Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion

PDR-271466 Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan… 

1 answer below »PDR-271466 Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Select a developmental age group and identify three (3) topics for health promotion. Explain why each topic is appropriate for this population and identify resources within the community to assist the RN in facilitating health promotion. Rubric Post is relevant and thoroughly responds to all aspects of discussion topic, reflecting a deep understanding of key ideas and concepts. Critical thought and substantial evidence, using references to course materials (readings, videos, module notes, etc.) and additional related literature, are provided by including in text citations and a reference list to justify claims made within the post. Meaningful connections between discussion topic and nursing/healthcare (e.g., work- related experience) are expressed. Posts are well organized, clearly and concisely written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Posts use professional language, are courteous and respectful of other viewpoints. References and in text citations are formatted correctly using APA guidelines. References are from current (five [5] years old or less) professional nursing sources published in the United States. All sources are cited within discussion posts and on reference list. 1 page, 3 APA