NUR1200: Health Assessment and Nursing Interventions- Essay Writing Assignment

NUR1200: Health Assessment and Nursing Interventions- Essay Writing Assignment Task: At the end… 

NUR1200: Health Assessment and Nursing Interventions- Essay Writing Assignment


At the end of this exercise students will:
1. Demonstrate an awareness of health assessment as an undertaking which involves bio/psycho/social parameters.
2. Utilise a framework for health assessment.
3. Demonstrate a focused assessment on a particular component of health or wellbeing.
4. Develop research skills by utilising both web resources and academic literature
5. Demonstrate skills in critique
6. Synthesise material from published sources to demonstrate health intervention by nurses.
7. Demonstrate correct academic referencing of both internet-based and published scholarly articles.
8. Utilise electronic submission
9. Demonstrate an ability to work within timeframes (due date).
10. Earn valuable points towards a final grade (20% weighting)

The Assignment for NUR1200 relates to health assessment and health promotion. Although there are sections to the assignment it is expected to be presented as an overall piece. It is expected that you will write a (brief) introduction to the overall assignment and summarise with a conclusion. Imbedded in the assignment is a short essay.

Part 1: Self-health assessment: 
Conduct an assessment of Millie using the posted interview. Utilise a framework for this (and state where the resource was accessed). This can be reported as a table or chart.

Part 2: Focused assessment: 
With one health issue or potential issue (for Millie) conduct a more focused assessment.Describe the issue, and the interventions you would plan for her ongoing care.

Part 3: Internet Health resources: 
With your nominated health issue for Millie, investigate health information from the internet (websites).
1. Research two relevant web sites related to recommendations for this issue.
2. Reflect on whether these web sites give you any insights into health improvements.
3. Critique the useability of this information for implementation into Millie’s nursing care plan.

Part 4: Nursing Intervention for Millie (Essay): 
Introduce the essay and conclude it. Write a short essay (500 words) to propose and explain some appropriate nursing and collaborative strategies for the community nurse to implement to assist Millie with one of her problems. You are to use at least four academic sources for this section for full marks. Three must be journals from a data base, the rest may be from academic texts. Internet sites are not acceptable for this section.

Part 5: Reference list: 
References are listed which you have used in any sections of this assessment (framework for health assessment(s), websites, academic articles, strategies for interventions in the essay)

The Original Medicare Plan consists of Hospital Insurance

The Original Medicare Plan consists of Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) and Medical Insurance… 

The Original Medicare Plan consists of Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) and Medical Insurance (Medicare Part B). For each of the following losses, indicate whether the loss is covered under Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B. (Ignore any deductible or coinsurance requirements. Treat each situation separately.)

a. Mary, age 66, is hospitalized for five days because of a heart attack.

b. John, age 62, has prostate cancer and visits his family doctor for treatment.

c. Marion, age 80, is a patient in a skilled nursing facility. She has been confined to the nursing home for more than two years.

d. Don, age 72, has a hearing impairment and obtains a hearing aid from a local firm.

e. Sarah, age 68, has a speech impairment and is confined to her home because of a stroke. A licensed speech therapist visits her in the home and provides services to restore her speech.

f. Fred, age 78, has an arthritic hip that makes it painful to walk and needs surgery to have the hip replaced.

g. Michael, age 65, is covered under the Original Medicare Plan. His spouse, age 62, has cancer and requires chemotherapy.

Using 800-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.


1 answer below »

Using 800-1,000 words, discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.

Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:


  1. Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.
  2. Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.
  3. Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.


  1. Staff attitudes and perceptions.
  2. Patient attitudes and perceptions.
  3. Rate of nursing staff turnover.

Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).

Refer to the “Topic 4: Checklist.”

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.6 NRS 441v.11R.Module 4_Checklist.doc 

Describe two strategies the RN can take to provide patient centered care and show respect for these patients and families?

Using the assigned readings and information from the literature, compose a response to the… 

Using the assigned readings and information from the literature, compose a response to the following:

Initial Discussion Post:

Within our communities there is an increasing number of families whose beliefs forbid strange men from touching their women. A small community hospital has male and female nurses on the labor and delivery unit. Because of illness, the unit is short staffed with two male nurses on shift and there are several patients with this cultural belief.

  • Describe why the patient’s culture is so important to be aware of in the perinatal setting.
  • Describe two strategies the RN can take to provide patient centered care and show respect for these patients and families?
  • What if a member of the health care team does not support strategies planned to meet the cultural requests of the patient and family?

Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic.

Your discussion postings must conform to the AD Nursing Discussion Posting Requirements [PDF, File Size 143 KB]; review the requirements prior to submitting your discussion posts. The requirements are also noted under the AD Nursing Discussion Posting Requirements discussion forum and under Course Announcements.

The Original Medicare Plan

The Original Medicare Plan consists of Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) and Medical Insurance… 

The Original Medicare Plan consists of Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) and Medical Insurance (Medicare Part B). For each of the following losses, indicate whether the loss is covered under Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B. (Ignore any deductible or coinsurance requirements. Treat each situation separately.)

a. Mary, age 66, is hospitalized for five days because of a heart attack.

b. John, age 62, has prostate cancer and visits his family doctor for treatment.

c. Marion, age 80, is a patient in a skilled nursing facility. She has been confined to the nursing home for more than two years.

d. Don, age 72, has a hearing impairment and obtains a hearing aid from a local firm.

e. Sarah, age 68, has a speech impairment and is confined to her home because of a stroke. A licensed speech therapist visits her in the home and provides services to restore her speech.

f. Fred, age 78, has an arthritic hip that makes it painful to walk and needs surgery to have the hip replaced.

g. Michael, age 65, is covered under the Original Medicare Plan. His spouse, age 62, has cancer and requires chemotherapy.

Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES

Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES Charlotte is a 13 year old girl who lives with her father and 

Nursing Assignment – NURSING DIAGNOSES

Charlotte is a 13 year old girl who lives with her father and her younger brother in a small house in the suburbs. Her mother passed away four years ago and Charlotte often stays with her grandmother during the week to be closer to school. Charlotte has made an appointment with the school nurse because she is concerned about when menstruation will commence. You are the school nurse working with Charlotte today.


the client must be assessed thoroughly i.e. developmental, physical, cognitive, psychosocial and cultural aspects. 
-Developmental – at least one theorist to describe the changes that occur during the developmental stage the client is in. 
-Physical –what is the normal physical development relative to the client? This could be a thing as growth, psychomotor skill, and deterioration of body systems with age. 
-Cognitive – what is the normal cognitive ability of the client, and link with appropriate developmental theorist/s here. 
-Psychosocial – includes social determinates, support structures, interpersonal relationships. 
-Cultural – family centred care, social determinants may be appropriate to mention. Consider social, cultural and family issues. Identify the client’s learning  needs, language skills, motivation, ability to learn, teaching environment and resources for learning.

Identify and analyse the dominant values, assumptions, and processes that shape health systems, care delivery models, and nursing practice in Australia.

Apply knowledge of regulatory requirements and ethical and practice standards that underpin the… 

1 answer below »Drawing on relevant items from the required weekly reading
program for this unit, the resources detailed below in the questions
and further research, you will undertake an analysis of a current
topical health care issue in Australia following the detailed steps
You must examine the issue with reference to the principles of
person-centered care, cultural safety, and professional codes
relevant to regulatory requirements.
The assignment includes an analysis of the impact of socio-political
issues on health and of consumers’ experience of health services by
considering the impact of dominant values, assumptions and
processes shaping health care in Australia.
1. Apply knowledge of regulatory requirements and ethical
and practice standards that underpin the nursing
profession, and explain how they relate to the provision of
person-centred care.
4. Apply knowledge of historical, social, and political issues to
explain the socio-political context of healthcare and the
impact of these structures on human health and consumer
experiences of health systems.
5. Identify and analyse the dominant values, assumptions, and
processes that shape health systems, care delivery models,
and nursing practice in Australia.

Assuming that you are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional organization.

Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical.. 

1 answer below »Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to the nursing profession or your clinical practice area. Assuming that you
are the chairperson of membership for the organization, create a full page flyer designed to recruit new members to the professional
organization. In your flyer, include: 1.The function of the organization, as well as its mission and vision. 2.Potential advantages of
membership in the organization. 3.Provide resource information for new members. Include the following: contact information,
membership requirements, and organizational endorsements (what other members or other organizations are saying about the
selected organization). 4.Create a topic for an upcoming meeting that would appeal to your target audience.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and
references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the
Student Success Center. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment;
therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and
expectations for successful completion of the assignment

Identify if the enrolled nurse was working within her scope of practice during this scenario. Explain how you came to this conclusion, based on the enrolled nurse’s action

HLTENN008: Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice – Nursing Assignment 1) As an… 

HLTENN008: Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice – Nursing Assignment

1) As an enrolled nurse, your practice is guided by legislation. The Standards for Practice: Enrolled nurses are an element of the legislation. Identify what these standards are used for, generally.

2)Explain the duty of care the enrolled nurse had in caring for Mr Smith and Mr Smythe, taking into account if there was a breach, or a potential breach of duty of care

3)In regard to Mr Smith having his BGL taken before transfer to the theatre, briefly explain how he consented to the BGL procedure and what type of consent does this represent.

4)Conduct Statement 1, from the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses states; “Nurses practice in a safe and competent manner.”
Identify how the enrolled nurse applied Conduct statement

5)Explain what EN Baxter should do when she realises the pathology slip and medication order is for the wrong client, including who must be notified of this error.

6)Identify if the enrolled nurse was working within her scope of practice during this scenario. Explain how you came to this conclusion, based on the enrolled nurse’s actions.

Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University

Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University Task Description :… 

Nursing Assignment : Investigation of Clinical Governance -Victoria University

Task Description :

You are required to choose a nursing issue that is related to one of the key safety and quality in health care areas from the list below* and then research the issue. You need to locate THREE (3) primary and/or secondary peer reviewed articles/studies related to the issue you have chosen and summarize, analyse and critique the literature related to this issue. 1) Quantitative study 2) Qualitative study 3) Secondary resource (literature review, systematic review) Click here: Resources explaining and differentiating between primary and secondary sources: Click here: YouTube clip differentiating between Qualitative and Quantitative Research An additional resource on primary and secondary sources has been added to the Assignment Resources Folder. In order to pass this assignment, you must successfully address each of the criteria outlined in the Assignment 2 marking rubric *Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (supporting quality practice) Click on the topics below for more information about each category Clinical Communications Falls Prevention Healthcare Associated Infection Medication Safety (students are not permitted to focus on medications for their assignment). Mental Health Patient Identification.