outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Draft a 6-page report on outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team or applicable stakeholder group. This work is building on the work just completed Executive summary .
Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.
As a nurse leader, you may be called upon to submit a detailed report to your executive leadership team and key stakeholders that describes a quality or safety problem and its effects on outcomes, fully supported by relevant and credible data.
This assessment provides an opportunity to draft such a report in which you can call attention to quality and safety issues and opportunities, effectively support your position, and lay out a plan for change. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
This assessment is based on the executive summary you prepared in the previous assessment.
Your executive summary captured the attention and interest of the executive leadership team, who have asked you to provide them with a detailed report addressing outcome measures and performance issues or opportunities, including a strategy for ensuring that all aspects of patient care are measured.
Drafting the Report
• Analyze organizational functions, processes, and behaviors in high-performing health care organizations or practice settings.
• Determine how organizational functions, processes, and behaviors affect outcome measures associated with the systemic problem identified in your gap analysis.
• Identify the quality and safety outcomes and associated measures relevant to the performance gap you intend to close. Create a spreadsheet showing the outcome measures.
• Identify performance issues or opportunities associated with particular organizational functions, processes, and behaviors and the quality and safety outcomes they affect.
• Outline a strategy, using a selected change model, for ensuring that all aspects of patient care are measured and that knowledge is shared with the staff.
Writing and Supporting Evidence
• Write coherently and with purpose, for a specific audience, using correct grammar and mechanics.
• Integrate relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.
Additional Requirements
Format your document using APA style.
• Use the APA paper template linked above. Be sure to include:
o A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
o A running head on all pages.
o Appropriate section headings.
o Properly formatted citations and references.
• Your report should be 6 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
• Add your Quality and Safety Outcomes spreadsheet to your report as an addendum. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Health Care Quality and Safety Management: Executive Summary
Health Care Quality and Safety Management: Executive Summary
It is noteworthy that in each assessment, the value of ensuring nurses are active contributors to the betterment of the healthcare system was demonstrated. The notion addresses the role of nurses in patient-centered care (PCC), validating how nurses play a critical role in patient satisfaction and decision making. PCC was also able to demonstrate that through nurse education, family members and patients can make better decisions on actions relating to their health. The notion of the active role of nurses in advancing healthcare was also demonstrated in appreciative inquiry (AI). With a rapidly aging population, the care of the elderly also contributes to the overall quality of healthcare in the country. In other words, nurses are responsible for ensuring older adults’ cultural, psychological, developmental, physiological, and socio-economic welfare. The research had a significant gap that impacted the expected and realistic nursing prospects, the looming nursing shortage in all branches of care.
Systematic Problem
It is critical to note that healthcare delivery is critically structured on evidence-based information; thus, quality of care is proven by evidence-based information. There is sufficient statistical and empirical data that identify the current deterioration in the healthcare sector is caused by the reduced availability of nurses (Spurlock, 2020). It is critical to note that the problem within the healthcare sector relating to nurses primarily originates from the fact that there are a limited number of educators or lectures in the nursing field. Statistically, the number of students enrolling to become nurses has increased, but the availability of teaching staff has reduced significantly. Moreover, data from a survey conducted on registered nurses identified an over 20% turnover rate which is significantly high as the rate of hiring new nurses is stated to be less than 8% (Gandhi, Yu & Grabowski, 2021). According to Spurlock (2020), the requirement to become a nursing professor is a doctorate in the field. Conversely, nursing practitioners with doctorate qualifications earn better pay in the field compared to learning institutions. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Accounting for such shortages in the development of the improvement programs was the common factor that needed to be addressed promptly. The aging of the American population is one of the primary causes contributing to the nurse shortage in the United States. Nursing is the most prevalent occupation in the United States (Spurlock, 2020). Despite this, employment vacancies continue to grow. Current deficits have already resulted in the underserving of many areas. It is especially true in rural regions, where the population is often older than in metropolitan areas.
Impact of Systematic Problems on Care Quality
The nursing shortage has had a crippling effect on patient care (Spurlock, 2020). In other words, fewer nurses are expected to care for a more significant number of patients, resulting in an increase in mistakes, increased rates of death, and failure-to-rescue situations. From a personal perspective, it directly negates the various strategies devised to address the improvement of patient care quality (Beitz, 2019). Though numerous strategies have been implemented, they only offer short-term solutions to a looming problem that progressively negatively impacts healthcare.
