Discuss whether moral convictions regarding the provision of healthcare should be considered a right, a privilege, entitlement, or an act of charity.

250 words, references, and Turnit in Report)Pick one of the following and reply accordingly. Discuss whether moral convictions regarding the provision of healthcare should be considered a right, a pr

(250 words, references, and Turnit in Report)

Pick one of the following and reply accordingly. 

  • Discuss whether moral convictions regarding the provision of healthcare should be considered a right, a privilege, entitlement, or an act of charity.
  • Discuss whether parents should be permitted to administer pubertal blockers to their children until the children are able to self-identify.
  • Discuss the potential moral, ethical, and legal ramifications of refusing emergency care to an illegal alien who does not have the ability to pay for services.
  • Discuss whether it is legal to have a strategic plan that would essentially cause a competitor to go out of business.
  • Discuss the potential moral, ethical, and legal ramifications of a nursing home admissions representative accepting a holiday gift from an attending physician who works at the referring hospital.