Identify and evaluate two (2) professional issues that reflect the seriousness of this situation.

Scenario: A Nurse Provides prescription medicine without authority A Nurses Board received a… 


A Nurse Provides prescription medicine without authority

A  Nurses Board received a complaint concerning allegations that an  Enrolled Nurse, whilst working in the emergency department of a  hospital, practiced outside the scope of practice, by knowingly  providing prescription only medication to a patient without the  authority of a medical officer.

When  interviewed, the nurse stated “the patient attended the emergency  department for treatment and the department was busy at this particular  time and the patient knowing this stated that they were not prepared to  wait for treatment.” The nurse made enquires of the patient's allergies  and responses to medication and then consulted a doctor, verbally. The  nurse then obtained a packet of antibiotics and provided them to the  patient. The nurse also made false entries in the medical record of the  patient.

(Adapted from Nexus, NBV, November 2008, Volume 16 Issue 2)

Q1.  Identify one (1) way in which the nurse failed to use critical thinking  and analysis effectively in this situation. In your response, consider  the Codes of Professional Practice, Ethics and Conduct for Nurses. (100 –  200words)

Q2.  Referring to the scenario and upon reflection of the Nursing Code of  Ethics, identify whether the nurse acted within their Scope of Practice  or not.

Q3.  Identify two (2) ways in which the nurse failed to apply contemporary  nursing practice. Take into account the professional standards of  nursing practice.

Q4.  Identify – and explain briefly – three (3) significant conduct  statements from the Code of Professional Conduct for nurses that were  breached, in this situation.

Refer to

Q5.  Identify – and explain briefly – three (3) significant value statements  from the Code of Ethics for nurses that were breached – not followed in  this situation.

Refer to

Q6.  Identify the relevant Act which nurses must adhere to, as referred to in  the legislation section of the Australian Health Practitioner's  Regulation Authority (AHPRA) website. (Include the year quoted).

Q7. Identify one (1) key professional or legal standards that were contravened.

Q8.  Identify – and briefly explain – three (3) types of professional review  and development, for this nurse to undertake, to prevent future  incidents and why.

Q9. Identify and evaluate two (2) professional issues that reflect the seriousness of this situation.

Q10. Identify three (3) benefits of reflective practice, for you as a nursing student.

Q11. In  your own words, briefly describe how you would share the benefits of  this critical thinking case scenario for yourself and how it assisted  you in your learning. (No reference needed).