Nursing Education Curriculum

PDR-272144 Nursing Education Curriculum This paper is an edit an revision and I will send you my… 

1 answer below »PDR-272144 Nursing Education Curriculum This paper is an edit an revision and I will send you my paper… For This assignment. Revise and edit paper…….. I have attached paper: Here are the instructions for the paper: *Scenario:* You are a faculty member on the nursing curriculum committee tasked with transitioning the current associate degree program to a four-year baccalaureate nursing program. The committee has completed the work of designing the new curriculum and it will be fully implemented in approximately eight months. *Requirements:* A. Discuss ways to keep stakeholders informed about new curriculum development by doing the following: 1. Discuss *two* strategies that should be implemented to keep current students in the associate degree program informed about the new curriculum development. 2. Discuss *two* strategies that should be implemented to keep healthcare and community agencies informed about the new curriculum development. B. Discuss the possible challenges and opportunities with curriculum development by doing the following: 1. Discuss a possible challenge for faculty who may be required to teach in the existing associate degree program and the new BSN program simultaneously. 2. Discuss how the integration of interdisciplinary partnerships in the new curriculum will enhance student learning. C. Develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the new BSN curriculum in which you do the following: 1. Identify *one* evaluation method you will use to assess the effectiveness of your curriculum design. 2. Explain the type of data you will need to collect in order to support your evaluation method from part C1. 3. Explain how data collection can inform course improvement. D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. 6 pages, 3 APA