What considerations need to be addressed within your community that are different form Debbie’s community?

To prepare for this Discussion, visit the CDC Wonder site in this week’s resources. Investigate the incidence and prevalence of TB in your community. What information did you find? Analyze how your

To prepare for this Discussion, visit the CDC Wonder site in this week’s resources. Investigate the incidence and prevalence of TB in your community. What information did you find? Analyze how your community compares to county, state, or national data for the same topic. Was the incidence and prevalence of each higher or lower than you expected?

Consider the following scenario: This is Debbie’s first year working as a nurse at the local health department in a rural county. Most of her days are spent in the clinic seeing clients who often do not have health insurance.

Over the past month, Debbie has noticed that several young Hispanic men have come to the health department, each diagnosed with tuberculosis. Debbie is concerned about what the outbreak of tuberculosis among the migrant workers could mean for the community. Through a community health profile, Debbie identifies the group of migrant farm workers as being at highest risk for contracting tuberculosis.

Using the Epidemiologic Triangle concept, consider the relationship among causal agents, susceptible persons, and environmental factors. Then, respond to the following:

  • As a BSN-prepared community health nurse, what steps should Debbie take next?
  • Considering economic and social considerations within the community, what are the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions that Debbie might use in managing this outbreak?
  • Can similar interventions be applied to your community and its TB prevalence?
  • What considerations need to be addressed within your community that are different form Debbie’s community?

By Day 3

Post your response to this Discussion.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 250–350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old).

How did the Service fail in its responsibility in monitoring Barbara? Should the facility also be held responsible?

Falsification of records and billing are serious offenses and must be treated as such. As a health administrator, you will be called upon to monitor staff to be sure that records and billing are accur

Falsification of records and billing are serious offenses and must be treated as such. As a health administrator, you will be called upon to monitor staff to be sure that records and billing are accurate.

In this scenario, consider that you are the assistant manager of operations for the Smith Home Health Care Services. Part of your job is to do impromptu visits where internal audits are completed as a measure to monitor the home health nurses and aides for the company.

You have been observing Barbara Smithers, who has been a home health aide since the company was established in 1995. You notice, before one of your monitoring visits, that Barbara’s billing totals seem higher than the average worker. When you observe her home services and compare them to the services rendered, there is a discrepancy. Going back in her service records, this has been a pattern for at least 4 years. You report this to your supervisor, Ron James. Mr. James meets with Barbara, who finally admits that she has been “padding” the billing for at least 10 years, at the demand of nursing supervisor, Donna Strickland. Mr. James asks you to sit in on a conference with Ms. Strickland and Ms. Smithers and contribute to questioning them and helping make a final decision.

  • If accusations turn out to be true, what would be your recommendation in this case be to the Mr. James? What records do you need to review before the conference? Be sure to cite standards from the False Claims Act.
  • How did the Service fail in its responsibility in monitoring Barbara? Should the facility also be held responsible?
  • Could the Service have avoided this situation? Does 4 years of potential fraudulent billing seem a reasonable time period for no one to notice?What are the consequences of this behavior? Is there a criminal case here? What about civil liability? Are there any non-monetary consequences this Service should now be worried about?

What other teaching needs would you review with Mr. Artuso while he is hospitalized?

Patient ProfileMr. Artuso is a 63-year-old electrician who came to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath, morning cough, and swelling in his lower extremities.Subjective DataHas

Patient Profile

Mr. Artuso is a 63-year-old electrician who came to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath, morning cough, and swelling in his lower extremities.

Subjective Data

Has smoked one pack of cigarettes daily for over 30 years

Has difficulty breathing when he walks

Has been sleeping in a recliner to make it easier to breathe

His shoes are tight at the end of the day

Objective Data

Physical Examination

Blood pressure 125/90, pulse 90, temperature 98.4° F, respirations 32

Increased anterior-posterior diameter

Breath sounds diminished with prolonged expiration

2+ peripheral edema bilateral lower extremities

Thin with muscle wasting

Respirations labored

Diagnostic Studies

Arterial blood gases: pH 7.32, SaO2 86%, PaCO2 55 mm Hg, PaO2 70 mm Hg

Chest x-ray shows hyperinflation of lungs

FEV1 65%

Question 1

What in Mr. Artuso’s history is commonly associated with pulmonary problems?

Question 2

Interpret Mr. Artuso’s arterial blood gases.

Question 3

What is a likely medical diagnosis for Mr. Artuso?

Question 4

What assessment data and diagnostic study results led you to this diagnosis?

Question 5

What complication associated with this diagnosis does Mr. Artuso also have? What clinical manifestation led you to that and what is the cause of it?

Question 6

What are the priority nursing diagnoses for Mr. Artuso at this time?

Question 7

What interventions are indicated for Mr. Artuso and what outcome is expected for each intervention?

Question 8

As part of patient teaching, is it “too late” to encourage Mr. Artuso to stop smoking? Why?

Question 9

What other teaching needs would you review with Mr. Artuso while he is hospitalized?

