· Describe possible future opportunities to be an advocate for your selected healthcare concern and proposed solution

Week 7 Assignment: Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation Guidelines and Rubric Purpose The… 

Week 7 Assignment: Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation Guidelines and Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to provide a summary of the presentation to the elected official, report on the response/outcome and to propose future strategies for the continued advocacy of the selected healthcare concern. The presentation to the elected official is required and must be either a face to face or phone presentation. Communication of your presentation will be via a PowerPoint™ presentation to be shared with peers and faculty.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points: 175 points


Description of the Assignment

This assignment

Criteria for Content

1. Overview of healthcare policy in the nursing profession: This section provides an overview of healthcare policy advocacy as it relates to advanced practice. It should contain the following elements:

· Explanation of how healthcare policy can impact the nursing profession

· Explanation of why advocacy is considered an essential component of the advance practice nurse’s role

· Impact of healthcare policy on population health

2. Selected healthcare policy concern and resolution: This section provide an identification of the selected healthcare concern and its proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements:

· Provide a comprehensive description of the healthcare concern

· Describe the impact of the concern upon the population group and community

· Describe, with detail, the proposed solution to healthcare concern

· Clearly identify the slides provided to the elected official

3. Description of the meeting with the elected official: This section provides a detailed description of the meeting with the elected official. It should contain the following elements:

· The name and position of the elected official

· Explanation of why this individual was selected

· Description of the meeting by including information as:

o Day/time of meeting

o Location of meeting

o Materials/handouts used during the presentation

· Describe the response of the elected official to your presentation and proposed solution

4. Self-reflection: This section provides an opportunity to self-reflect upon the healthcare concern, the proposed solution, and presentation to the elected official. It should contain the following elements:

· Identify the new insights you have gained regarding your selected healthcare concern

· Identify the new insights you have gained regarding your proposed solution to the healthcare concern

· Identify the revisions you would make regarding your presentation to the elected official

· Identify the insights you have gained regarding healthcare policy and the importance to the nursing profession

5. Future plans regarding selected healthcare concern: This section provides an opportunity to discuss way to foster ongoing or future advocacy regarding the selected healthcare concern and proposed resolution. It should contain the following elements:

· Describe possible future opportunities to be an advocate for your selected healthcare concern and proposed solution

· Identify the revisions you would make in the proposed solution

· Select a professional nursing organization and discuss how this organization could be helpful in fostering or supporting your proposed solution

6. Conclusion: This section requires a summary of the key points regarding the healthcare concern, proposed solution and presentation to the elected official

Preparing the assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:

1. A PowerPoint™ presentation of a maximum of 20 slides (does not include the title slide and reference slides) is prepared.

2. Title slide, text slides and reference slide (s) must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual.

3. Speaker’s notes are required for all slides except the title and reference slides.

4. A minimum of five (5) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used. These may include references from previous NR 506 assignments.

5. Required textbook for this course, dictionary and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” located in the Course Resources tab. Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided. References are current – within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.

6. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.

7. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.

8. Rules regarding PowerPoint™ presentations are to be followed. This includes but not limited to the presentation of information with limited text, use of graphics, and balance of space on the slide.

identifying the problem, analyzing it in terms of the relevant theory and literature, and providing practical solutions.

Length: 2,000 words ± 10% (including executive summary, introduction, heading and subheadings,… 

Length: 2,000 words ± 10% (including executive summary, introduction, heading and subheadings, and conclusion but excluding title page and reference list)

Before starting this assessment, please read the attached assessment guidelines that includes the assessment rubric.

Assessment Task:

Throughout the term, we have discussed news stories and the HR implications arising from these stories.

For assessment 3, you will write a report as if you were a consultant to an organisation. You will write about one of the three news stories on Moodle (i.e. one on penalty rates, one on gender equality, and one on performance and rewards), identifying the problem, analyzing it in terms of the relevant theory and literature, and providing practical solutions.

You must draw on the material relating to Strategic HRM (Week 1) as well as material from 2-3 themes from Weeks 6 to Week 11 (i.e. employee relations challenges, managing diversity, performance management, learning and development, motivation and rewards, and employee turnover and retention).

You should engage in extensive research within the academic literature to develop an argument with appropriate theoretical discussion and references. You must cite at least ten(10) relevant peer reviewed journal articles. You can cite other academic references such as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of the 10 journal articles.

