What is the biggest source of stress in your life right now? Would you describe it as short- or long-term stress (or both)?

Human Anatomy  Slide 1Title Slide with Name, Course, and DateSlide 2 – IntroductionTopics to be covered in outline formSlides 3-5In your own words, write down a definition for stress. List and descr

Human Anatomy

Slide 1Title Slide with Name, Course, and Date

Slide 2 – IntroductionTopics to be covered in outline form

Slides 3-5In your own words, write down a definition for stress. List and describe four examples each for a physical type of stress, cognitive type of stress, emotional type of stress, and behavioral type of stress (see the Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms image from the Module Overview for guidance).

Show one image illustrating each category of stress (i.e., one image for physical stress, one image for emotional, one image for behavioral and one for cognitive).

Slide 6Describe how stress can be positive. Give two examples and show an image to illustrate.

Slides 7-8Develop an Action Plan

  1. What is the biggest source of stress in your life right now? Would you describe it as short- or long-term stress (or both)?
  2. Is this a positive or negative stress? Why?
  3. What (if anything) can you do to eliminate negative stress in an effective way from your life?

Slide 9 – ConclusionSummarize your project findings.

Slide 10—ReferencesAPA Format

Describe your quiz results from the APA. How well did you do? Did any of the answers surprise you? Why?

Human Anatomy  Answer the following questions to complete your Case assignment. Please see the assignment expectations below for additional details on completing your essay for Module 1.Describe you

Human Anatomy

Answer the following questions to complete your Case assignment. Please see the assignment expectations below for additional details on completing your essay for Module 1.

  1. Describe your quiz results from the APA. How well did you do? Did any of the answers surprise you? Why?
  2. After viewing the most common myths associated with stress from the APA website, discuss which concept you believe is the most misunderstood. Give support for your reasons (using your own research and sources for support).
  3. Watch the following video on “How Stress Affects Your Brain.” Learn how chronic stress can affect brain size, structure, and function, right down to the level of your genes.Murgia, M. (n.d.). Ted Talks. How stress affects your brain . Retrieved February 11, 2017, from https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-stress-affects-your-brain-madhumita-murgia
    1. Summarize the video’s message in 1-2 paragraphs.
    2. Do you think cognitive stress has the most influence (or impact) on the body’sresponse to stress? Explain.
  4. How is the brain affected differently by short-term stress versus long-term stress? Provide examples for both types of stress.
  5. There’s been a lot of researchinto how chronic stress changes the brain. Do you think stress could be a good thing if managed effectively? Why (in what potential situations?)

What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?

STRICTLY FOLLOW GUIDELINES********* 3 PAGES****  (breast cancer) discuss the relationship of the disease process to the immune system. –  Identify current evidence-based treatment modalit


  (breast cancer) discuss the relationship of the disease process to the immune system. 

–  Identify current evidence-based treatment modalities for breast cancer and discuss how the treatment impacts the disease process. 

–  Conduct an evidence-based literature search to identify the most recent standards of care/treatment modalities from peer-reviewed articles and professional association guidelines (www.guideline.gov).  

-Include the following in your clinical case presentation:

  1. A discussion of the pathophysiology of the disease, including signs and symptoms
  2. An explanation of diagnostic testing and rationales for each
  3. A review of different evidence-based treatment modalities for the disorder obtained from guideline.gov or a professional organization such as thyroid (American Thyroid Association), OB-GYN (ACOG), urology (AUA), etc.

-Next, address the following questions:

  1. How does the information in this case inform the practice of a master’s prepared nurse?
  2. How should the master’s prepared nurse use this information to design a patient education session for someone with this condition?
  3. What was the most important information presented in this case?
  4. What was the most confusing or challenging information presented in this case?
  5. Discuss a patient safety issue that can be addressed for a patient with the condition presented in this case.

The use of medical terminology and appropriate graduate level writing is expected. 

Describe the Cultural Empowerment of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of cultural empowerment applies to your group, and provide examples.

Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following:Describe the Cultural Empowerment of the group

Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following:

Describe the Cultural Empowerment of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of cultural empowerment applies to your group, and provide examples.

Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Length:  2-3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

Health care management requires leadership skills which will test your ability to make vital decisions. “Like a rapidly mutating cancer cell, poor leadership within healthcare systems can cause toxi

Health care management requires leadership skills which will test your ability to make vital decisions. “Like a rapidly mutating cancer cell, poor leadership within healthcare systems can cause toxi

Health care management requires leadership skills which will test your ability to make vital decisions. “Like a rapidly mutating cancer cell, poor leadership within healthcare systems can cause toxic symptoms that adversely impact organizational work cultures and staff satisfaction and lead to burnout” (Werberg, 2010, para. 1). Assessments made by leadership have a direct relation to many areas, including but not limited to the following: The quality of care provided, staff morale, and organizational reputation. As a trailblazer of your organization, you will use effective leadership skills to manage/avoid conflict, make effective recommendations, manage staff, and protect the overall quality/efficiency of the organization. To make effective decisions as a leader you should identify the major facts, indicate if or what problems exist, and finally, recommend a solution.

This assignment requires you to review a practical case study and analyze the elements of poor leadership. The case study also explores characteristics of a health care leader while introducing safety culture. Your assessment and responses to the realistic scenario should be based off leadership attributes.

Werberg, D. (2010). Transformational leadership and staff retention: An evidence review with implications for healthcare systems. Nursing Administration Quarterly.  34(3), 246-258. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0b013e3181e70298

**Homework Case Assignment

Read the following case study published by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement:

Griner, P. (2017). Case study: On being transparent. Retrieved from http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resources/Documents/Participant_On%20Being%20Transparent.pdf

After reading the case study, you should complete a 2- to 3-page case analysis that includes three distinct sections (in addition to your introduction and conclusion):

  1. Major Facts – Summarize the facts in the case. This includes the most important incidents in the case. Avoid simply restating the case.
  2. Problem(s) – From the facts it should reveal the problems that need attention. Specify those problems and explain their significance.
  3. Solution and Expected Outcome – Recommend a solution, and for each recommendation provide an action on how it would be implemented. For each solution provide your expected outcome.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your recommendations and outcomes. You should have at least two solutions and two outcomes respectively.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  3. Support your case with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 2 references. Use the following source for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.
  4. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?

Assignment DescriptionLeadership and ManagingThis week you reflected upon the difference between a “manager” and a “leader” and discussed this concept with your classmates and professor in the

Assignment Description

Leadership and Managing

This week you reflected upon the difference between a “manager” and a “leader” and discussed this concept with your classmates and professor in the discussion board. In a written essay please answer the following questions:

  • What are the differences between leaders and managers? What characteristics are similar and what are different?
  • Provide a total of three examples. First, of someone who has great managerial skills. Second, another individual with great leadership skills. Third, another person with poor managerial skills. These can be made up individuals or examples you have seen without any identifying information. Discuss how the staff of each individual would be affected by the skills of the leader/manager.
  • Complete the Emotional Intelligence Test Discuss your scores and what they mean. What did you learn about yourself as a leader? (Note that a 10 on the EI test means strong. On the score page, click on the blue “here” under “interpreting your GEIT scores, click here” for more information on each section and what it means. 

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1500 to 2000 words total (at least 500 words per question prompt)

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Develop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you have identified, using resources available in your community. Discuss how this approach will prove an optimum level of well-being.

AGDevelop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you have identified, using resources available in your community. Discuss how this approach will prove an optimum level of w


Develop a wellness program with a holistic approach for the older adult you have identified, using resources available in your community. Discuss how this approach will prove an optimum level of well-being.

      Mrs. T>T. age 67 who is presently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus, and has a hx of obesity, and non-healing wounds/ulcers. Non-compliance with medication and dietary regimens has caused Mrs. T.T.’s blood sugars and wound healing to be compromised. Getting this patient on the right track to facilitate a healthier way of eating which in turn would help with the wound healing process, decrease her HGB A1 ,and  promote weight loss. Maintaining and conforming to a healthier eating plan and exercising at least three times a week should boost her wellness. Mrs. T>T’s efforts to conform to these lifestyle changes will not be in vain if the end result increases her longevity as well as her quality of life. First lab values should be obtained to get a baseline. Secondly, teaching her how to accurately and frequently obtain her blood glucose level and how and when to use her insulin is a fundamental part of this wellness process. Providing education as well as demonstrating healthier ways to prepare food is a vital component as it relates to wellness.  Mrs. T>T. should be taught how to dress her wounds as well as being able to detect, if any new wounds are present and when to contact the physician or wound nurse. Information on various exercise groups with individuals her age will hopefully make Mrs. T>t. look forward to the activity for social and health conscious reasons. An optimum level of wellness should be evident through maintaining health Hgb A1C levels, weight loss, and adherence to her medication regimen as it related to her Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis.