When analyzing qualitative data, what are the ways in which trustworthiness can be established? What ethical considerations are unique to qualitative methods?

Exceptional Genius only

In this week’s material on lung function, two diseases tend to emerge as clinically important: COPD and lung cancer. Please go onto the CDC website (www.CDC.gov) to look up facts and figures on one of these two diseases. What is its burden on society? How can you, working on the front lines of disease management, help to relieve the burden of the disease on society?

2.Top of Form

Read the case study below. Answer and discuss the questions that follow.

ND is a 82-year-old female who lives in a skilled nursing facility. She suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease, chronic bronchitis, and hypertension. She is wheelchair bound and tends to spend most of her days in bed. She smoked for 52 years but quit 14 years ago. She has lost 10 pounds in the last month and has had a productive cough for about 2 weeks that has copious amounts of white to yellow mucous. Over the last 3 days, she has refused to get out of bed and has been refusing to eat or drink. This morning she is confused, has a fever, and is coughing continuously. Her sputum now is rust-colored. Her lungs sounds are coarse rhonchi throughout with crackles and diminished lung sounds in her right middle lobe area. Her vital signs are BP 86/54, HR 98, RR 28, and temperature 102.4. She is being admitted to the hospital. 

Pneumonia can be classified many different ways. Which classification of pneumonia best fits ND’s situation? Explain. What is the most probable cause of ND’s pneumonia? Which diagnostic tests would you expect to be done to diagnose ND’s pneumonia?

3.Top of Form

When analyzing qualitative data, what are the ways in which trustworthiness can be established? What ethical considerations are unique to qualitative methods?

4. Explain and differentiate between the four different types of qualitative research. What are some advantages and disadvantages of each type?

Dealing with Difference in the Health Care Setting (6-8 Pages double spaced). DUE Beginning 4-5-2017

Dealing With Difference

Doctor Coopers,


6-8 pages 

Due April 5

Dealing with Difference in the Health Care Setting (6-8 Pages double spaced).  DUE Beginning 4-5-2017

Your paper will be based on a specific cultural group assigned to you during the first class session.  The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about another cultural group by gathering information about the cultural group from a variety of sources, including an INTERVIEW with an individual from that group.

Research- Preparing Your Outline and Notes- The following provides an extensive but not exhaustive list of topic areas that might be covered in your paper.  While you will not have time to deal with each area, please choose the information that is most relevant to understanding human difference and the responsibility of health care workers for responding to these differences in a health care setting.  Please have at least five outside sources in addition to your interview and other course materials.

A.    Interview Basic Information

1.     Immigration background, language, religious beliefs/practices.

2.     Most challenging/difficult aspects of American culture for them.

3.     Family patterns, roles, and relationships.

4.     Customs and behaviors, food, holidays and celebrations.

5.     Recreation and leisure activities.

6.     Degree of Assimilation: where do they feel they fit in?

B.    What health issues are unique to the cultural group you are researching? What does a health care worker need to be most concerned about when dealing with members of your specific cultural group?  In what ways might nursing care be particularly sensitive to those who are members of this cultural group?

C.    Discuss three aspects of the cultural group that are the most difficult for you to understand. Explain why characteristics of your culture and that of your cultural group might cause these difficulties.

D.    Using ideas from the text, readings, class and outside sources, list steps and/or principles health care workers can use to avoid negative stereotyping, judging, or prejudice against the cultural group.

E.    Mention any emotional responses, changes in thinking, or insights you personally gained from your research.

Cultural Group:                                                   Culture:

Once you have completed your paper  ( including bibliography: websites for articles available online, citations for information from your sources—books, magazines, journals etc.) p lease submit paper as a Microsoft Word attachment to ASSIGNMENTS.

identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.


Due Date: Apr 29, 2017      Max Points: 150Details:

The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest.

Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.

Start with the patient and identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.

Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT statement in your selected practice problem area of interest, which is applicable to your proposed capstone project.

The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on your selected practice problem of interest. This literature search should include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your practice problem.

Select six peer-reviewed research articles which will be utilized through the next 5 weeks as reference sources. Be sure that some of the articles use qualitative research and that some use quantitative research. Create a reference list in which the six articles are listed. Beneath each reference include the article’s abstract. The completed assignment should have a title page and a reference list with abstracts.

Suggestions for locating qualitative and quantitative research articles from credible sources:

  1. Use a library database such as CINAHL Complete for your search.
  2. Using the advanced search page check the box beside “Research Article” in the “Limit Your Results” section.
  3. When setting up the search you can type your topic in the top box, then add quantitative or qualitative as a search term in one of the lower boxes. Research articles often are described as qualitative or quantitative.

To narrow/broaden your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used, review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500-word paper which includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the Change Proposal:

Assignment for kim woods

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a coursework portfolio inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500-word paper which includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the Change Proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the Change Proposal
  4. PICO(T)
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.
  10. Appendix section, inclusive of all required documentation regarding the practice immersion clinical component to the course.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting. (No feedback was given; so go ahead and use any appropriate suggestions).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Portfolio Practice Hours

Students will track their practice hours throughout the course via the Practice Hours Completion Statement provided in this assignment.