Explain two (2) nursing interventions, and rationales, that you would use in caring for Mr Kay (Case Scenario 1) to promote equity and access to health and healthcare. (900-950 words)

Community Nursing Practice: Mr Kay- Torres Strait Islander- Case Study Assignment Help Purpose of… 

Community Nursing Practice: Mr Kay- Torres Strait Islander- Case Study Assignment Help

Purpose of assessment task 1

Poor health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an effect of equity and access issues. Nurses can support better health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by promoting equity and access in healthcare. This assessment task will provide you with the opportunity to increase your knowledge of community nursing practice.

Assignment question:
Using Case Scenario 1, Mr Kay, and provide short answer responses to the following questions.

case scenario 1
Mr Kay is a 48 year old Aboriginal man. He has recently moved to Wathaurong country, nearby Geelong in Victoria, after losing his job in an iron ore mine outside of Geraldton, Western Australia. Mr Kay wants to be closer to his oldest daughter – Jess who moved to Australia’s eastern states ten years ago. Jess, has two children of her own and lives with her long term partner, Peter. Mr Kay is currently living in his car in his daughter’s driveway, however his daughter has indicated that she would like to purchase a fold–out couch so that he can move into her two bedroom house. Mr Kay presents to the Aboriginal Health Service because he needs you to “fix up” his leg. Mr Kay tells you he tore the skin on his left lower leg with the car door last evening. You visit Mr Kay at home to build rapport, find out about his healthcare needs and how he wants to look after his health, and assess and dress the wound. The skin laceration is superficial, clean, the wound bed is red with slight serous discharge, and you note mild inflammation. You dress the wound with a gel as a primary dressing and a foam as a secondary dressing. With Mr Kay’s permission, you plan to visit him at home to redress the wound in 3 days as Mr Kay has difficulty getting to the clinic and is too unsteady on his feet to safely use public transport. Mr Kay mentions that his kidneys do not work well but this gives him no trouble. The Aboriginal Health Service in Geraldton looked after his kidneys. With Mr Kay’s signed permission, you contact his last Aboriginal Health Service in Geraldton. The RN at the health service notes that Mr Kay has chronic kidney disease (stage 3), and a history of hypertension. The RN sends through Mr Kay’s medical files.

Mr Kay takes Ramipril to keep his blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg, for management of his hypertension and kidney disease. He also takes Caltrate and Calcitriol because of his kidney disease.

The assignment question is in two (2) parts.

Part one
Select two (2) journal articles and summarise the main findings regarding how equity and access issues are currently affecting Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health or chronic disease. (600-650 words)

Student instructions for assessment task
Part 1:
1. You may choose articles focused on health generally or a chronic disease/s,
2. Select two (2) research journal articles (one is already provide for you so you have to find one more) and summarise the main findings regarding how equity and access issues are currently affecting Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health or chronic disease.
(students may choose articles focused on health generally or a chronic disease/s)

3. please summarise one journal article and then the second journal article, please reference each sentence with the relevant journal article (600-650 words)

Summarise the main findings from two (2) journal articles
1. The summary should focus on how equity and access issues are currently affecting Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health and chronic illness (students may choose articles focussed on health generally or a chronic disease/multiple chronic diseases)
2. Any chronic disease is acceptable (can be different or the same for both journal articles)
3. Articles may include solutions (healthcare interventions/programs) to equity and access issues.

Students do need to focus on equity and access (there are many forms of equity and access issues some examples are remote location and distance from healthcare, culturally inappropriate healthcare, language barriers, healthcare practices that exclude Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples)
1. Students do not need to focus on SDH or PHC per se/more generally – equity and access are part of social determinants of health/primary health care approaches
2. Journal articles may be those published from 2000 onwards (this is because the effects of social determinants leading to equity and access problems do not change quickly (unfortunately) and new knowledge within the last 5 years may be more difficult for students to locate).

Part 2:
Explain two (2) nursing interventions, and rationales, that you would use in caring for Mr Kay (Case Scenario 1) to promote equity and access to health and healthcare. (900-950 words)

Student instructions for assessment task
Part 2:
1. The nursing interventions are to be focused as follows:
i. One (1) nursing intervention, including rationale, to promote Mr Kay’s sense that he is included in his own healthcare
ii. One (1) nursing intervention, including rationale, to promote him feeling culturally safe

Leadership, Ethics, Stress and Culture

Leadership, Ethics, Stress and Culture — The Perfect Case Study The purpose of the case study… 

Leadership, Ethics, Stress and Culture — The Perfect Case Study
The purpose of the case study analyses is to provide you with an opportunity to grasp and master the facts, separate important facts from unimportant ones, formulate issues, weigh opposing considerations, use analytical skills (reason logically), and proceed from premise to conclusion. You should apply the principles of organizational behavior and management in each case.


