explain and justify or defend their nursing care decisions

I need a nursing care plan written by the template. It is 2000 words long and I need it finished… 

I need a nursing care plan written by the template. It is 2000 words long and I need it finished within 2 weeks.I have attached the question outline, template and the rubric. I have also attached the referencing guide, as this needs to have in-text references(one in every rationale) and it needs to be referenced by the CDU APA 6th Referencing GuideDocument Preview:

NUR250 Medical Surgical Nursing 1 S1 2018 Before you begin NUR250 Assessment 1 It is strongly recommended that students revisit and ensure they understand the University and Unit policies and guidelines related to academic integrity, plagiarism, submission, extension, late submission and resubmission. The Unit Coordinator cannot be held responsible for information about Assessment 1 that students’ access outside of the NUR250 Learnline site. This includes information students may access from other students, whether enrolled in the unit or not, using social media tools such as Facebook and/or friends and/or colleagues they may discuss their assignment with. The Unit Coordinator is the person to contact if you have any questions or queries about Assessment 1 NUR250 Assessment 1 Topic: Nursing care of a patient in a medical surgical setting th Due date: By 1500 (3pm) Thursday 12 April Length: 2000 words + 200 for words on template Contribution to overall grade: 40% Assessment purpose Learning objectives Assessment 1 is the only written academic assignment in NUR250 for This assessment addresses students to demonstrate they: the unit learning outcomes; ? Are developing the ability to locate, interpret, integrate, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 synthesize and apply nursing knowledge from NUR250 to a relevant nursing practice scenario in medical surgical settings ? Are developing appropriate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and sound clinical decision making processes and strategies essential for safe, evidence-based and competent nursing practice in medical surgical settings ? Are able to focus their attention to the needs of the individual patient as the key concern of nursing practice in medical surgical settings ? Are able to explain and justify or defend their nursing care decisions ? Have a developing understanding of the role and scope of practice of the registered nurse in the Australian health care context ?…

Use Worksheet 8.1 to calculate Miriam’s total life insurance requirements and recommend the type of policy she should buy.

Use Worksheet 8.1. Sharon Epstein is a 72-year-old widow who has recently been diagnosed with… 

1 answer below »
Use Worksheet 8.1. Sharon Epstein is a 72-year-old widow who has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She has limited financial assets of her own and has been living with her daughter Miriam for 2 years. Her only income is $850 a month in Social Security survivor’s benefits. Miriam wants to make sure her mother will be taken care of if Miriam should die. Miriam, 40, is single and earns $55,000 a year as a human resources manager for a small manufacturing firm. She owns a condo with a current market value of $100,000 and has a $70,000 mortgage. Other debts include a $5,000 auto loan and $500 in various credit card balances. Her 401(k) plan has a current balance of $24,500, and she keeps $7,500 in a money market account for emergencies. After talking with her mother’s doctor, Miriam believes that her mother will be able to continue living independently for another 2 to 3 years. She estimates that her mother would need about $2,000 a month to cover her living expenses and medical costs during this time. After that, Miriam’s mother will probably need nursing home care. Miriam calls several local nursing homes and finds that it will cost about $5,000 a month when her mother enters a nursing home. Her mother’s doctor says it is difficult to estimate her mother’s life expectancy but indicates that with proper care some Alzheimer’s patients can live 10 or more years after diagnosis. Miriam also estimates that her personal final expenses would be around $5,000, and she’d like to provide a $25,000 contingency fund that would be used to pay a trusted friend to supervise her mother’s care if Miriam were no longer alive. Use Worksheet 8.1 to calculate Miriam’s total life insurance requirements and recommend the type of policy she should buy.

Nursing Education Curriculum

PDR-272144 Nursing Education Curriculum This paper is an edit an revision and I will send you my… 

1 answer below »PDR-272144 Nursing Education Curriculum This paper is an edit an revision and I will send you my paper… For This assignment. Revise and edit paper…….. I have attached paper: Here are the instructions for the paper: *Scenario:* You are a faculty member on the nursing curriculum committee tasked with transitioning the current associate degree program to a four-year baccalaureate nursing program. The committee has completed the work of designing the new curriculum and it will be fully implemented in approximately eight months. *Requirements:* A. Discuss ways to keep stakeholders informed about new curriculum development by doing the following: 1. Discuss *two* strategies that should be implemented to keep current students in the associate degree program informed about the new curriculum development. 2. Discuss *two* strategies that should be implemented to keep healthcare and community agencies informed about the new curriculum development. B. Discuss the possible challenges and opportunities with curriculum development by doing the following: 1. Discuss a possible challenge for faculty who may be required to teach in the existing associate degree program and the new BSN program simultaneously. 2. Discuss how the integration of interdisciplinary partnerships in the new curriculum will enhance student learning. C. Develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the new BSN curriculum in which you do the following: 1. Identify *one* evaluation method you will use to assess the effectiveness of your curriculum design. 2. Explain the type of data you will need to collect in order to support your evaluation method from part C1. 3. Explain how data collection can inform course improvement. D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. http://jmp.sh/63fLEkx http://www.24activ.com/tickets/scp/public_attachment.php?id=25dae 6 pages, 3 APA

