1. Words Minimum 1500-1800 words not including your cover , reference page , Introduction and conclusion which has to be in separated pages.

RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT  Name:  Circumcision…Is it an issue?  Explore the human and ethical issues surrounding circumcision.  1- Is this a medical right or a human rights issue?  2-Why are people


Name:  Circumcision…Is it an issue? 

Explore the human and ethical issues surrounding circumcision. 

1- Is this a medical right or a human rights issue? 

2-Why are people so against it…why are some so for it? 

3-What is the role of the nurse in relations to an ethical dilemma involving circumcision?


Your paper should be:

1. Words Minimum 1500-1800 words not including your cover , reference page , Introduction and conclusion which has to be in separated pages.

2. Doubled spaced. 

3. 4. Include a minimum of three nursing REVIEWED ARTICLES OR JOURNALS are required. 


6.  The research paper will be graded on quality of research to support the topic, effective use of information gained through research, credibility of sources, content, grammar and mechanics, and bibliography.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% p

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% p

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.

Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.

Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.

In addition, address:

1. Subject selection

2. Issues relating to the measurement of both the exposure and the outcome

3. Potential biases that the study might be prone to, and how they might be handled

4. Possible confounding factors and effect modifiers and how to overcome their effect.

Present the information in a 750-1000-word report, using section headings where each requirement is described and justified under each of the following headings: Study Design, Statistical Measures, Subject Selection, and Measurement Issues.

Refer below to the “Key Elements of a Research Proposal.”

You are required to use a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Key Elements of a Research Proposal

If you need a review of study design components, view the resources below. 

Review the Key Elements page of the Research Methods Knowledge Base website at Social Research Methods – Knowledge Base – Key Elements

Social Research       Methods – Knowledge Base – Key Elements

Key Elements of a Research Proposal

Background / purpose / rationale of the study

Literature review

Hypothesis/key questions 

Research objectives

Research methods

  • Study      design
  • Statistical      bias
  • Procedures/timeline
    • Specific       steps to be taken to complete the study
    • Instruments/data       collection methods
    • Outcomes
  • Proposed      data analysis plan
    • Statistical       analyses planned
    • Power       analysis if appropriate
  • Data      safety monitoring if appropriate

Study participants

  • Description      of participates
  • Recruitment      of participates
  • Confidentiality/human      subject’s protection/legal-ethical issues (if appropriate)
  • Sampling      / rationale
    • Inclusion/exclusion       criteria
    • Number       of subjects

Statistical Analysis (only if applicable)

Anticipated Results and Potential Pitfalls

Implications for Practice

Adapted from “Key Elements of a Social Science Research Proposal: Statement of Research Plan” by the Office of Research at Northwestern University at www.research.northwestern.edu

For this assignment, you will write emails explaining a situation to both an employer and a friend.

Instructions For this assignment, you will write emails explaining a situation to both an employer and a friend. Your employer has asked you to work on a day that you have already requested off for p


For this assignment, you will write emails explaining a situation to both an employer and a friend.

Your employer has asked you to work on a day that you have already requested off for personal reasons. You are unable to change your plans and must therefore explain why you are unable to work (a family wedding or similar event is a possible choice for this). Your friend has asked you to assist him or her with moving on the same day. Again, you are unable to help because of the same prior engagement.

  1. Write an email to your employer explaining why you are unable to work on the day specified.
  2. Write an email to your friend explaining why you are unavailable to help with his or her move.
  3. In a short, 1-page reflection, explain the differences between how you have communicated in the two emails. Familiarity with the other person, formality, type of language used, and other factors you may wish to include.
  4. Keep in mind the audiences to whom you are writing. Ideas of grammar, formality, and word choice may be very different depending on your audience, but in both cases, clarity and succinctness are important.

Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.

The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-

The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following:

  1. Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child.
  2. Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.
  3. Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would developmentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Assignment: Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the i

Assignment: Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the i


  • Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?
  • Locate a nursing study that utilizes some aspect of the internet (for instance, for recruitment, delivery of an intervention, or completing online assessments. What challenges did the researchers face, and how were these challenges overcome (or not)? How could future research efforts be improved?
  • Using your computer’s office tools, develop a pie, bar, or plot chart to represent the following population estimates:

Population                         Percentage

European American                         20

African American                             30

Native American                              20

Hispanic American                           30

The assignment should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length and contain at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook and provided material. Please submit your assignment in one APA formatted document.

Analyze why legislative attempts to address only one of the trio of rising costs, lack of universal access, or variable quality of health care only worsens the remaining two.

Assignment: Professional Development Assignments: Public health efforts and those of private medicine complement each other and together serve the spectrum of health service needs of American society


Professional Development Assignments: 

  1. Public health efforts and those of private medicine complement each other and together serve the spectrum of health service needs of American society. Why, then, has their relationship been so contentious?
  2. The Institute of Medicine report of 1999 cites two major studies that establish medical errors as one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. Should the federal government take the necessary steps to monitor the status of this high-risk situation, as it does with other epidemics, or should the government continue to trust the providers of health care to deal forthrightly with the problem?
  3. Analyze why legislative attempts to address only one of the trio of rising costs, lack of universal access, or variable quality of health care only worsens the remaining two.

Please submit one APA formatted paper between 1000 – 1500 words, not including the title and reference page. The assignment should have a minimum of two scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who selected at least one different factor than you in one of the following ways:

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who selected at least one different factor than you in one of the following ways: Share insights on how the factor your colleague selected impacts the pathop

Respond to at least two of your colleagues who selected at least one different factor than you in one of the following ways:

Share insights on how the factor your colleague selected impacts the pathophysiology of anaphylactic shock.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

                                                             Main Post

                                               Anaphylactic Shock 

Anaphylactic shock is a life-threatening medical emergency from an allergic reaction that requires immediate treatment. Rapid-onset respiratory compromise, skin/mucosal involvement, and hypotensive end-organ dysfunction are all characteristic presentations (Brasted & Ruppel, 2016). The body’s response to the allergen is to release inflammatory mediators at a local site, but ultimately, the response is systemic, which leads to an overwhelming cascade that affects the homeostasis of the body. Due to an increase in vascular permeability, fluid shift from the intravascular to extravascular space can occur within minutes, resulting in edema, respiratory arrest, and circulatory collapse (Brasted & Ruppel, 2016). The effect leads to vasodilation and consequently, intravascular volume depletion resulting in systemic hypotension; the hypoperfusion affects every end organ. 

Emergency Versus Treating as an Outpatient

Hindsight is always 20/20, but, the respiratory compromise in this scenario should have led the school nurse to deem this a medical emergency. Urticaria and other skin symptoms were significantly more common in food-induced anaphylaxis (Kim, Kim, & Cho, 2018). I am not aware of emergency medicines available at the school levels, but; the girl did not have any medications specifically assigned to her. First line treatment would have been epinephrine or an Epi-pen, a device that people with known allergies carry with them or in this case; the girl would have had available for the school nurse to administer. Epinephrine is a powerful catecholamine that the body produces naturally for the “fight or flight” response. When administered in an anaphylactic shock situation, it acts on many levels to combat the allergen’s triggered processes. First, it is a potent alpha-1 adrenergic agonist, and it vasoconstricts and increases the peripheral vascular resistance. This increases blood pressure and reduces mucosal edema, especially relevant in alleviation of upper airway obstruction (Brasted & Ruppel, 2016). Epinephrine is also a powerful inotropic agent, allowing the heart to generate an increased cardiac output by strengthening the contractions of the heart. It decreases the inflammatory mediators with its beta-2 adrenergic effect, slowing the process of the allergen response. If an Epi-pen is used, the patient should still go to the emergency room for further evaluation as hypoperfusion may have damaged some organs. There is no situation that anaphylactic shock should be managed in an outpatient setting, especially with a six-year-old child.  