Papers should be clear and concise with a stated thesis statement, professionally written and 900-1,500 words in length; provide ample support (a minimum of three sources with in-text citations). The case analysis papers must be typed, 12 point font size, one inch margins, double-spaced, and have no mechanical/grammatical errors. Please, do not regurgitate the case in your written paper. The expectation of this assignment is for you to analyze and apply the concepts and practices learned through the book, media, and the course discussion forums.

Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.

Overview/Description of Final Paper: The final written assignment will synthesize what you have… 

Overview/Description of Final Paper: The final written assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: APRNs, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator/executive. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty for which you were admitted, focusing on the scope of practice, core competencies, certification requirements, and legal aspects of practice for that specific role. You will also identify the practice environment and population you will be working with, as well as peers and colleagues. In addition, you will discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.
Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. The paper should be 8-10 pages excluding the title and reference pages, and APA format is required.
Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:
Briefly define advance nursing practice and the roles in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and health information. Distinguish between ANP and the APN.
Describe the advance nursing practice role you aspire and briefly share the experiences and/or qualities you have that have influenced your decision. Include your personal philosophy.
Selected Advanced Practice Role:
Identify the AP you interviewed and summarize the interview, which should/may include (if not in the interview, please address):
Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice/work.
Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.
Identify required competencies (domains), including certification requirements for your selected role.
Describe the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.
Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:
Determine your leadership style
Define Transformational Leadership and as it relates to your identified leadership attributes that you possess or need to develop
Apply the leadership style you will embrace in AP to one of the domains
Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role
Based on your program of study, review the literature and address the following:
FNP/AGNP:Medicare reimbursement for NPs is 85%for the same health care that MDs receive at 100% reimbursement? Please address questions below and state your position on this mandate.
FNP/AGNP:What states have NP Full Practice Authority and which states have limitations or restrictions? How does this apply to your state? Please address questions below and state your position on this regulation.
For the above category chosen, address the following:
Describe the current policy or trends and determine if it needs to change; if opposed to change state why
Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest; support opposition
Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy or keep the policy the same and the impact in healthcare quality.
Conclusion-Summarize your role paper by highlighting key points made in your paper.
Submission Details:
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format

Identify all the leadership challenge issues that might be suggested by this fact pattern.

Maria Artos, a 25-year-old female graduate of Harvard Business School, has just been appointed to… 

Maria Artos, a 25-year-old female graduate of Harvard Business School, has just been appointed to the job of Director of IT in a medium size business. Her immediate junior in the business, Anthony Jones, is a 53-year-old long term employee of the business. He was passed over for the job that Maria Artos now holds.

First, identify all the leadership challenge issues that might be suggested by this fact pattern.

As can be imagined, both Artos and Jones could feel uncomfortable since Artos was told that Anthony Jones also applied for the position and Anthony could be resentful for being passed over. Students will create the opening interview/meeting between Artos and Jones on her first day on the job. Use this week’s course material to create the exchange between Artos and Jones.

In creating the exchange between Jones and Artos, have Artos deal with all the identified issues using her “leadership relationship building skills”. Note: In responding, consider that the situation is one in which the skills from week five should be employed along with addressing the topic of diversity.

Additional Documents:


Write 3–5 pages in which you discuss how a current information system used in the delivery of patient care contributes to improved patient outcomes.

PLS Read the competencies ! Overview: Write 3–5 pages in which you discuss how a current information 

PLS Read the competencies !


Write 3–5 pages in which you discuss how a current information system used in the delivery of patient care contributes to improved patient outcomes.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Describe the importance of effective scholarship and evidence-based information to advance the profession of nursing.       

Describe how an information system used in nursing contributes to evidence-based nursing practices.

Competency 2: Identify strategies and best practices for using informatics in nursing and health care.       

Describe how a nurse researcher uses information technology to define patient safety within the context of outcomes.

Competency 3: Explain the use of information management tools and technologies to monitor and improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.       

Describe how nurse leaders and nurse informaticists use technology and evidence-based practice to contribute to improved patient outcomes.

Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.       

Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Write a paper in which you analyze an information system for its effectiveness in improving patient care.

Select an example of a current information system used in the delivery of patient care. Note: Ideally, select a system from your workplace to examine. If you are not currently working, select a system from an organization close to where you live. This technology should be used for data management designed to improve patient care.
Familiarize yourself with the technology. Do some personal research to gain a deeper understanding about the technology. Visit the Web site of the company who markets the technology to familiarize with how the company positions the technology in the market. Read articles online and in the library related to your chosen system. Remember to take notes to keep track of what you discover. Examine the following aspects of the technology:

How is the information system designed to contribute to safety and quality in the care of patients?
What types of data are tracked, monitored, stored, and trended in the system?
How well does it accomplish what it is designed to do in your chosen real-world setting?
How is this information system used to support research or action by nurse researchers, leaders, and informaticists? If it is not currently being used to support research, how could it be used in the future?
What types of opportunities are available for nurses, in any scope of practice, that gives them the chance to participate in the design and testing of this system?
How might the technology be enhanced so it better meets the needs of the professionals currently using the system?

