How do community nurses practice primary health care in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services?

HNN 217 AT 1: Nurse ’ s Role in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services – Nursing Assessment 

HNN 217 AT 1: Nurse’s Role in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services – Nursing Assessment Answers


Nurses are expected to provide holistic care inclusive of primary health care and the social determinants of health. Nurses have an important role in the delivery of primary health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to address requirements for primary health care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the community setting. Assignment question

Discuss the community nurse’s role in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services as a primary health care role.

Include a summary of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services

Why are Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services important?

Consider presenting an example?

Use relevant chapter from textbooks and prescribed reading

Other readings? From unit

Journal articles:

– Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,

– Journal of Transcultural Nursing

– others from library

Include a description of primary health care with focus on the social determinants of health and partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

What is primary health care and how is it related to the social determinants of health?

How is partnership part of primary health care?

Why is partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities important in improving health?

Consider relevant chapter from textbook and prescribed readings

Other relevant literature from library:



Include a discussion of primary health care elements and processes in community nursing roles in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services

What principles of primary health care do community nurses use to guide their practice?

How do community nurses practice primary health care in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services?

Consider relevant chapters from textbook and prescribed readings

Other relevant literature database: