Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization. Imagine an organization asks you t

Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization. Imagine an organization asks you t

 Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization. 

Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an information system best-practices policy to help maintain patient safety and patient confidentiality in their practice setting. The organization wants you to create a document to help the group better understand why an informatics policy is needed and the practices that should be included in the policy.

A nursing informatics best-practices document can serve multiple purposes, such as a handout for new-hire orientation or as a background report given to a committee tasked with creating or updating a nursing informatics best-practices policy.


To expand your understanding of nursing informatics best practices within the industry, research the most current information about the topics of nursing best-practices documents and nursing informatics best practices.

 Locate 4–6 scholarly articles related to best practices designed to support positive patient outcomes related to the following areas:

  • The meaning of secure data practices.
  • Ethical standards needed to promote and support data security.
  • Patient confidentiality.
  • Regulatory requirements.
  • Behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.


Create a description of a nursing informatics best-practices policy document designed to define and encourage effective and safe data use in a practice setting or organization.

  • Purpose Statement: Statement of why an organization would create the policy. Include any reasons and intent that supports the creation of an informatics best-practices policy.
  • Best Practices Definitions and Descriptions:
    • Definitions of secure practices, data security, and patient confidentiality.
    • Ethical standards.
    • Regulatory requirements.
  • Implementation:
    • Behaviors – describe the behaviors nurse leaders will need to demonstrate that will guide implementation of the policy.
    • Skills required – describe the skills needed to ensure policy adherence.

Format your document using the professional format and style (corporate identity) used in your organization or practice setting. Note: If you are not currently working in an organizational setting, follow the formatting instructions below.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources.
  • Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

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