remarkable presentation, just to add on I would recommend the physician if he/she can consider treating the patient with hyper baric oxygen in order to increases oxygenation to the tissue, improve

remarkable presentation, just to add on I would recommend the physician if he/she can consider treating the patient with hyper baric oxygen in order to increases oxygenation to the tissue, improve

1-, remarkable presentation, just to add on I would recommend the physician if he/she can consider treating the patient with hyper baric oxygen in order to increases oxygenation to the tissue, improves circulation and blood flow, to increase the ability of neutrophils to kill the Mucar and to decreases the pain and swelling.

Thank you

2-There really isn’t enough information to determine if this patient really warrants an ICU admission. Where I work, our Progressive Care Unit could most likely manage this patient. Depending on the presentation, such things to consider are vitals, face to face assessment data, respiratory efforts, heart rate and rhythm. The chest xray does show white out of the mid to lower left fields but is clear at the left apex and to the right. Hard to determine the appropriate level of care based on the limited data provided.

3-Hyperbaric oxygen would help this patient because hyperbaric therapy increases oxygenation to the tissue, improves circulation and blood flow, boosts white blood cells especially neutrophils, enhances effectiveness of antibiotics, and decreases pain and swelling

(Latham E., 2018). However, there is some precaution while taking this treatment “the fire hazard” because the use of oxygen is always high risk to fire explosion. so, any material that can explode fire is prohibited in the treatment room, for instance nurses must make sure that the patient is not using a hair spray, deodorant, electric devices or cigarette lighter and proper education should be given to the patient (Latham E., 2018).


Latham E. (2018) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy retrieved [online] from:

4-I enjoyed reading your post. Over the years, I have had many diabetic patients that are diagnosed with pneumonia, but never with Mucor. You stated, “Mucor is most commonly found in uncontrolled diabetics, transplant patients, cancer patients, and others who are immunocompromised (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).” It is interesting to know that Mucor is commonly found in uncontrolled diabetics. However, I found that there have also been cases found in well controlled diabetics. According to Panigrahi,M., Manju,R., Kumar, S.V. & Toi, P.C. (2014) “Uncontrolled diabetes, particularly diabetic ketoacidosis, predisposes patients to the development of mucormycosis; however, cases have been described even in patients with well controlled diabetes mellitus.”

Panigrahi,M., Manju,R., Kumar, S.V. & Toi, P.C. (2014). Pulmonary Mucormycosis Presenting as Nonresolving Pneumonia in a Patient With Diabetes Mellitus. Retrieved  from

5-I agree, a sputum or tissue sample like biopsy is needed to identify the fungal infection. However, amphotericin B, posaconazole or isavuconazole iv  are very effective treatments if started early and aggressively. In addition to this and an excision of the infected tissue or organ is also needed to save the rest of the tissue or organ and life as well. Nice post.

6- Nice post, I agree, once patient is on bed rest and NPO,  pantop and low molecular weight heparin needed to be started as gastric and  DVT prophylaxis. And this patient is going to be very unstable so needed to be admitted in ICU for monitoring and further management.

This is the final assignment for submission of your Project. It must include the client/family overview, smart goal, case management assessment, care goals/objectives, resource management, and client

This is the final assignment for submission of your Project. It must include the client/family overview, smart goal, case management assessment, care goals/objectives, resource management, and client

This is the final assignment for submission of your Project. It must include the client/family overview, smart goal,  case management assessment, care goals/objectives, resource management, and client/family teaching plan.  You must use accurate spelling and grammar and APA Editorial Format  

Case study summary:

People suffering from prolonged sicknesses and some comorbid situations have complexity guidelines that demand thorough caregiver engagement, more convoluting the challenging care process. The interview day brought us to a rehabilitation center where some of the patients are able to do for themselves with a little assistance and some that need complete care. Those that go into a career in the medical field will come across all types of patients, including those patients who need assistance as well as the patients who are total care. Regardless of the patient’s condition, they should all be treated the same. All patients should be treated with kindness and respect above all else.