Increase in Retention of New Hires
With the current awareness of the critical gap in developing strategies to improve the quality of patient care through nursing, prospective solutions can be developed. It is critical to note that the issue of a nurse shortage is a large-scale problem that cannot be addressed from the institutional level; instead, it mandates federal and state involvement (Marć et al., 2018). Nevertheless, healthcare providers need to adapt and work with the available resources; the current retention rate in the facility is estimated at 79% which is still significantly high but not enough to maintain the workforce. For such reasons, nurses should be appreciated considering their services are becoming deficient. In other words, to address the nursing sector’s issue relating to their shortage, care facilities need to address the current issues faced by nurses.
According to Beitz (2019), while nurses are in short supply, it is essential for care facilities to limit or eliminate turnover. It is for such reasons that the approach entails prioritizing a retention culture by offering various attributes such as effective work-personal life balance, nurses’ mental care, advocacy, and career flexibility. By creating a positive environment for nurses, the proposed solutions to improve care for the elderly population and improve interprofessional interactions can be achieved. A positive environment entails being aware of the needs of subordinate nurses through effective communication, interaction and development of trust. The strategy is empirically supported with statistical data to demonstrate that it improves nursing care performance and contribution (McGee, 2021). Therefore, creating a positive working environment focused on employee needs has the outcome of improving overall care. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Value of Recommendations
Nonetheless, stakeholders need to note that the solution is temporary or short-term and cannot solve the shortage. Creating a positive environment for nurses can result in creativity and high retention rates. Lack of a strategic solution to the problem would have negative implications on the organization. The notion addresses the inability to maintain high patient satisfaction. It also impacts organization efficacy as caregivers will be unable to effectively implement PCC thereby resulting in errors and high patient and personnel dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, a long-term solution is needed, which must be developed by the nursing regulatory bodies and the federal and state governments, which impose rules regulating the practice (McGee, 2021). Stakeholders have significantly invested in the adoption of EHR (electronic health records), among other interventions intended to improve care facility performance and patient outcome; however, the role of nurses in inpatient care is vital (McGee, 2021). To ensure that the needs of all nurses are attained or provided for, it is critical to have an effective nurse leader that can advocate for nurses’ needs.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The key strength of being aware of the gap is the ability to compensate in the plan by developing strategies that account for the lack of nursing personnel. In other words, by developing strategies that do not necessitate a large nurse workforce but are able to maintain efficacy. The core drawback of the gap identified from the analysis is the practicality of the long-term effectiveness of PCC. As identified, nursing practitioners are the core of the strategy; the manner in which they approach patient care determines the practicality of the strategy. However, as demonstrated, the deficiency of nurses significantly impacts the use of patient-centered care.
Nurse Leadership
Nurse leadership has the most significant impact on nurse retention and satisfaction. Forecasting nurse turnover is critical for nursing executives to minimize escalating expenses and workforce loss (Marć et al., 2018). Numerous factors can influence nurse turnover rates. Turnover can be attributed to nurse managers’ treatment, leadership styles, apparent prejudices, or perks extended to specific staff members but not to others. Nurse leaders must devise the most effective recruiting and retaining workers in the face of a growing nursing shortage (Marć et al., 2018). There are several possible explanations for significant nurse turnover, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic.
According to statistics, over 40% of new registered nurses might quit their nursing post within three years, whereas only approximately 20% will resign during their first year (Beitz, 2019). The turnover rate is highly correlated with high-stress levels caused by the nurse shortage. Not only has COVID-19 contributed significantly to the nurse staffing issue, but the increasing demand for nurses has brought additional stress to currently employed nurses. Nursing shortages can result in nurses working overtime and overburdened with job obligations. Extended shifts have also been linked to a high rate of nurse turnover. Some nursing practitioners are already mandated to work twelve-hour shifts. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Thus, based on the awareness of the issues relating to low nurse retention, the type of nurse leader needed in such circumstances must demonstrate specific traits. Key among them is effective communication; according to Beitz (2019), maintaining clear communication channels among nurses and management may significantly benefit healthcare employee morale. Nurses should be encouraged to communicate their burnout and stress to supervisors and administration. Additionally, open communication will decrease healthcare staff tension and conflict (Beitz, 2019). Without open discussion, nurses may feel alienated because they are unsure who to turn to with issues and queries.