Compare what you learn with how your chosen technology is being used in the workplace. Think about your own workplace and consider speaking with other professionals who currently use the system.
Write an paper in which you discuss and apply what you have learned about how your chosen information system is used in the delivery of patient care and how it contributes (or does not contribute) to improved patient care. Include the following categories:

Describe your chosen information system used in nursing and how it contributes to evidence-based nursing practices.
Describe the types of data that are tracked and how the data are monitored, stored, and trended.
Describe how a nurse researcher, nurse leader, and nurse informaticist use information technology to define patient safety within the context of outcomes.
Describe how nurses can enhance the technology through participation in design and testing of the system.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Include the following:      

Title page.
Running head (a short title that appears on every page).
Title on the first page of text.
Level 1 headings for paper sections.
In-text parenthetical citations and a reference list.

Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources.
Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Consider the following questions from the point of view of a specific organization:

Technologies used for direct care:       

How are data used to improve patient outcomes?
How does technology contribute to safety and quality of care in this setting?

Technologies used for data management:       

How are data tracked, monitored, stored, or trended in your data management system?
How is technology used for data archiving and retrieval?

Reliability and safeguards:       

How do you know your data are reliable?
What types of safeguards are in place to protect patient data?


How are data extracted and used for research endeavors in your organization?
What are examples of how nurses at the bedside are involved in technology design and testing in your organization? In other organizations? How might you do it differently?

Technology and professional development:       

What are the challenges for successful implementation of new technologies in health care environment and nursing practices—in general? Specific to your organization?
If you had the power to improve the way technology is used in your organization, what you would like to see changed or enhanced?

Understanding Law, Ethics, Professional Guidelines and their Relationship to Nursing

NUR 120: Understanding Law, Ethics, Professional Guidelines and their Relationship to Nursing… 

NUR 120: Understanding Law, Ethics, Professional Guidelines and their Relationship to Nursing Practice – Nursing Assignment Help


You discover that one of your friends (nursing student) has posted derogative and racist comments on Facebook about another student.

What is your immediate action?

What are your subsequent actions?

What are the most applicable sections of the Australian Registered Nurse Standards for Practice, ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses and the Code of Conduct for Nurses Nusing-and-Midwifery-Board—Code—Advance-copy—Code-of-conduct-for-nurses—Effective-1-March-2018(1).pdf

What are the possible legal and future implications of this behavior?

Insights from the media

TITLE: Understanding Law, Ethics, Professional Guidelines and their Relationship to Nursing Practice

Length: 2000 words (+/- 10%) including in text referencing but not your reference list


This essay will give you the opportunity to develop your understanding of how law, ethics and professional guidelines guide nursing practice. It will allow you to reflect on the values and characteristics of professionalism in the healthcare setting.  Completing this essay will also further develop your academic and information literacy skills.


Select one of the three discussion board scenarios.  Identify the main issues inherent in the case and make appropriate recommendations to address these issues.

It is expected that your essay will address/contain the following information:

your immediate action

your subsequent actions

the possible legal and future implications of this behavior.

The NUR 120 Learning Outcomes addressed by this assignment include:

On completion of this unit a student should be able to:

Critically reflect on the values and characteristics of professionalism that contribute to health care through collaboration, cooperation and therapeutic communication;

Articulate the key principles underlying ethical, legal and professional guidelines and codes that underpin the practice of registered nurses in Australia.

Demonstrate developing skills in academic and information literacy that provide a foundation for evidence based nursing.

Articulate and define the NMBA Competency Standards, Codes of Ethics and Codes of Practice for the Registered Nurse.

Develop a critical and reflective approach to nursing practice.


Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘you’.

Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.

Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph.

Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic.

Write your essay to the marking rubric, as this is where lecturers mark from.

Writing Tips

As you construct your essay  you need to:

Use correct punctuation, spelling and syntax (sentence structure)

Paraphrase ideas from your reading/research, don’t just copy them

Avoid use of direct quotations.

Ensure you use APA 6th referencing style.


As good practice, whenever you include (cite) an author in your writing, ensure you include the full reference to the text referred to, at the end of your writing task.

To find appropriate sources, use the CDU library online journal databases.