Age and Gender’s Role in Anaphylactic Shock

Anaphylaxis does not differentiate between old and young or male and female if you have an allergy and come in contact with the allergen, you have the potential for anaphylaxis or even anaphylactic shock. However, research by Kim, Kim, and Cho (2018) acknowledged that severe symptoms were more frequent in the drug-induced anaphylaxis, and risk factors for the severe anaphylaxis were found to be age, sex, and drug-induced anaphylaxis. The results showed that older males were at more risk for severe anaphylaxis when the allergen was a drug. 


Anaphylactic shock requires a practitioner’s immediate attention to preserve the life of the patient. All practitioners should know the early warning signs and advanced warning signs when dealing with this life-threatening situation. Understanding the factors associated with anaphylaxis can help guide preventive and management strategies both within and outside of the school setting (White, Silvia, Muniz, Herrem, & Hogue, 2017). All schools should be able to treat anaphylaxis, in the early stages and life-saving medications should be available, even if not available in the child’s medicine bin. 


Brasted, I. D., & Ruppel, M. C. (2016). Anaphylaxis and Its Treatment. EMS World, 45(9), 31–37. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rzh&AN=117794702&site=eds-live&scope=site

Kim, S.-Y., Kim, M.-H., & Cho, Y.-J. (2018). Different clinical features of anaphylaxis according to cause and risk factors for severe reactions. Allergology International, 67(1), 96–102. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.alit.2017.05.005

White, M. V., Silvia, S., Muniz, R., Herrem, C., & Hogue, S. L. (2017). Prevalence and triggers of anaphylactic events in schools. Allergy And Asthma Proceedings, 38(4), 286–293. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.2500/aap.2017.38.4066

Which personal characteristics did you score lowest?

Assume that you are leading a clinical operations team at GW Medical Center. As you answer each question, think about how you would behave in the workplace. For example, the first question is “When as

Assume that you are leading a clinical operations team at GW Medical Center. As you answer each question, think about how you would behave in the workplace. For example, the first question is “When assigning tasks, I consider people’s skills and interests.” As a manager, would you do that very often, often, sometimes, rarely, or not at all?

Go to: Mind Tools Editorial Team. How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_50.htm

Complete the leadership skills questionnaire. After you answer all questions, click on the “Calculate My Total” button. You may have to set up a free account in order to get your total. 

After you get your total score, scroll down to see how you scored on each Personal Characteristic:


Positive Attitude and Outlook

Emotional Intelligence

Providing a Compelling Vision of the Future

Motivating People to Deliver the Vision

Being a Good Role Model

Managing Performance Effectively

Providing Support and Stimulation

Write a one-page report answering the following questions:

Based on the description provided what does your score mean in terms of leadership skills?

Which personal characteristics did you score highest?

Which personal characteristics did you score lowest?

What suggestions for improving your leadership skills, did this website provide for you? 

By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

· Explain why the items you included in the privileged note would not be included in the client family’s progress note.

Practicum – Assessing Client Family Progress Learning Objectives Students will: · Create progress notes · Create privileged notes · Justify the inclusion or exclusio

                                   Practicum – Assessing Client Family Progress

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Create progress notes

· Create privileged notes

· Justify the inclusion or exclusion of information in progress and privileged notes (SEE ATTACHED SAMPLE OF PROGRESS AND PRIVILIGED NOTE)

· Evaluate preceptor notes

To prepare:

· Reflect on the client family you selected for the Week 3 Practicum Assignment (SEE ATTACHED WEEK 3 NOTE),

                                                             The Assignment

                 Part 1: Progress Note

Using the client family from your Week 3 Practicum Assignment address in a progress note (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:

· Treatment modality used and efficacy of approach

· Progress and/or lack of progress toward the mutually agreed-upon client goals  

  (reference the treatment plan for progress toward goals)

· Modification(s) of the treatment plan that were made based on progress/lack of  


· Clinical impressions regarding diagnosis and or symptoms

· Relevant psychosocial information or changes from original assessment (e.g.,   

  marriage, separation/divorce, new relationships, move to a new  

  house/apartment, change of job)

· Safety issues

· Clinical emergencies/actions taken

· Medications used by the patient, even if the nurse psychotherapist was not the 

  one prescribing them

· Treatment compliance/lack of compliance

· Clinical consultations

· Collaboration with other professionals (e.g., phone consultations with physicians, 

   psychiatrists, marriage/family therapists)