I interviewed at the facility that goes by the initials D.O. D.O was born in 1965 making him 54 years old. I got the privilege to speaking with him and ask him about his childhood. Talking to him about his childhood and it put a smile on his face. I am guessing he had a pleasant flash back of growing up reminding her of her parents and siblings. D.O is the youngest of 4children, 2 boys and 2girls.  He did most of the hard work while his sisters always in the kitchen with his mother preparing meals. He stated he was raised on a farm but had most of the hard labor. He still tries to be creative today but his condition due to TBI, stroke HTN, diabetics does not help him too much to be creative.

His health over the years as he explained it went downhill. As a child he was very healthy with no major issues or concerns. All his immunizations were up to date, which still holds true today after going over his chart information. This resident is a total care which means he depends on the help of the nursing staff in the facility to keep him going, to keep him active, to keep him in a good and stable condition. According to him is allergic to milk and that’s all that’s really bothering him  besides the diagnosis presented in his chart. When I asked the resident about any fractures, he stated that the only fracture he got growing up was a broken arm from playing rough with his siblings. He stated it healed well and had no issues with any other fractures

He stated that he understood he is taking medication for “a lot of things”, as he puts it. He does not mind taking the pills, but he thinks that the nurses that give them to him do not have patience with him when it comes time to take them. He can use his arms, but he says his throat is kind of dry, so he must take his time. One of the medications he takes is oxycodone which l believe this medication is for the pain he feels because he is essentially bed ridden. He cannot move on his own and it may be painful at some point or another. This medication is given in the mid-day and prn and I am sure if her pain increased this medication can be increased as well. He is taking a plethora of other medications most of them used to nerve pain and her diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition that affects the entire body. Secondary conditions usually become present with diabetes. He was diagnosed with type-two diabetes and he takes insulin for this condition. The dose of insulin would depend on the glucose level present each time his tested. The client is tested before breakfast, again before lunch and another time before dinner. Another pill that he takes is a multivitamin; this is to assist his body with the vitamins and minerals that need to be supplemented such as calcium and vitamin D for his bones. Other benefits of the multivitamin include B6 and B12. Both B vitamins are essential for the body. These vitamins can also assist with his diagnosis as well.

The patient’s family medical history is not extensive, the patient states that his siblings and his mum still living. He stated he always afraid of getting cancer so he checked himself as much as he could. He stated besides his mother his family was free of conditions and diseases his only health concern is being more active. He wants to get up more often to be more active at least once or twice a week. Which I think is reasonable for him however the patient also stated “I know they have other patients who needs help and that’s why I can’t get up”. The patient is aware and understanding of his environment as well as day-to-day activities. His only concern is more activity; hopefully the facility can provide him with that.

            As far as basic psych-social health is not too active today he is bed ridden and does not practice as much social activity as he would like. He gets frequent visits from his mother and siblings.  The only social activity this resident sees is from his roommate and the caregivers (Nurse aide, occupational therapy and physical therapy), that care for his daily. He does make frequent calls to his family to speak with them as much as he can. Other than that, he has to wait for them to come and see him. He states that makes him the happiest, seeing his family.

I asked him what he believes his stressors are and he stated that his only stress is not being able to move and get out of bed and listening to music. He wants to be able to get up and be more social. He also stated that when he becomes to stressed and anxious, he takes Xanax. I did not see this in his chart, but this might be a new medication or something he used to take before being admitted. One interesting piece of information about him is the fact that his chart states his confused occasionally due to his TBI.  It also states in his chart that he is alert times three and has no other signs of dementia other than being a confused.

            Overall, his as a pleasant man who came to this facility because his family wanted more care for him. He needed around the clock care after his stroke and as many medications as he takes his family would not be able to care for him as he needs. He understands he does not want to burden his family but would love for them to come see him more. Altogether, he is a pleasant man who just wants to get moving a little more.