Use APA referencing guidelines can be found on the CDU Library website. Download a copy and keep it to hand so that you can refer to it regularly as you learn the skills of referencing.

The APA 6th referencing system should be used as per the referencing guidelines on the CDU Library Website

Peer reviewed journal articles are your best sources.  Avoid non-refereed sources such as editorials, monthly columns or non-refereed journals.

It is useful to include your set text as a reference but otherwise keep the number of books to a minimum.

Your reference list should contain a minimum of 4 quality journal articles that are no older than 5-8 years.

Information gained from Internet sites varies greatly in depth and quality of content.

Internet sites must be relevant and reputable, for example, the NWBA website.

Physical presentation

Use Times New Roman, Tahoma or Aria l, 12 point font. Do not use bold type.

Use 1.5 or double spacing;

Justify left and right;

Hit enter twice between paragraphs;

Do not use headings or dot points;

Justify left and right;

Include page numbers; provide your name in the footer of the document, e.g. smith_ jane -s0077363_Assign2_NUR120

Ensure you submit this assignment through SafeAssign . The ‘Draft checking’ (see green menu) facility is available to you as a check regarding the quality of your paraphrasing.

Leadership Theories in Practice

Week 1 assignment Leadership Theories in Practice As you learned in NSG/416: Theoretical Development 

Week 1 assignment

Leadership Theories in Practice

As you learned in NSG/416: Theoretical Development and Conceptual Frameworks, theory-guided practice improves patient outcomes because of purposeful systematic application. As you grow in the nurse leader role, you will see that the same holds true for theory-guided leadership. This assignment is designed to link leadership theory to practice and connect your past and current experience to help you grow as a leader.

Complete the Leadership Theories in Practice worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your worksheet with citations.

Leadership Theories in Practice

Review the leadership theories on pages 9-11 and Gardner’s Tasks of Leading/Managing on pages 14-15 in Leading and Managing in Nursing.

Complete the table below:

Theory NameSummary DefinitionPractice ExampleApplication of Gardner’s Tasks
Trait Theories
Style Theories
Situational-Contingency Theories
Transformational Theories
Hierarchy of Needs
Two-Factor Theory
Expectancy Theory
Organizational Behavior Modification

• Summarize the main points of the theory in your own words in the Summary Definition column.

• Provide an example where you witnessed the theory in practice or suggest a situation where it could be applicable in the Practice Example column. Do not restate the Application to Practice column in the textbook; provide a unique example or suggest a possible scenario.

• Correlate at least one of Gardner’s task to the theory and practice example in the last column.

Use at least five in-text citations in the table to support your summaries, practice examples, or application of Gardner’s Tasks. In the References section below the table, create an APA-formatted list to cite each resource.

Week 2 assignment

Identifying Waste

Think about the clinical environment where you work or one in which you previously worked.

Identify opportunities for waste reduction. Consider the following:

Setting: administrative, operational, clinical


Value to patient

Suggest process changes to improve the situation.

Write a 175-word communication to frontline staff and nurse leaders explaining your findings.

Develop a 7- to 10-slide presentation for your department.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your presentation and communication.

Week 3 assignment

Managing Quality and Risk

Managing quality often means addressing small issues so that they do not escalate into risks for the organization. This week's learning activities addressed some of the organizational challenges nursing leaders are likely to face.

Select one of the topics from this week's learning activities:

Mitigating bullying and lateral violence

Managing conflict

Using power to influence

Improving communication

Valuing diversity

Develop a plan to carry out your selected topic as a nurse leader on your floor. Consider:

Available resources: time, budget, space, industry collateral, personnel

Employee engagement

Change management principles

Team dynamics

Create a presentation to show your CNO how you plan to address the topic.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

7- to 10-slide presentation

15- to 20 minute oral presentation

450-word executive summary

Another format approved by your instructor

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 4 assignment

Leadership Change Project Framework

Leaders seek out change opportunities regularly. Innovation, critical thinking, and decision making are key to making an impact on an organization. This assignment is designed to help you look at aspects of your own clinical practice and become a change agent in your organization. Use your current or past experience to identify a change project to implement.

Step 1: Select a topic for a change project.

Review the following resources for potential change topic or process ideas:

Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Transforming Care at the Bedside

Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Hospital Inpatient Waste Identification Tool

For process change resources: TeamSTEPPS® Pocket Guide

Step 2: Identify the context for your change.

Describe the setting where the change will take place. For example, clinical, insurance, home health, or public and community.

Explain who is affected: patients, nurses, leadership, and other stakeholders in the organization.

Step 3: Review the literature to find possible solutions and evidence to address your topic.

Research sources that guide evidence-based practice to improve outcomes related to your selected topic.