Another critical trait needed for a practical nurse leader is effective onboarding procedures. Due to the epidemic, facilities around the country have seen an upsurge in onboarding duration. Certain institutions have implemented initiatives that have resulted in increased nurse engagement and retention rates due to standardized and optimized onboarding processes. With an effective onboarding process, caregivers may get all their queries addressed and receive all the essential information and objectives regarding how to perform their duties properly (Marć et al., 2018). When nurses are provided with accurate knowledge, they will gain confidence to carry out their work tasks and not be confused.
Overall, it is evident that the role of nurses is significantly undervalued in the field; from a theoretical perspective, their role is critical to the effective operation of the healthcare industry. However, with looming shortages, high turnover rates, and low efficacy, it is evident that proposed quality improvement strategies would not be effective. For such reasons, implementing the gap analysis solutions proposed that stakeholders can attain their expectations.
Beitz, J. (2019). Addressing the Perioperative Nursing Shortage Through Education: A Perioperative Imperative. AORN Journal, 110(4), 403-414. https://doi.org/10.1002/aorn.12805
Gandhi, A., Yu, H., & Grabowski, D. (2021). High Nursing Staff Turnover In Nursing Homes Offers Important Quality Information. Health Affairs, 40(3), 384-391. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2020.00957
Marć, M., Bartosiewicz, A., Burzyńska, J., Chmiel, Z., & Januszewicz, P. (2018). A nursing shortage – a prospect of global and local policies. International Nursing Review, 66(1), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1111/inr.12473
McGee, P. (2021). A descriptive study of faculty-to-faculty incivility in nursing programs in the United States. Journal Of Professional Nursing, 37(1), 93-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.07.004
Spurlock, D. (2020). The Nursing Shortage and the Future of Nursing Education Is in Our Hands. Journal Of Nursing Education, 59(6), 303-304. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20200520-01
The third assessment is a deeper dive that you will share with your executive leaders. In this report, you provide a more detailed description addressing key outcome measures. As we know metrics and benchmarks are essential elements when recommending a practice change. I enjoyed reading about the opportunities for improvement. I left you more specific feedback on each criterion below. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
When submitting a revision, please highlight all your change in yellow.
Analyze quality and safety outcomes from an administrative and systems perspective.
Identify typical quality and safety outcomes and their associated measures.
Faculty Comments:
In the outcomes section what I am looking for is a clear discussion on your outcomes for your practice change. Describe what you have implemented and the impact on outcomes. Refer the reader to your spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is required for this assessment. List outcomes as well as your measures (interventions from your practice change). As your measures improve, your outcomes will rise. It is important to track compliance over time. In this section do not forget to refer the reader to your spreadsheet as you describe your findings in the narrative section. Many students add the spreadsheet to the appendix. The appendix follows the reference page. There is a sample spreadsheet in the classroom. I will send one to you.
Determine how specific organizational functions, policies, processes, procedures, norms, and behaviors can be used to build reliable and high-performing organizations.
Analyze organizational functions, processes, and behaviors in high-performing organizations.
Faculty Comments:
In this section I am looking for behaviors found in HPO. There is so much in the literature regarding qualities of a high performing organization.
Identify performance issues or opportunities associated with particular organizational functions, processes, and behaviors and the quality and safety outcomes they affect.
Faculty Comments:
Begin by having a level one header. Identify performance issues or opportunities associated with particular organizational functions, processes, and behaviors and the quality and safety outcomes they affect. It is unclear to me what you systemic program includes. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team
Synthesize the various aspects of the nurse leader’s role in developing, promoting, and sustaining a culture of quality and safety.
Outline a strategy for ensuring that all aspects of patient care are measured and that knowledge is shared with the staff.
Faculty Comments:
What theory of change will be used for your practice change? There is a great article in the classroom (Mitchell) where Lewin and Lippitt change models are shared. What will work best for your implementation of your practice change?
Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
Write coherently and with purpose, for a specific audience, using correct grammar and mechanics.
Faculty Comments:
Avoid using first person when writing papers. Many students find using the rubric as an outline helps with organization and focus. outcome measures, issues, and opportunities for the executive leadership team