· The therapist’s recommendations, including whether the client agreed to the  


· Referrals made/reasons for making referrals

· Termination/issues that are relevant to the termination process (e.g., client 

   informed of loss of insurance or refusal of insurance company to pay for 

   continued sessions)

· Issues related to consent and/or informed consent for treatment

· Information concerning child abuse and/or elder or dependent adult abuse, 

  including documentation as to where the abuse was reported

· Information reflecting the therapist’s exercise of clinical judgment

Note: Be sure to exclude any information that should not be found in a discoverable progress note.

                       Part 2: Privileged Note

· Based on this week’s readings, prepare a privileged psychotherapy note that you would use to document your impressions of therapeutic progress/therapy sessions for your client family from the Week 3 Practicum Assignment. (SEE ATTACHED WEEK 3 NOTE),

In your progress note, address the following:

· Include items that you would not typically include in a note as part of the clinical record.

· Explain why the items you included in the privileged note would not be included in the client family’s progress note.

· Explain whether your preceptor uses privileged notes. If so, describe the type of information he or she might include. If not, explain why.

Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions Chronic Conditions (15 Points) Pick any Chronic Disease from Weeks 6-10 Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program) Follo

Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions Chronic Conditions (15 Points) Pick any Chronic Disease from Weeks 6-10 Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)  Follo

Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions

Chronic Conditions (15 Points)

Pick any Chronic Disease from Weeks 6-10

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)  Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide

Turn it in Score must be less than 50% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 50%. Copy paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement


Name:  LP


Time: 1315

Age: 30

Sex: F



“I am having vaginal itching and pain in   my lower abdomen.”


Pt is a   30y/o AA female, who is a new patient that has recently moved to Miami. She seeks treatment today after   unsuccessful self-treatment of vaginal itching, burning upon urination, and   lower abdominal pain. She is concerned   for the presence of a vaginal or bladder infection, or an STD. Pt denies fever. She reports the itching and burning with   urination has been present for 3 weeks, and the abdominal pain has been   intermittent since months ago. Pt has   tried OTC products for the itching, including Monistat and Vagisil. She denies any other urinary symptoms,   including urgency or frequency. She   describes the abdominal pain as either sharp or dull. The pain level goes as high as 8 out of 10   at times. 200mg of PO Advil PRN   reduces the pain to a 7/10. Pt denies   any aggravating factors for the pain. Pt reports that she did start her menstrual cycle this morning, but   denies any other discharge other that light bleeding beginning today. Pt denies douching or the use of any   vaginal irritants. She reports that   she is in a stable sexual relationship, and denies any new sexual partners in   the last 90 days. She denies any   recent or historic known exposure to STDs. She reports the use of condoms with every coital experience, as well   as this being her only form of contraceptive. She reports normal monthly menstrual cycles that last 3-4 days. She reports dysmenorrhea, which she also   takes Advil for. She reports her last   PAP smear was in 7/2016, was normal, and reports never having an abnormal PAP   smear result. Pt denies any hx of   pregnancies. Other medical hx includes   GERD. She reports that she has an Rx   for Protonix, but she does not take it every day. Her family hx includes the presence of DM   and HTN. 

Current Medications: 

Protonix   40mg PO Daily for GERD

MTV OTC   PO Daily

Advil   200mg OTC PO PRN for pain




Medication Intolerances: 


Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas




Family History

Father-   DM & HTN; Mother- HTN; Older sister- DM & HTN; Maternal and paternal   grandparents without known medical issues; 1 brother and 3 other sisters   without known medical issues; No children.

Social History

Lives   alone. Currently in a stable sexual   relationship with one man. Works for   DEFACS. Reports occasional alcohol   use, but denies tobacco or illicit drug use.