Find a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles directly related to addressing your change topic.

Step 4: Create a draft implementation plan.

Summarize each article to explain how the evidence you gathered will help address your change topic.

Explain how you could use the information in the research to carry out the change in your identified setting.

Format your assignment as a 700- to 1,050-word paper or 10- to 15-slide presentation.

Include an APA-formatted reference page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your topic, review, and executive summary.

Note: You may want to save copies of this assignment to refer to in NSG/498, Senior Leadership Practicum. In that course, you will be working to synthesize information. Although you cannot reuse it, this assignment may serve as a good starting point.

Week 5 assignment

Daily Leadership

Nurses must strive to be leaders every day.

Collaborate with your learning team to develop 10 ways to include leadership in your daily activities.

Cite a minimum of three APA formatted sources.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

7- to 10-slide presentation

1- to 2-minute podcast

7- to 10-minute oral presentation

430-word paper

Another format approved by your instructor

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Week 1 discussion

Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 1, 3

Read the following from Leading and Managing in Nursing:

Ch. 1: Leading, Managing, and Following

Ch. 3: Developing the Role of Leader

Exemplary Leadership: How Style and Culture Predict Organizational Outcomes

Read “Exemplary Leadership: How Style and Culture Predict Organizational Outcomes” from this week's Electronic Reserve Readings.

Leading, Managing, and Following

Search the University Library or Google Scholar™ for definitions of the terms leading, managing, and following.

Write 175-word summary in which you interpret the definitions and explain them in your own words.

Explain how the terms are interconnected and how they often play out in a clinical nurse setting.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Generational Leadership

Nurse leaders have the opportunity to influence diverse groups of people. This activity is designed to challenge you to think about the opportunities that come with leading and managing a cross-generational workforce.

Members of the younger generation—those 18 to 35 years of age—have said that they want to be led, not managed.

Write a 175-word summary in which you answer the following questions:

How do you think leadership would be different for a person who leads only people between 18 and 35 years of age compared with a person whose followers are mostly over the age of 40?

What strategies would you recommend for a person who becomes the leader of a cross-generational group?

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Assignment adapted from Leading and Managing in Nursing (Ch. 21), by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, 2015, St Louis, MI: Elsevier. Copyright 2015 by Elsevier. Adapted with permission.



Are leaders born or made? If you think they are born, can anything be done to help someone who wants to lead but was not born a leader? If you think they are made, how are they made?



What supervisory behaviors do you perceive as “leading” versus “managing”? Why?

Week 2 discussion

Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 12–14

Read the following from Leading and Managing in Nursing:

Ch. 12: Managing Costs and Budgets

Ch. 13: Care Delivery Strategies

Ch. 14: Staffing and Scheduling

Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses

Read the Executive Summary (pages 24-43) of the landmark Institute of Medicine* report, Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses.

*Institute of Medicine is now called the Health and Medicine Division

Health Care Right or Privilege?

Consider the following questions:

In the current U.S. health care system, is health care a right or a privilege?

Do you think health care should be a right or a privilege?

Support your stance with two scholarly articles.

Write a 175-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post

Health Care Spending Comparison

Despite having the highest health care spending in the world, the U.S. continues to have worse health outcomes than other developed nations. This activity is designed to expose you to some of the data that results when resources are not managed effectively. As you review the tables, think about what all nurses can do as leaders to change these trends.

Explore The Commonwealth Fund issue brief, U.S. Health Care from a Global Perspective, to see an explanation of health care from a global perspective.

Review Exhibits 1 and 9.

Driving Health Care Costs

Explore the Kaiser Health News website to learn about some of the contributing factors in increasing health care costs. As you explore the website and review the visuals, think about your practice area. What examples can you provide for these seven key drivers?

Write a 175-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.


Reducing and eliminating waste is essential to managing resources. Waste in health care can take many forms: materials, unneeded transport of people or items from one place to another, inventories, wait times, employees working on processes that are not valuable to the customer, arduous processes, re-work due to incompetence or lack of organization, and incorrect staff staffing levels.

The Institute for Health Improvement (IHI) developed a Hospital Inpatient Waste Identification tool.

Review the IHI resources to better understand some of the ways you can affect waste as a nurse and nurse leader.



Think about how profits are realized in varying reimbursement systems (cost-based vs. prospective vs value-based). How can this impact how nursing care is planned and delivered?



How does managing resources relate to the IOM report on transforming the work environment of nurses?