2. How are the symptoms of each disease different? How are they similar?

Diabetes Mellitus vs Diabetes Insipidus Kidneys are remarkable organs, but sometimes their filtering system breaks down. Diabetes is one of the most common disorders associated with kidney damage and

Diabetes Mellitus vs Diabetes Insipidus

  Kidneys are remarkable organs, but sometimes their filtering system breaks down. Diabetes is one of the most common disorders associated with kidney damage and failure. One of the causes of kidney failure is diabetes mellitus, a condition characterized by high blood glucose (sugar) levels. Over time, the high levels of sugar in the blood damage the microscopic structures within each kidney. Diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus both affect the urinary system and can have similar symptoms. Although diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus are caused by different processes, both conditions cause frequent urination.

 Refer information from this link https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9780323427951/pageid/0

1.   Although both diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus produce large urine volumes, how would other characteristics of the urine differ between the two diseases?

2.   How are the symptoms of each disease different? How are they similar?

3.   Complete an internet search for how diabetes mellitus is coded in the ICD-10-CM classification system (an example search might include the terms diabetes mellitus and medical coding). What did you discover about coding for this disorder?

The initial post demonstrates a clear reflection and understanding of all aspects of the discussion question(s); Use of factual and relevant information and development of the concepts is fully evident. All questions are fully addressed. The post is at least 150 words in length in Time Romans.

Explain how this information, as well as your team’s overall evaluation approach, could help your setting prepare for accreditation, if applicable.

APA format 1 and half pages 3 references 1 from walden university Using Evaluations to Prepare For AccreditationYour course text defines evaluation as “a systematic assessment of all components of

APA format 1 and half pages 3 references 1 from walden university 

Using Evaluations to Prepare For Accreditation

Your course text defines evaluation as “a systematic assessment of all components of a program through the application of evaluation approaches, techniques, and knowledge in order to improve the planning, implementation, and effectiveness of programs” (Billings, 2012, p. 503). When carefully constructed, a master plan of evaluation can run like a well-oiled machine. Data are collected, analyzed, and acted upon. When documented correctly, this data can also help institutions and agencies prepare for accreditation.

In this Discussion, you consider the curriculum components you might include in your team’s evaluation plan. You also consider how information gathered about these components can help your team’s setting prepare for accreditation.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 26, “Educational Program Evaluation,” in the Billings text. Specifically, examine how Table 28-2 illustrates one piece of an evaluation plan. Then, explore each of the overarching curriculum components nurse educators may choose to evaluate: mission and goals, curriculum organization, course, teaching effectiveness, environment, intervening mechanism, and generalization.
  • Reflect on the evaluation models your team discussed for your Course Project.
  • Consider the curriculum components you could integrate into these evaluation models. How would feedback on these components help your assigned setting improve the quality of the curriculum? In addition, how might this same information help to prepare for accreditation?

By Day 3

Post a brief description of at least two curriculum components you would include in the evaluation model(s) used in your Course Project and why. Explain how this information, as well as your team’s overall evaluation approach, could help your setting prepare for accreditation, if applicable. Justify your response by providing references to your Course Project and Learning Resources as applicable.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
  • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Post an evaluation of your organization’s use of EBP and how it is furthered or hindered by organizational culture and policies. Describe how you could disseminate the findings. Propose a strategy for strengthening the culture of EBP within the organization. Discuss a nurse’s responsibility to further the use of EBP, providing a rationale supported by specific information from the Learning Resources.

My questionPost an evaluation of your organization’s use of EBP and how it is furthered or hindered by organizational culture and policies. Describe how you could disseminate the findings. Propose a

My question

Post an evaluation of your organization’s use of EBP and how it is furthered or hindered by organizational culture and policies. Describe how you could disseminate the findings. Propose a strategy for strengthening the culture of EBP within the organization. Discuss a nurse’s responsibility to further the use of EBP, providing a rationale supported by specific information from the Learning Resources. 

To prepare:

  • Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources. Examine the various suggestions for promoting an organizational culture that embraces the use of EBP.
  • Reflect on your own organization’s (or one in which you have worked) support of evidence-based practice. Examine how culture and policies impact the adoption of changes to practice based on evidence. What barriers exist?
  • Consider the models and suggestions for promoting evidence-based practice featured in this week’s Learning Resources. Identify models and suggestions that would work well in your organization.
  • Reflect on the significance of evidence-based practice in health care. What responsibility do nurses have to promote EBP and change practices to better reflect evidence and research findings?
  • Reflect on how nurses can disseminate findings from evidence-based practice research.