Assignment:In this module, you will finalize the completion of the full assessment of your own community. Defining the CommunityYour community should be within a specifically designated geographic lo

Assignment:In this module, you will finalize the completion of the full assessment of your own community. Defining the CommunityYour community should be within a specifically designated geographic lo


In this module, you will finalize the completion of the full assessment of your own community.  

Defining the Community

Your community should be within a specifically designated geographic location.

One must clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:

• Describe the population that is being assessed?

• What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?

• Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?

• Does this community exist within a certain city or county?

• Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?

• Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?

• Where is this group located geographically…? Urban/rural?

• Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?

• How will information for the community assessment be collected?


After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.

The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.

Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)

Demographics of the Community

• When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.

• If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.

• The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:

• American Fact Finder—Find population, housing, and economic and geographic data for your city based on U.S. Census data:

• State and County Quick Facts—Easy access to facts about people, business, and geography, based on U.S. Census data:

• Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites: and

Information from Government Agencies

• Healthy People 2020—this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020:

• National Center for Health Statistics—this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans:

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information:

• Federal agencies with statistical programs:

• Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website.

• State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community.

Other Data Sources

• America’s Health Rankings—this website provides information about various health indicators for each state:  

• Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.

After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process.

Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist)

Windshield Surveys

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community.

Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following:

  • Age of the homes in the community
  • Location of parks and other recreational areas
  • Amount of space between homes and businesses
  • Neighborhood hangouts
  • Transportation in the community
  • Quality and safety of streets and sidewalks
  • Stores and other businesses
  • People out in the community
  • Cleanliness of the community
  • Billboards or other media displays
  • Places of worship
  • Healthcare facilities

Participant Observation

Spend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following:

  • Developmental level of the population
  • Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions
  • Respect for peers and others
  • Safety in the environment
  • Economic status

Informant Interviews

Informants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis.

Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following:

  • Strengths/assets of the community
  • Areas of improvement for the community
  • Concerns of community members
  • Access to health care
  • Emergency plans for natural or man-made disasters

Focus Groups

Focus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses.

  • Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following:
  • Satisfaction with services provided
  • Community resources used
  • Transportation issues within the community
  • Safety within the community
  • General concerns of members of the population


Surveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population.

A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (“why”/“how”) questions.

Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following:

  • Demographic information
  • Status of employment
  • Safety within community
  • Safety in environment
  • Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.)
  • Stressors/stress management patterns
  • Risky behaviors
  • Support systems
  • Volunteer/community activities
  • Rest patterns
  • Nutrition
  • Dental hygiene
  • Health promotion activities

Your submission should be a minimum of 2000 words (maximum 2500 words) in length and should completely answer the proposed questions as listed under “Define the community.” You should have a minimum of three (3) references.

APA formatting required and all responses should be combined into a single document for submission. Use the rubric as a guide for the evaluation method of the project. The practice experience project hour log, describing the 20-30 hours (2-4 hours in Module 2, 10-14 hours in Module 7, and 8-12 hours in Module 8), must be submitted separately with your essay.

*Please note, if you hold an RN license in WA you must submit a total project hour log documenting a minimum of 20 hours of practice experience.

The Signature Assignment will be worth 500 points.

Q1. Given that daily cancer death rate (CDR) is calculated using (Equation 1):

Q1. Given that daily cancer death rate (CDR) is calculated using (Equation 1):CDR= (Carcinogenicity potency of radon)×(Radonconcentration)×(Exposuretime)……….. (1) If radon concentration in a

Q1. Given that daily cancer death rate (CDR) is calculated using (Equation 1):

CDR= (Carcinogenicity potency of radon)×(Radonconcentration)×(Exposuretime)……….. (1)

If radon concentration in a village varies between 0.28 pCi/L and 2.72 pCi/L values, calculate range of CDR values for residents exposed to it for 20 hours/day? (Radon cancer potency = 10-8 Cancer deaths per hour of exposure at1 pCi/L).(10points)


CDR= (Carcinogenicity potency of radon)×(Radonconcentration)×(Exposuretime)

Q2. What do you understand by threshold response and non-threshold response? Explain this concept taking chemicals as example contaminants and by plotting on the “risk” vs “dose” plane?          (10 points for write up + 5 points forplot)