Week 3 discussion

Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 9, 10, 23–25

Read the following from Leading and Managing in Nursing:

Ch. 9: Cultural Diversity in Health Care

Ch. 10: Power, Politics, and Influence

Ch. 23: Conflict: The Cutting Edge of Change

Ch. 24: Managing Personal/Personnel Problems

Ch. 25: Workplace Violence and Incivility

Defining Culturalism

Nurse leaders must work with staff to foster respect for varied lifestyles. Showing respect to all patients and colleagues, irrespective of their cultural differences, tells staff that differences are valuable. This exercise is designed to introduce key principles nurse leaders must address in leading and managing diverse groups.

Use Google Scholar™, Leading and Managing in Nursing, or the University Library to define multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and transculturalism.

Write a 175-word summary explaining the definitions in your own words and give an example of applying each term to a leadership situation. For example, think of a time in your practice when you, as a leader, or your leader used multiculturalism to promote inclusion among colleagues or patients.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Care of Diverse Populations

One way of ensuring respect for all patients and staff is to consider how an individual's point of view, past experiences, and background affect their decisions or how they approach situations. This activity is designed to demonstrate how different organizations operationalize culturally competent care.

Think about the organization where you currently practice or one where you practiced in the past.

Does the organization have programs related to cultural/social diversity, either with relation to patient care or in understanding team dynamics?

What do the programs entail? When were you exposed to them?

If programs do not currently exist, explain why you think that is and suggest ways for your organization to integrate awareness of social and cultural diversity into the culture.

Write a 175-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Assignment adapted from Leading and Managing in Nursing (Ch. 21), by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, 2015, St Louis, MI: Elsevier. Copyright 2015 by Elsevier. Adapted with permission.

Ebook Central™ Bookshelf: Critical Conversations

Effective communication is essential to addressing challenges at all levels of an organization. This activity is designed to introduce communication strategies to work through the critical conversations that happen frequently in nursing. This text from Sigma Theta Tau is an item you can add to your leadership toolbox for future use.

Add the following book to the Ebook Central™ bookshelf you created in NSG/302: Professional Contemporary Nursing Role and Practice.

Clancy, C. (2014). Critical conversations in healthcare: Scripts and techniques for effective interprofessional and patient communication. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau.

Note: If you have not created a bookshelf, access the Ebook Central™ website from the Student Resources website and visit the help page to learn how to create your account and use your bookshelf.

Read the Preface, Introduction, and Ch. 1.

Use the Critical Conversations graphic organizer to create a one-page sheet to review when you need to have a critical conversation.

Exercising Power

Nurses use power to influence others in an effort to achieve goals. This activity is designed to encourage you to think about all the different ways you can use power to influence patients and colleagues to improve outcomes and the workplace environment.

Review Theory Box: Sources of Power on page 171 of Leading and Managing in Nursing by clicking the Discussion tab.

Give an example of how a nurse can exercise each kind of power:







Write a 175-word summary.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post

Conflict Self-Assessment

Workplace conflict is unavoidable. Although it tends to have a negative connotation, it can be a positive catalyst for change. Conflict can and should be effectively managed by everyone at every level of the organization. This self-assessment is designed to make you more aware of how you could and do handle conflict at work.

Complete the Conflict Self-Assessment from Box 23-2 of Leading and Managing in Nursing by clicking the Exploration tab.

Read boxes 23-3–23-8 to see some of the appropriate uses for each approach. As you read, think about times when you have applied each approach effectively or ineffectively.

Bullying and Lateral Violence

Part of a nurse leader's responsibility is to create an environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and success. This activity is designed to show you some of the resources that are available to leaders looking for information to address and improve bullying and violence in the workplace.

Review the Incivility, Bullying, and Workplace Violence web page from the American Nurses Association website.

Write a 95-word summary in which you:

Explain and summarize two tools or resources.

Explain how you will use the material to address organizational issues or promote positive change at your facility.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.



1. We all have a primary style in communicating – one style tends to be more dominant than others. Think about your primary and secondary interactions styles. How do they impact your communication with others – e.g., supervisor, patients, and friends?



1. Can teams function effectively with nurses who have great clinical skills but very poor interpersonal skills? Explain and support your answer.

Week 4 discussion

Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 2, 6, 8,17–19

Read the following from Leading and Managing in Nursing:

Ch. 2: Safe Care: The Core of Leading and Managing

Ch. 6: Making Decisions and Problem Solving

Ch. 8: Understanding and Designing Organizational Structures

Ch. 17: Leading Change

Ch. 18: Building Teams Through Communication and Partnerships

Ch. 19: Workforce Engagement and Collective Action

Change Readiness Self-Assessment

Complete the Table 17-1 Self-Assessment: How Receptive are you to Change and Innovation? on page 313 of Leading and Managing in Nursing by clicking the Exploration tab.