Discuss the aetiology and pathophysiology of the patient’s presenting condition (LO1; LO3)

NRSG258: Susan Summers- Cushing’s Syndrome- Nursing Case Study Task: Case Study 1: Susan Summers… 

NRSG258: Susan Summers- Cushing’s Syndrome- Nursing Case Study


Case Study 1: Susan Summers

Susan Summers is a 40 year old female who has 3 children under the age of 10yrs. Susan has casual employment stacking shelves in a supermarket at night. Susan is obese at 90kg (BMI 36) and has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Susan admits to drinking a bottle of wine per night after work to help her cope with her life.

Susan was admitted to hospital for surgery following changes in her appearance due to Cushing’s syndrome caused by a benign tumour of her right adrenal gland. Susan is admitted to hospital for a laparoscopic right adrenalectomy under general-anaesthesia. After 2 hours in the post-anaesthetic recovery room (PARU) Susan was transferred to the

On return to the ward Susan’s observations are as follows:
1. Respirations 30 breaths per minute
2. BP 160/90mmHg
3. Pulse 128bpm
4. Temperature 35.0oC
5. Pain score 0/10
6. Indwelling urinary catheter (IDC) 5mls in the last hour
It is planned for Susan to be discharged after two days on the ward.


In relation to Susan Summers:
Q1. Discuss the aetiology and pathophysiology of the patient’s presenting condition (LO1; LO3)
Q2. Critically discuss the underlying pathophysiology of the patient’s post-operative deterioration. Prioritize, outline and justify the appropriate nursing management of the patient during this time (LO1; LO2; LO3; LO5: LO6)
Q3. Identify three (3) members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, apart from the primary medical and nursing team, who you would involve in the care of the patient before their discharge and provide justification for their involvement. (LO1; LO4: LO5; LO6)

Mental health nursing practice

Mental health nursing practice and delivery has changed significantly over the past two decades in.. 

Mental health nursing practice and delivery has changed significantly over the past two decades in caring for young people and people from different cultures. Critically analyse how these changes have affected the clinical and psycho-social outcomes for ONE of these groups. 
NOTE: you are to choose EITHER (1) caring for young people or; (2) caring for people of different cultures. DO NOT cover both in one essay. 
Please review the Unit Guide for expectations relating to academic standards and submission. I will not be giving you a total number of references or a year for the required age of references as this should be determined by the content you are referencing. If you are unsure about what this means, please discuss with Academic Writing Support. The second half of the first lecture will be available to you for assessment support, particularly the essay, and will include an opportunity for questions and answers relating to academic standards and essay writing. 
DUE: Friday 1st September 11:59 pm via VU Collaborate Drop Box 
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Assessment Task One: Written Essay 

Assessment Task One: Written Essay 
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DESCRIPTION: 1000 word written essay. 
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Assessment Task Two: Practical Skills AssUSSMCIlt 

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Chronic illnesses- Nursing Assignment

Chronic illnesses- Nursing Assignment- Case scenario Nursing Assignment Ethan is a 52-year- old… 

Chronic illnesses- Nursing Assignment- Case scenario

Nursing Assignment

Ethan is a 52-year- old dairy farmer from regional Victoria. He lives in the house within his farm, 30 kms from the nearest town, with his partner, Alma, and their 25-year- old son, Noel. His son works with him at their farm. Ethan left school at the age of fifteen so that he could work at the farm which was then managed by his parents who have since died.


Q1. What are the chronic illnesses that Ethan is likely to have? Explain your answers using the information from the scenario. Describe the potential impact on Ethan and his family if he was to be formally diagnosed with the illnesses you’ve identified. Support your discussion with relevant literature.

Q2. What model of care would suit Ethan’s needs? Explain your answer using information from the scenario. Describe the process that needs to happen to establish this model. Support your discussion with relevant literature.

Q3. Consider the scenario that Ethan agreed to the service model you have proposed in question two. You now ill need to write down your nursing letters: 
– First, write a patient communication letter addressed to Ethan to let him know of the plans you both agreed on. Give a brief background 
to remind him of why we are doing this, tell him what the plans are, and let him know what actions are needed of him.

-Second, write a referral letter to one of the services that would be beneficial for Ethan to access. Give them the part of Ethan’s background that is relevant to their service, let them know what  service you wish for them to provide and provide them with details 
that you feel will be useful (such as time frames and means for coordination).