Q3. Suppose a 50-kg individual drinks 2 L day of chloroform and 0.1 mg L1 phenol.What is the hazard index? Is there cause for concern? (10 points) 

Q4. Estimate the cancer risk for 70-kg individual consuming 1.5 liters of water containing trichloroethylene (TCE) per day for 70 days. (10 points) 

Q5. Using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency IRIS database (, find the critical effect, uncertainty factor, and NOAEL, LOAEL, and RfD for mercury, chromium, and chloroform. In drinking water, which one would be the most toxic? (10 points)

Q6. A small stream with a flow rate of 0.1m3/sec empties into a river that has a flow rate of 2m3/sec. The stream is affected by mining operations and is contaminated with arsenic at a concentration of 50mg/L. The river is not affected by mining and has arsenic concentration of 0.03mg/L upstream from the small stream. What is the arsenic concentration in the river downstream from the stream? Provide the conceptual model to support your solution.

(15 points for calculation + 5 points for conceptual model)

Q7. Consider the electroplating facility that discharges to a river liquid wastes containing chromium. The effluent flow rate is 0.05m3/sec and the river flow rate is 5m3/s. if the concentration of chromium in the river is not allowed to exceed 100microgram/L, what is the maximum allowable concentration of chromium in the effluent?

(10 points for calculation + 5 points for conceptual model)

Q9. Consider a contaminant having a concentration C0= 10mg at t=0 which undergoes firstorder decay with k=0.4min-1. Generate a table of C as a function of time upto a maximum time of 10 minutes in step of 2 min. Plot this C v/s TIME on a sheet of paper (preferably graph paper) with proper labels and titles. Sample graph sheet is provided below, you can paste your excel plot directlytoo.(15 points for calculation + 5 points forplot)

TIME (Min.)

Concentration (mg)








Q10. If 3.0 g of substance AA decomposes for 36 minutes the mass of unreacted A remaining is found to be 0.375 g. What is the half life of this reaction if it follows first-order kinetics? (5 points)

Q11. A tank aboard a barge traveling along the Chicago Ship Canal suddenly collapses, releasing its benzene content (C6H6, density = 0.879 g/cm3), of which 100 liters find their way quickly to the water. The rest of the benzene remains contained on the barge. Assuming rapid mixing across the canal section (8.07 m deep and 48.8 m wide) and estimating the turbulent diffusion coefficient at 3.0 m2/s. The canal has the Peclet number << 1, which means that the flow rate of canal water is negligible and Diffusion is the only force acting in spreading thecontaminant.

Answer following –

i)           what are the concentrations of benzene 2, 6, 12 and 24 hours after the accident, at the site of the spill and 300 m away? Fill your answers for 5 blanks in thetablebelow.                                                                  (15pts)


Conc. at spill (mg/L)

Conc at 300m(mg/L)

2 hours

0.428 mg/L


6 hours



12 hours

0.175 mg/L


24 hours



ii)        calculate the exact time at which the concentration reaches its maximum (answer in hr:min)      (5pts)

iii)      what that maximum concentration is? (answerinmg/L)                                          (5pts)

iv)      Comment on the concentration profile at 300m. Is it dropping continuously or increasing or both,andwhy?     (5pts)

Important conversions: gms/cm3 = kg/L; 1Kg = 1000 mg

HINT: – Mass = density * Volume; so mass of spill is = 0.879 g/cm3* 100L = 0.879kg/L*100L

= 87.9KG

Equations to be used when advection is negligible –

C(x,t) =

Pharmacology is the study of drugs, their action, dosage, therapeutic uses, and their side effects. Drugs used for therapy are directly linked to the pathophysiology of a particular disease. Because

Pharmacology is the study of drugs, their action, dosage, therapeutic uses, and their side effects. Drugs used for therapy are directly linked to the pathophysiology of a particular disease. Because

Pharmacology is the study of drugs, their action, dosage, therapeutic uses, and their side effects.  Drugs used for therapy are directly linked to the pathophysiology of a particular disease.  Because of the importance, and many uses of pharmacology in patient care, it is important to recognize the difference between expected manifestations of a disease and the expected effects of drug therapy.  After watching the video below, research credible published medical literature regarding a clinically indicated drug your choice.  Discuss your findings.