Complete the following statement in a Word document and submit it to the instructor via the individual forum in LoudCloud.

Practice Hours Completion Statement NRS-490

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed (NUMBER OF) practice hours in association with the goals and objectives for this course. I also verify that all required course approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor.

rewrite this nursing paper

rewrite this paper

hi, i need help with my paper. I just want to read this one  page of my paper and corecct it or rewrite it with your own words.

this paper is my report of my clinical day. This paper is one page and double space, i need it in 4 hours

My last Clinical Day

On Wednesday May 3rd I finished my last psych clinical. It is hard to see I am

almost done with this clinical, since It was very interesting and different from

what I thought before. I feel a big difference from the first day I started to the last

day of it. I now have a better understanding on how to take care of psych

patients. My last assigned floor I attended on Wednesday, was Basic Adults. I

started by introducing myself to all staffs and then per nurse request I took the

vital sign for about 10 patients, only one patient refused to let me do it.

During breakfast that specific patient was extremely agitated and started to

scream and curse the staff by saying “I want to get the **** out of here”. This

time I wasn’t surprised that one patient acted this way. I observed the nurse to

learn how she handled the situation. After half an hour the nurse controlled the

situation and was able to calm the patient down, even patient allowed me to take

his vital sign. I asked the nurse for advice on how to deal with this kind of

patients.  This is just one experience I got from this clinical which allowed me to

grow more in my nursing professional. Also, for the second time I got the

 opportunity to observe the doctor how performs ECT. That was a great

experience to see what I read in the books and watched in the movies able to see

 in real patient. Unfortunately, my clinical psych finished. It was a great

 opportunity for me to learn from all of this. I was so happy I had a good instructor

 who put no pressure on us and gave good advices on how to perform our job as a student

3- What information do you give parents about pain management on discharge?

question and answer

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you have mastered the topic/concepts you have researched and can engage in meaningful, scholarly dialog and/or debate with your peers while also offering a unique contribution to the subject. 

For this assignment, you will Select three (3) questions submitted by your peers and/or your instructor from the discussion board to address formally and in detail for this assignment. 

Choose questions of intellectual substance; each response should be 1 – 2 paragraphs in length.

Include the questions above your responses.

Present the question in bold text and your response beneath in regular APA style text. You do not need to identify the person who submitted the question.

Your responses should be organized, comprehensive, and well written.

Use citations and a reference page when appropriate to include supporting evidence; however, your responses should be unique and indicative of your own understanding of the subject.

Include a title page.


**** These are the questions

1.    What involvement do parents have in their child’s pain management?

2- What involvement do children have in their pain management?

3- What information do you give parents about pain management on discharge?


The required number of responses is submitted in the appropriate format. Questions chosen for response are of significant intellectual quality so as to require a substantive reply, and cover a variety of issues. The student does not steer away from challenging or difficult questions for which there may be no exact answer. Responses are organized, comprehensive, and very well written. Responses are academic in tone and are presented professionally. Responses indicate a thorough understanding of the topic and (when applicable) a willingness to explore unexamined or contradictory views. Responses directly address the questions posed and stay on target. Responses are accurate and supported with specific details taken from the research paper. Speculations, when offered, are reasonable. Student can successfully engage in scholarly discussion on the topic. The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

Introduction to the community, including the name of the community and any interesting or historical facts you would like to add about where you live

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper including:•Introduction to the community, including the name of the community and any interesting or historical facts you would like to add about where you live

Conduct a “Windshield Survey” in a section of your community. Instructions for the survey can be found in Stanhope and Lancaster (2016) on page 416, Table 18-6. As you notice, conducting a Windshield Survey requires that you either walk around or drive around a particular section of the community and take notes about what you observe. A Windshield Survey cannot be conducted by reviewing websites or Google Earth only. It requires actually taking a look at the selected area of the community. This survey should be focused on the problem and population you have selected for your practicum project. If you choose, for example, obesity among Hispanic schoolchildren, you might want to locate a section of the community where many Hispanic children live, or you might want to conduct the Windshield Survey around where Hispanic children attend school. If Hispanic children are not found in a specific section of your community (e.g., Chinatown in San Francisco or Harlem in New York), then you may select the section of the community where you live or work but pay particular attention to your practicum population and practicum problem as you conduct a survey of the community as viewed through the eyes of the public health nurse.

By Day 7 of Week 3

Submit a 3- to 4-page paper including:

  • Introduction to the community, including the name of the community and any interesting or historical facts you would like to add about where you live
  • Photographs of the selected area of the community that serve as evidence of your observations and hypotheses
  • Windshield Survey findings, including a description of the section of your community that you chose to survey
  • Description of the Vulnerable Population and Available Resources
    • Demographics of the vulnerable population
    • What social determinants create their vulnerable status?
    • What community strengths exist to assist this population?
  • Conclusions based on Nursing Assessment of the Community
    • Based on what you have found, what conclusions can you draw about your community and your selected population for your practicum?