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with coding for the Obstetrics section? What are some of the things he/she should be mindful of? What do you think makes obstetrics coding

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with coding for the Obstetrics section?  What are some of the things he/she should be mindful of?  What do you think makes obstetrics coding

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with coding for the Obstetrics section?  What are some of the things he/she should be mindful of?  What do you think makes obstetrics coding different from other coding sections?What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with coding for the Obstetrics section?  What are some of the things he/she should be mindful of?  What do you think makes obstetrics coding different from other coding sections? 100 words is good for this

Match the section and root operations with the description.

Pregnancy with abortive outcome

Supervision of high-risk pregnancy

Edema, proteinuria, and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium

Other maternal disorders predominantly related to pregnancy

Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems

Complications of labor and delivery

Encounter for delivery

Complications predominantly related to the puerperium

Other obstetric conditions, not elsewhere classified

Not elsewhere classifiable







G.O80, O82




Question 3 

Discuss the Obstetrics section of the ICD-10-PCS. Explain the history and layout, and describe a code out of the section.

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

Question 4

Discuss the Placement section of the ICD-10-PCS. Please give an example procedure. Code for the procedure, and explain the procedure in detail. You can use a variety of options to explain such as the device being used and/or the method of approach.

Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

Prior to class, and after reading/viewing the module assignment, select one of the following and conduct an assessment.Musculoskeletal System Neurological SystemYou may conduct the assessment on a fe

Prior to class, and after reading/viewing the module assignment, select one of the following and conduct an assessment.Musculoskeletal System Neurological SystemYou may conduct the assessment on a fe

Prior to class, and after reading/viewing the module assignment, select one of the following and conduct an assessment.

  • Musculoskeletal System
  • Neurological System

You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.

Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook.

Then, document your findings and bring them to class.

Your instructor may ask that you submit your documentation. If so,

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below

MSN degree need initial discussion to the assignment below 1-2 pages4 References one from Walden University LibraryDue tonight by 10 pm EST. Will pay 15.00$What were the skills required of nurse e

MSN degree need initial discussion to the assignment below 1-2 pages4 References one from Walden University LibraryDue tonight by 10 pm EST.  Will pay 15.00$What were the skills required of nurse e

 MSN degree need initial discussion to the assignment below 1-2 pages

4 References one from Walden University Library

Due tonight by 10 pm EST.  Will pay 15.00$

What were the skills required of nurse educators yesterday, what are they today, and what will they be tomorrow?

Though nursing has long been a forward-thinking profession, there is much value in looking to the past to better build for the future. Examining societal, political, and global trends allows nurse educators to develop programs that will meet the needs of their future learners. In addition, taking time to consider the volatility of the economic landscape, as well as the swift changes brought on by technology and medical informatics, nurse educators can better prepare themselves to teach students, staff, and patients.

In this Discussion, you creatively and critically explore the evolution of nursing education and thus the evolving role of the nurse educator.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 1, “Best-Laid Plans: A Century of Nursing Curricula” in the Keating course text. How has the nursing profession evolved in response to societal, economic, political, and technological factors? How has this evolution directly impacted the role of the nurse educator?
  • Review Chapter 17, “Issues and Challenges for Nurse Educators” also in the Keating text. Consider how the issues and challenges of today’s nurse educators differ from those of past nursing educators. Then, imagine the issues and challenges that might arise for tomorrow’s nurse educators in both clinical and academic settings.
  • Explore the website “Creative Writing Now” to review the parameters for writing a haiku. With this information in mind, write a haiku using the following questions as a guide:
    • If the first line of the haiku represented the roles of past nurse educators, what five-syllable description would you create?
    • If the second line represented the roles of today’s nurse educators, what seven-syllable description would you create?
    • If the third line represented the roles of tomorrow’s nurse educators, what five-syllable description would you create?

On another note, Class, do you believe that this method of bariatric surgery weight loss treatment will completely eliminate Mr. C’s obesity and other health problems, your thoughts?2: Very in

 On another note, Class, do you believe that this method of bariatric surgery weight loss treatment will completely eliminate Mr. C’s obesity and other health problems, your thoughts?2: Very in


On another note, Class, do you believe that this method of bariatric surgery weight loss treatment will completely eliminate Mr. C’s obesity and other health problems, your thoughts?