Reflect on changes you have experienced. Knowing your change readiness score now, think about what you would do differently to make yourself more change-agile.

Team Assessment

Complete the Table 18-1 Team Assessment Exercise: Are We a Team? on page 323 of Leading and Managing in Nursing by clicking the Discussion tab.

Write a 90-word summary of how you can improve your team's dynamics, regardless of your assessment score.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.

Driving Forces for Change

Change in health care is often related to quality. This activity introduces you the three major driving forces of the current emphasis on quality.

Explore the Health and Medicine Division*, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the National Quality Forum to understand each organization's key focus and its mission, vision, and values.

*Formerly Institute of Medicine



What examples of quality and safety change initiatives have you experienced in practice?



Why is important for every nurse to think of themselves as a change agent?

Week 5 discussion

Leading and Managing in Nursing, Ch. 5, 26–30

Read the following from Leading and Managing in Nursing:

Ch. 5: Legal and Ethical Issues

Ch. 26: Delegation: An Art of Professional Nursing Practice

Ch. 27: Role Transition

Ch. 28: Self-Management: Stress and Time

Ch. 29: Managing Your Career

Ch. 30: Thriving for the Future

Everyday Leadership

Watch “TEDTalks: Drew Dudley—Everyday Leadership” from this week's Electronic Reserve Readings.

As you watch, think of the ways you can impact people's lives each day.

Professional Development for Everyday Leadership

Write a list of goals that you have for personal and professional development (e.g., make a public speech, write an article, hold an officer position, conduct research, gain experience as a manager). For each of the goals, identify the first small step you need to take toward achieving that goal.

Think of how this exercise relates to everyday leadership as you are writing the goals.

Assignment adapted from Leading and Managing in Nursing (Ch. 21), by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, 2015, St Louis, MI: Elsevier. Copyright 2015 by Elsevier. Adapted with permission


Search the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) website for their joint statement on delegation.

Review the Joint Statement on Delegation by the NCSBN and the ANA.

Write a 90-word summary explaining three ways you can improve your delegation skills as a leader.

Local campus students: Prepare to present and discuss your summary in the next class meeting.

Online students: Post your summary and respond to at least one classmate's post.



All RNs use delegation. How does delegation change when one moves into a leadership and management role?



What are some ways to incorporate everyday leadership into your routine at work?

Discuss the legal and ethical implications of Mrs Hetherington refusing her treatment and not having an Advanced Health Directive or Legal Power of Attorney.

HLTEN511B: Provide nursing care for clients requiring palliative care – Nursing Assignment Lorna… 

HLTEN511B: Provide nursing care for clients requiring palliative care – Nursing Assignment

Lorna Hetherington is 85yrs old. She is a practising Roman Catholic and was previously a regular churchgoer and participated in social activities with a variety of people. She is married and has one daughter.

Medical Condition:

Lorna has breast cancer. She has undergone a total mastectomy and has received chemotherapy. However, the disease has recurred and she has not responded to any of the recommended treatments. She recently had a bout of pneumonia which has not resolved itself. She is now in the wing of the hospice of a residential facility where you work. Lorna has recently been diagnosed with Bone Metastases. She also wears a hearing aid, but forgets to switch it on so communicating is very stressful for all.

Current condition:

Lorna has verbalised that her pain is increasing; she is experiencing episodes of shortness of breath and progressive weakness. She has also developed a decline in her cognitive ability. Lorna Hetherington has verbally refused all medical treatment available and does not have an Advance Health Directive or a current Power of Attorney.


1. How would you demonstrate a palliative care approach when caring for this client?

2. Describe the importance of teamwork in this specialised area.

3. Who else participated in the development of the client’s nursing care plan?

4. How would you support clients and others to contribute to the care plan and identify their preferences for spiritual, cultural, needs and lifestyle options?

5. What support would you provide and relevant information to the client and their family members to prepare for the client’s death?

6. Describe the pathophysiology of Bony Metastases and potential complications.

7. Identify the risks associated the diagnosis of Bony Metastases and discuss the nursing strategies to minimise the potential risks to the client.

8. Discuss how the Enrolled Nurse would observe and assess Lorna’s pain level and management within the healthcare team.

9. Discuss the legal and ethical implications of Mrs Hetherington refusing her treatment and not having an Advanced Health Directive or Legal Power of Attorney. What are your responsibilities in relation to your ANMC competencies and scope of practice?

10. How do you maintain the client’s dignity after their death?

11. Following the confirmed death the client, the family have requested an autopsy to investigate malpractice. What advice would you give the family with regards to officially requesting an autopsy and seeking relevant information post-autopsy? s