Medicine Explained

Based upon the current chapter readings/lectures, personal experiences, worldview, and media/resources provided, you must comment on the specific reflection prompts provided- reflecting on how they relate to the weekly topic(s) and current society.  Posts should be thoughtful, insightful, and 250-500 words.  These posts should add significant substance to the conversation and clearly reference (i.e. cite) information from current chapter readings/lectures (please follow current APA guidelines for your in-text citations and references). 

Assignment DescriptionPhysical Activity Resource GuideAfter having read the websites cited in the introduction and read your peers posts develop an out of the box physical activity resource guide (bro

Assignment DescriptionPhysical Activity Resource GuideAfter having read the websites cited in the introduction and read your peers posts develop an out of the box physical activity resource guide (bro

Assignment Description

Physical Activity Resource Guide

After having read the websites cited in the introduction and read your peers posts develop an out of the box physical activity resource guide (brochure). Imagine that your peers all live in the same general locale. Research fun and unusual but accessible activities that will meet the physical activity goals of you and your peers. Your resource guide should have a minimum of 6 different activities. Each entry should contain a description of the activity, costs, when and where, contact person, website or copy of the listing location. Feel free to include photos or graphics. You may submit your resource guide in PowerPoint, pdf, Word or Microsoft publisher format.

Remember to think out of the box-search for activities on Living Social, Groupon, Department of Recreation and Parks brochures, club and meetings sections of the newspaper, bulletin boards in your favorite neighborhood coffee shop or grocery store, etc.

Assignment Expectations:

Length: Minimum of 6 brochure pages (each activity should be given a page/slide), not including title page/slide and reference page/slide. 

Structure: 6 brochure pages or slides; Include a title page/slide and reference page/slide in APA format. 

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Post an APA citation and brief summary of the research article that you selected. Describe the data and the results of any statistical tests or analyses presented in the article. Explain how the researchers formulated their conclusion, any weaknesses in their analysis or conclusions, and offer at least one alternate interpretation of their data. Propose at least one additional research study that could be done to further investigate this research topic.

MY QUESTION:Post an APA citation and brief summary of the research article that you selected. Describe the data and the results of any statistical tests or analyses presented in the article. Explain h


Post an APA citation and brief summary of the research article that you selected. Describe the data and the results of any statistical tests or analyses presented in the article. Explain how the researchers formulated their conclusion, any weaknesses in their analysis or conclusions, and offer at least one alternate interpretation of their data. Propose at least one additional research study that could be done to further investigate this research topic. 

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on how researchers find meaning in their data and generate sound conclusions. Pay particular attention to Table 2 in the article, “Study Design in Medical Research.”
  • Revisit the 5 articles that you identified in Part 2 of the Course Project. Select one to consider for the purpose of this Discussion.
  • Read sections of the chosen article where the data is presented, analyzed, and interpreted for meaning. What reasoning process did the researchers use to formulate their conclusions? What explanation did they give to support their conclusions? Were there any weaknesses in their analysis or conclusions?
  • Consider possible alternate conclusions that the researchers could have drawn based on their data.
  • Examine the findings that the article presents and consider how well they addressed the researcher’s initial question(s). What additional research could be done to build on these findings and gain a fuller understanding of the question?

2 article reviews on nutrition The media is a major source of nutrition information and misinformation, particularly with the rise of social media. Though social media posts can be persuasive, they ar

2 article reviews on nutrition The media is a major source of nutrition information and misinformation, particularly with the rise of social media. Though social media posts can be persuasive, they ar

2 article reviews on nutrition 

The media is a major source of nutrition information and misinformation, particularly with the rise of social media. Though social media posts can be persuasive, they are not always based in fact.

For this assignment, select a nutrition “expert” with a substantial social media presence (blogs, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook). You will complete 2 review/evaluations of their posts/content

When selecting a post/content, choose a post that relates directly or indirectly to nutrition. Some examples could be: posts promoting nutrition products, posts discussing the health benefits of specific foods, posts about weight loss products/diets, etc.

Each review should contain:

1.      A link to the original post.

2.      A summary of the content of the post.

3.      A discussion of the author’s credentials. What qualifies this author to make this nutrition claim? [You only need to do this for the first post]

4.      A discussion of the sources of the nutrition information. Did the author include a link to the original source of the information? Is the original source reliable?