Denies   weight change, fatigue, fever, night sweats


Denies   chest pain and edema. Reports rare palpitations that are relieved by drinking   water


Denies   any wounds, rashes, bruising, bleeding or skin discolorations, any changes in   lesions


Denies   cough. Reports dyspnea that accompanies the rare palpitations and is also   relieved by drinking water


Denies corrective   lenses, blurring, visual changes of any kind


Abdominal   pain (see HPI) and Hx of GERD. Denies   N/V/D, constipation, appetite changes


Denies   Ear pain, hearing loss, ringing in ears


Reports   burning with urination, but denies frequency or urgency. Contraceptive and STD prevention includes   condoms with every coital event. Current stable sexual relationship with one man. Denies known historic or recent STD   exposure. Last PAP was 7/2016 and normal. Regular monthly menstrual cycle   lasting 3-4 days. 


Denies   sinus problems, dysphagia, nose bleeds or discharge


Denies   back pain, joint swelling, stiffness or pain


Denies   SBE


Denies   syncope, seizures, paralysis, weakness


Denies   bruising, night sweats, swollen glands


Denies   depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties


Weight   140lb 

Temp -97.7

BP 123/82

Height 5’4”

Pulse 74

Respiration 18

General Appearance

Healthy   appearing adult female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented; answers   questions appropriately. 


Skin is   normal color for ethnicity, warm, dry, clean and intact. No rashes or lesions   noted.


Head is   norm cephalic, hair evenly distributed. Neck: Supple. Full ROM. Teeth are in   good repair.


S1, S2   with regular rate and rhythm. No extra heart sounds. 


Symmetric   chest walls. Respirations regular and easy; lungs clear to auscultation   bilaterally.


Abdomen   flat; BS active in all 4 quadrants. Abdomen soft, suprapubic   tender. No hepatosplenomegaly.  


Suprapubic   tenderness noted. Skin color normal   for ethnicity. Irritation noted at   labia majora, minora, and perineum. No ulcerated lesions noted. Lymph nodes   not palpable. Vagina pink and moist   without lesions. Discharge minimal,   thick, dark red, no odor. Cervix pink   without lesions. No CMT. Uterus normal size, shape, and consistency.  


Full   ROM seen in all 4 extremities as patient moved about the exam room.


Speech   clear. Good tone. Posture erect. Balance stable; gait normal.


Alert   and oriented. Dressed in clean clothes. Maintains eye contact. Answers   questions appropriately.

Lab Tests

Urinalysis   – blood noted (pt. on menstrual period), but results negative for infection

Urine   culture testing unavailable

Wet   prep – inconclusive 

STD   testing pending for gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, HSV 1 & 2, Hep B   & C 

Special Tests- No ordered at this   time.


Differential Diagnoses

  • 1-Bacterial Vaginosis (N76.0)
  • 2- Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ,         unspecified. (C57.9)
  • 3-Gonococcal infection, unspecified. (A54.9)


o Urinary   tract infection, site not specified. (N39.0) Candidiasis of vulva and vagina.   (B37.3) secondary to presenting symptoms (Colgan & Williams, 2011) &   (Hainer & Gibson, 2011). 


  • Plan:  
    • Medication – 

§ Terconazole cream 1 vaginal application QHS for 7 days for   Vulvovaginal Candidiasis; 

§ Sulfamethoxazole/TMP DS 1 tablet PO twice daily for 3 days   for UTI (Woo & Wynne, 2012)

  • Education – 

§ Medications prescribed. 

§ UTI and Candidiasis symptoms, causes, risks, treatment,   prevention. Reasons to seek emergent care, including N/V, fever, or back   pain. 

§ STD risks and preventions. 

§ Ulcer prevention, including taking Protonix as prescribed,   not exceeding the recommended dose limit of NSAIDs, and not taking NSAIDs on   an empty stomach. 

  • Follow-up         – 

§ Pt will be contacted with results of STD studies. 

§ Return to clinic when finished the period for perform   pap-smear or if symptoms do not resolve with prescribed TX.


Colgan, R. & Williams, M. (2011). Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis. American Family Physician, 84(7), 771-776.

Hainer, B. & Gibson, M. (2011). Vaginitis: Diagnosis and Treatment. American Family Physician, 83(7), 807-815. 

Woo, T. M., & Wynne, A. L. (2012). Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurse Practitioner Prescribers (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.