • Friedman, C. P., Altman, R. B., Kohane, I. S., McCormick, K. A., Miller, P. L., Ozbolt, J. G., …Williamson, J. (2004). Training the next generation of informaticians: The impact of ‘‘BISTI’’ and bioinformatics—A report from the American College of Medical Informatics. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 11(3), 167–172.
  • Foster, D. (2012, April 3). How to harness big data for improving public health. Government Health IT. Retrieved from http://www.govhealthit.com/news/how-harness-big-data-improving-public-health
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. (2009, December 4). Health IT terms. Retrieved from http://www.healthit.gov/policy-researchers-implementers/technology-standards-certification-glossary
  • World Health Organization. (2011). eHealth. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/topics/ehealth/en/


  • Why Health IT? Health Information Technology (HIT)http://www.healthit.gov/providers-professionals/faqs/why-health-information-exchange-important

Jobs in Health Informatics

  • Healthcare IT News Job Minehttp://jobmine.himss.org/home/home.cfm?site_id=5817
  • American Medical Information Association Career Pagehttp://www.amia.org/career-center
  • HealthcareIT Today Career Centerhttp://www.healthcareitcentral.com/
  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Career Serviceshttp://www.himss.org/health-it-career-services
  • Salary Wizardhttp://www.salary.com/category/salary/

Optional Resources


  • Schleyer, R., & Beaudry, S. (2009, September/October). Data to wisdom: Informatics in telephone triage nursing practice. AAACN Viewpoint,31(5), 1, 10–13. Retrieved from http://proquest.umi.com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/pqdweb?did=1889589431&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=70192&RQT=309&VName=PQD


Informatics Associations

The following are major associations that further the field of health informatics.

  • American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)http://www.amia.org/
  • The American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA)- CARINGhttps://www.ania.org/
  • American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) http://www.ahima.org/
  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)http://www.himss.org/



Discussion – Week 1


Longevity: Attitudes on Aging

Genetics have a huge impact on longevity, but they are not the only factors that influence how long you will live. Your socioeconomic status, the environment you live in, the food you eat, and how active you are can all contribute to your overall life expectancy.To prepare for this Discussion:Complete the Life Expectancy Calculator and compare your score to the national average for your age range. Consider how your score made you feel and what it made you think about .

By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • Were you surprised by your score?
  • What are your attitudes about getting older?
  • Did the test make you think differently about what impacts aging?
  • What are three lifestyle factors that impact the aging process? Be specific and use supporting information from the text and your resources.




  • Course Text:

Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 

  • Chapter 1, “The Study of Human Development”
    • Section 1.1, “Thinking About Development”
    • Section 1.2, “Developmental Theories”
  • Chapter 2, “Biological Foundations: Heredity, Prenatal Development, and Birth”
  • Chapter 14, “The Personal Context of Later Life: Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Issues”
    • Section 14.1, “What Are Older Adults Like?”
  • In examining the specific elements of aging—including physiological, cognitive, and socioemotional development—it is valuable to first start with some perspective on the concept of human development as a whole. This week’s reading in your textbook begins with an introduction to human development, including key developmental theories. You’ll then explore the biological underpinnings of human development by looking at what goes into our genetic makeup and the factors that control the start we get in life. You will conclude your introduction to human aging with an overview of the major elements that factor into old age.


  • CNNhealth.com. (2007, August 14). Effects of aging on your body. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/07/27/life.stages/index.htmlThe aging process is different for humans at each stage of life. This website looks at the milestones of aging for each major developmental stage, from infancy through senior adulthood.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.). Aging: What to expect as you get older. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/aging/ha00040
  • This website, maintained by the Mayo Clinic, offers insight into what the future might hold for you as it presents the effects of normal aging on the body.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004–2007). The state of aging and health in America report. Retrieved from http://nccd.cdc.gov/DPH_Aging/default.aspx
  • This interactive map from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presents data from The State of Aging and Health in America Report. The interface enables you to access and compare data on how healthy Americans are by region, state, and select metropolitan areas.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2013). Aging. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/aging/
  • This website presents the results of the Aging Initiative: Protecting the Health of Older Americans, the Environmental Protection Agency’s development of a comprehensive national agenda for the environment and aging.

Optional ResourcesMedia

  • Video: TED. (Producer). (2009, September). Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+ [Web Video]. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ted.com/talks/dan_buettner_how_to_live_to_be_100.html


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Division of nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. Retrieved April 11, 2010, fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/index.html
  • U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging. (2010, January 29). Publications. Retrieved fromhttp://www.nia.nih.gov/health/publication
  • Committee on Chemical Toxicology and Aging, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Research Council. (1987). Aging in today’s environment. Retrieved from The National Academies Press website: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=1293&page=1