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

To prepare: •Review Chapter 46 of the Resnick text, as well as the Burr article in this week’s… 

To prepare: •Review Chapter 46 of the Resnick text, as well as the Burr article in this week’s Learning Resources. •Consider how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection. •Select a type of skin wound, such as bumps, bruises, shingles, herpes, bullous pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, etc. Research the guidelines for treatment of the skin wound you selected. Reflect on how you would treat and/or dress this wound. •Think about factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Consider strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound. To complete: Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following: •Explain how to properly diagnose skin wounds in frail elders, including how to distinguish between a colonization and infection. •Describe the type of skin wound you selected. •Explain how you would treat and/or dress this wound based on guidelines for treatment. •Explain factors that might contribute to the development of the skin wound you selected. Include strategies for the prevention and improvement of this type of wound. References: Resnick, B. (Ed.). (2016). Geriatric nursing review syllabus: A core curriculum in advanced practice geriatric nursing (5th ed.). New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society. •Chapter 32, “Pressure Ulcers and Wound Care” (pp. 242-252) This chapter describes the phases of pressure ulcers and causes of pressure ulcer formation. It also examines assessment, treatment, and management strategies for pressure ulcers at different stages. •Chapter 46, “Dermatology” (pp. 362-373) Burr, S. (2012). Identifying common lesions and rashes in the elderly. Nursing & Residential Care, 14(5), 239–242. Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research designs.

Below are two articles for the final paper; one quantitative and one qualitative. Select either the. 

Below are two articles for the final paper; one quantitative and one qualitative.  Select either the quantitative or the qualitative article and utilize the American Nurses Association Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study found below.

Moore, J., Prentice, D., & McQuestion, M. (2015). Social interaction and collaboration among oncology nurses. Nursing Research and Practice, 2015(Article ID 248067), 1-7. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/248067

Walker, R., Huxley, L., Juttner, M., Burmeister, E., Scott, J., & Aitken, L. M. (2016, February 12). A pilot randomized controlled trial using prophylactic dressings to minimize sacral pressure injuries in high-risk hospitalized patients. Clinical Nursing Research: An International Journal. 1-20. doi: 10.1177/1054773816629689

Assignment Criteria:

For this assignment, develop a scholarly paper that addresses the following criteria:

  1. Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative research designs.
  2. Critique the selected article using section one (1), a-n of the ANA Framework for How to Read and Critique a Research Study posted in the Weekly Guide/Week 7-SEE ATTACHED
  3. Provide rationale for the responses to the questions supporting the conclusions about the chosen article.
  4. Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.
  5. Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, supporting paragraphs, a conclusion, and a reference page.
  6. Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).
  7. The scholarly paper should be five to six pages excluding the title and reference pages.
  8. Include a minimum of five (5) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. One reference may be the textbook. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.
  1. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, introductory paragraph, purpose statement a reference page, and in-text citations).

Compose a 1,000-1,250 word reflective analysis incorporating your personal philosophy of nursing including the following core elements:

Week 1 Assignment, Reflective Paper In this assignment, learners are required to construct a… 

Week 1 Assignment, Reflective Paper

In this assignment, learners are required to construct a reflective analysis incorporating a personal nursing philosophy which will directly relate to the case report assignment due in Topic 7. As such, learners are encouraged to review the case report assignment requirements in Topic 7 to ensure that the Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper will provide the foundational support necessary to complete the Topic 7 assignment successfully. The Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper may be written in first-person language as appropriate to express personal perspectives, but must otherwise adhere to the guidelines below.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

·         This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

·         Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

·         This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

·         You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Compose a 1,000-1,250 word reflective analysis incorporating your personal philosophy of nursing including the following core elements:

1.    What is your central belief about the individual person?

2.    How does your personal worldview influence your approach to patients?

3.    What constitutes the environment?

4.    How do the individual and the environment interact?

5.    What is your view of health?

6.    How does illness relate to health?

7.    What is the central reason for the existence of nursing?

Compose a 1,000-1,250 word reflective analysis incorporating your personal philosophy of nursing including the following core elements:

Week 1 Assignment, Reflective Paper In this assignment, learners are required to construct a… 

Week 1 Assignment, Reflective Paper

In this assignment, learners are required to construct a reflective analysis incorporating a personal nursing philosophy which will directly relate to the case report assignment due in Topic 7. As such, learners are encouraged to review the case report assignment requirements in Topic 7 to ensure that the Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper will provide the foundational support necessary to complete the Topic 7 assignment successfully. The Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper may be written in first-person language as appropriate to express personal perspectives, but must otherwise adhere to the guidelines below.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

·         This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

·         Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

·         This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

·         You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Compose a 1,000-1,250 word reflective analysis incorporating your personal philosophy of nursing including the following core elements:

1.    What is your central belief about the individual person?

2.    How does your personal worldview influence your approach to patients?

3.    What constitutes the environment?

4.    How do the individual and the environment interact?

5.    What is your view of health?

6.    How does illness relate to health?

7.    What is the central reason for the existence of nursing?