5.      Refer to the “10 Red Flags of Junk Science” (pg. 23, also found in Lecture 1 slides). Does this post have any of the red flags? Which ones?

6.      Can you substantiate any of the claims using reliable sources? Do a brief search using reputable websites (pubmed, .gov, .edu) and discuss your findings.

7.      Summarize your conclusions about this post. Is the post promoting legitimate nutrition information based in science? Or is it unsupported by the current evidence?

Review the Course Project Case Study below. Be prepared to participate in a communication and health literacy roleplay. After the roleplay you will write a 2-3 page paper that describes what you learn

Review the Course Project Case Study below. Be prepared to participate in a communication and health literacy roleplay. After the roleplay you will write a 2-3 page paper that describes what you learn

Review the Course Project Case Study below. Be prepared to participate in a communication and health literacy roleplay. After the roleplay you will write a 2-3 page paper that describes what you learned about communication, what skills you need to focus on when caring for childbearing and childrearing clients and their families and three specific guidelines you will follow to ensure health literacy when working with clients whose primary language is not English.

This assignment must have accurate spelling and grammar and use APA Editorial Format for in-text citations and sources.

Case Study

Mrs. G., a twenty year old mother of a 2 year old is pregnant. English is not her primary language. She is recently married (one year) to a man in his early 40s who is not of her culture (She comes from Nigeria). The toddler is not this man’s child. She had difficulty with her first pregnancy; high blood pressure and spotting.

As she goes through her pregnancy she finds that her first trimester is difficult managing her health and the toddler. She is not used to having children and finds the toddler challenging. She also finds that she is having some of the same symptoms as she did during her last pregnancy. She is not comfortable going to an American doctor and tells her husband that she can take care of herself as she did during her last pregnancy. He is not happy about this decision and tells her that she has to go. He takes her to the doctor several times during her pregnancy but is not sure his wife is following the medical instructions being given.

By the end of her pregnancy she has gained more weight than she had anticipated. She could not understand why as she was eating her native foods. The doctor told her that she had high blood pressure. She was not sure what that meant as she felt the same as she did during the first pregnancy.

Labor was painful, long and difficult and while she had a vaginal birth the baby was small and experienced some respiratory distress at birth. She decided to again breastfeed even though she could only do it for a few weeks the last time. She was told that she had a “small supply of milk”.

In the first few weeks of taking care of the newborn, her husband wanted to be a part of the caring process and she was not happy as “men don’t do that”. She also found that with this baby she felt much more tired and had a hard time managing both children. In fact, the toddler became cranky and was aggressive to the newborn, trying to bite and scratch the new baby.

The husband again took her to the doctor after birth and then again for several months. He also insisted that she see a pediatrician for both children. At the doctor’s offices they told her that they had to “assess” the children to be sure they were “normal”. When she was told this, she was frightened.

As a few months passed, she became more lethargic and tired. Two children were more than she could deal with. Sometimes she could barely get out of bed. Yet, she knew that she was trying to do all of what she was told by both doctors and her husband. She really loved her children and respected her husband.

When her newborn was six months old she found out that she was pregnant again. She knew that it would be a mistake to have another child because her husband had just informed her that his two children from another marriage (6 and 12 years old who has asthma) was going to be living with them now and she would need to be taking care of them as well.

write at least 1250 of your own words. Describe the actions you undertake, what, when, where, how.

directions: write at least 1250 of your own words. Describe the actions you undertake, what, when, where, how. Tell me what you learned and how it matters for you and others. Number one brainstorm. Th

directions: write at least 1250 of your own words. Describe the actions you undertake, what, when, where, how. Tell me what you learned and how it matters for you and others. Number one brainstorm. Then arrive at a focus number to compose and submit a project plan by the due date on the syllabus. Number three complete your study or investigation. Number for compose and submit your written documentation by the due date on the syllabus.

Suggested format: wanted to page intro, what you did, surprises, connections, difficulties, arguments. Number to write three key takeaways one page each, see how you will use each one and how it matters. Number three compose the personal comments on your project and your next steps.

