you are required to submit a critical analysis of the prior research undertaken for your chosen topic (as documented in your Research Topic Template document submitted in Part 1).

Part 1 (preview)1500 words MXM Select a research topic from an area of programme/portfolio… 

1 answer below »

Part 1 (preview)1500 words MXM

Select a research topic from an area of programme/portfolio management In Week 6, using the Research Topic Template document, submit a completed research template for your chosen topic comprising of at least 10 references to academic papers that report the findings of research in relation to your topic. Please refer to the Example Research Topic document. This example shows three references collected in relation to the research topic ‘Lean Production in Project Environments’.

There are two files actually comprise part 1 of your Individual Assignment which isFor your convenience Part 1 of your Individual Assignment comprises selecting a research topic from an area of programme/portfolio management. using the Research Topic Template document in the Learning Resources, you have to submit a completed research template for your chosen topic comprising of at least 10 references to academic papers that report the findings of research in relation to your topic (max. 1500 words).

Part 2 (preview)3000 words MXM

In Week 7 you are required to submit a critical analysis of the prior research undertaken for your chosen topic (as documented in your Research Topic Template document submitted in Part 1). Your analysis should be 3,000 words in length and should contain at least one reference to each of the journal papers. Your analysis should summarise and synthesize the information contained in your Research Topic Template document from Week 6/Part 1.

All references must be in Harvard style

I need to assign this project to ( Parul )Document Preview:

Example Research Topic: ‘Lean Production in Project Environments’ Paper Purpose of research Method Findings Agbulos, A. et al. (2006) To integrate simulation Case of a pilot study using – A 4% improvement in productivity was attained by ‘Application of lean concepts using lean principles lean principles involving applying lean theory to current work methods. and simulation analysis to with current work drainage operations in City – Benefits need to be assessed through improve efficiency of drainage methods. of Edmonton Design and implementation. operations maintenance Construction Section (public crews’, Journal of Construction works). Engineering and Management, 132 (3), pp.291-299. Al-Sudairi, A.A. (2007) To understand the On-site, off-site interviews – Performance of certain processes was enhanced, ‘Evaluating the effect of applicability of lean to and field observations of 13 i.e. 21% increase in process efficiency for block- construction process simple construction case studies involving the laying and 50% for plastering—through reduction of characteristics to the processes. construction of low-rise non value-adding processes. applicability of lean principles’, residential buildings in a – Further theoretical improvements were constrained Construction Innovation, 7 (1), district of Saudi Arabia. by factors: rework, uncertainty, labour skills, site pp.99-121. conditions and location. Chee, T.M., Raphael, B. & To evaluate the Survey of 20 construction – Firms are practising some lean construction Pheng, L.S. (2009) ‘Lean potential for, and the firms. Data collected via techniques, even if they are not familiar with the construction principles and extent to which, questionnaire. approach. their practice in Singapore’, Singapore – Adoption is weakest in terms of: collection of construction firms are feedback from subcontractors (only 50% of firms), Construction Information Quarterly, 11 (1), pp. 24-28. adopting lean involvement…