Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University

Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University Task Description :… 

Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University

Task Description :

You are required to choose a nursing issue that is related to one of the key safety and quality in health care areas from the list below* and then research the issue. You need to locate THREE (3) primary and/or secondary peer reviewed articles/studies related to the issue you have chosen and summarize, analyse and critique the literature related to this issue. 1) Quantitative study 2) Qualitative study 3) Secondary resource (literature review, systematic review) Click here: Resources explaining and differentiating between primary and secondary sources: Click here: YouTube clip differentiating between Qualitative and Quantitative Research An additional resource on primary and secondary sources has been added to the Assignment Resources Folder. In order to pass this assignment, you must successfully address each of the criteria outlined in the Assignment 2 marking rubric *Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (supporting quality practice) Click on the topics below for more information about each category Clinical Communications Falls Prevention Healthcare Associated Infection Medication Safety (students are not permitted to focus on medications for their assignment). Mental Health Patient Identification.