Grading: your project should meet the personal learning essay criteria which includes an Anecdote , a catalyst, and then application. It should explain how your project shows academic vigor and indicate how you have been responsive to my comments on your project plan.

anecdote: detail a single explicit antidote that illustrates your new learning give sufficient descriptive facts to tell a story. It should be a personal interaction or event that occurred at a specific time and place with a vivid detail that illustrates the main point.

catalyst: identify inside a specific catalyst from baby knows best that you use to spark new thinking. State the source and page number or paragraph. It is something that should cause a reaction a key idea or evidence or information that had impact for you, a stimulus or a spark.

Application/next step: this is where you explain how you can apply your new learning in real life and what your next step is they have you have used or will use it to benefit you or to help others you may use your anecdote to illustrate how you could have use this learning in the past.

I have already completed the project plan. this plan is where my teacher decided that my project is going to be on the book called “Baby Knows Best” by Deborah Solomon. This book is where she talks about Gerber and their believes and explains how children don’t need helicopter parents and it’s basically all about kids in this essay is going to be about that book. It should be the only source.

essay directions: the way you should do this project is to read a current college level book also known as “Baby Knows Best” by Deborah Solomon. It should have all of the grading and suggested format in it above. it does not have to sound like a very professional paper, it is more about understanding and learning and the grammar doesn’t have to be as proper it should be more about details and understanding. The more personal connections the better.

Develop stakeholders' (the ones you identified in assignment 4) communication plan outline (no more than 500 words) in a form of a Memo.-Propose the main and alternative communication channels; Be spe

Develop stakeholders’ (the ones you identified in assignment 4) communication plan outline (no more than 500 words) in a form of a Memo.-Propose the main and alternative communication channels; Be spe

Develop stakeholders’ (the ones you identified in assignment 4) communication plan outline (no more than 500 words) in a form of a Memo.-Propose the main and alternative communication channels; Be spe

Develop stakeholders’ (the ones you identified in assignment 4) communication plan outline (no more than 500 words) in a form of a Memo.

-Propose the main and alternative communication channels; Be specific and practical. 

-List minimum 1 policy (list the full name) besides HIPAA that might set restrictions or specific requirements for the communication channels chosen and engagement with the stakeholders; make sure to remember the policies affecting digital and nondigital technological channels.   

-Propose subordination communication points for at least 1 linked or affiliated stakeholder(for example, the Administrative officer to the Attorney General and vice versa or the Communication Coordinator to the news program and news program director);

-List 2 ethical considerations influencing the communication with this stakeholder. Be specific and applicable to this HC delivery managerial issues. Privacy is not a good choice as it is mandated and regulated. 

       Cite and reference the resources as appropriate. Follow the appropriate Memo format and English grammar rules

Medical Terminology Paper

Medical Terminology PaperInstructions:Using at least 2 terms from each chapter, chapters 1-9. Write a story (250-500 words) that describes a day in the life of a medical assistant working in an urgent

Medical Terminology Paper


Using at least 2 terms from each chapter, chapters 1-9. Write a story (250-500 words) that describes a day in the life of a medical assistant working in an urgent care center. Pretend that you are that medical assistant and you are describing the patients who have come to the urgent care facility that day. When writing, each word must be used in proper context and in a manner that demonstrates that you know the meaning of the term.

Here are some examples: My day at the urgent care center began with our first patient who complained to his wife early in the morning that he was having “worst headache of his life” and was experiencing parasthesia on his left side. By the time he arrived, he presented with aphasia and facial palsy. Even though he was unable to speak when he arrived and his face looked paralyzed on one side, he was conscious and alert. The doctor immediately ordered a Cat Scan to preliminary determine if the patient had suffered a cerebrovascular event. There was no family history of stroke, but the patient was previously diagnosed with atherosclerosis. 

While that patient was in Radiology, a young mother brought her infant son in who was having  febrile seizures. He did not have a history of epilepsy, but had been sick with pneumonia and this was complicating his asthma. His mother advised the doctor that shortly before she took his temperature, he started having severe bronchospasms, which lead to dyspnea. His temperature was 105. When the patient came out of the seizure, he was still short of breath and looked cyanotic.   I think that because he was short of breath, he wasn’t getting enough oxygen and this is why he started to look a little blue.