Very insightful posts everyone. A colleague of mine had bariatric surgery and lost about 160 pounds.  She claims that her health is much better, but the surgery only fixed the amount you can eat at a time and how you digest the food. What it doesn’t fix is the reasoning behind why someone takes comfort in food.  Why they allow themselves to overindulge in something they know is not good for them.  It is the same concept as an alcoholic; it is a process in recovery. It doesn’t happen overnight and if you do not work through certain things in your life, you can gain the weight back or turn to a different addiction.  It is very important to educate the patient in this matter and that they are referred to therapist for intensive therapy.

Class do you agree? Share your thoughts? How do you care for these special population of patients?


This is an essential question to ask anyone thinking of bariatric surgery. A detailed eating and activity (not just exercise) history is essential prior to approval for surgery. It is my opinion that Mr. C is very young and although he has co-morbid diseases he does not exercise, according to the case presentation, and his eating habits are questionable. He also has a sedentary job which more than likely is at least 8 hours a day. He needs to be given a strict regimen for diet and exercise for minimum of 6-9 months revealing that he is committed to lifestyle modifications.  Several of my fellow classmates talked about the need for psychological intervention prior to surgery and this is essential as well. There may be underlying reasons for his obesity that could be resolved, and surgery would not be essential.

Having bariatric surgery is not a process to be taken lightly. This is a commitment that can’t be forgotten. Normal anatomy is altered with the possibility of complications.


Wow, your post is very thorough. I agree that Mr. C needs a major lifestyle change before getting the surgery. Hyperglycemia needs to be assessed further to see if he has Type 2 diabetes which is more than likely considering his medical history.  Hyperglycemia affects people who have diabetes. Several factors can contribute to hyperglycemia in people with diabetes, including food and physical activity choices, illness, non diabetes medications, or skipping or not taking enough glucose-lowering medication which is something that MR C. is doing. Thank you. 


Mayo Clinic. (2019). Retrieved from




  POST 1

Comprehensive Integrated Psychiatric Assessment

Following recent research, the level of mental health problems among children and adolescents has risen dramatically (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The present-day life and current associations within the society contribute greatly to these adversities. Culture, environmental exposure, social and economic status are frequent predisposing factors to mental and behavioral disorders. For example, domestic violence, sexual assault and the rising prevalence of divorces are the most common causes of mental health problems among the youth (American Psychiatric Association, 2013. Nonetheless, assessing and treating children and adolescents is very challenging. Psychiatric mental health nursing practitioners (PMHNPs) ought to be patient and diligent when practicing mental assessments to this type of clients.

Based on the YMH Boston Vignette 4 Video

What did the practitioner do well?

At the beginning of the session, the nursing practitioner expresses his respect for the nursing code of ethics, conduct and autonomy. This is a good approach since it assures the client of his protection and the nondisclosure of his/her health information. Additionally, the nursing practitioner was keen to establish a sense of rapport between himself and his client. This was necessary to necessitate voluntary and ease of information sharing.

In what areas can the practitioner improve?

The nursing practitioner fails to warm-up the client at the start of the interview. It is advisable to start with a casual conversation before jumping into the main point (Kaplan, 2016). Failure to this (as evident in the Boston Vignette 4 Video) the patient keeps his guard up and even suggest that his mother should answer some of the PMHNP’s question. Also, it is imperative to

apply cognitive testing to help determine the client’s mental status at the time of visit (Kaplan, 2016). Contrary to this aspect, the PMHNP appears more interested in the patient’s history than his current status. Ideally, the PMHNP should improve on the areas noted above.

At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they?

 The nursing practitioner in the YMH Boston Vignette 4 Video seats causally and speaks rather sparingly. In comparison to the PMHNP in the YMH Boston vignette 1 video the practitioner seats and speaks directly to the client to capture his attention and cognitive status. This makes his client attentive unlike the patient in video 4. As a matter of facts, the practitioner shares a little enthusiasm in the client’s interests (basketball) to help improve the mood of the interview and consequently, derive more information (Merrell, 2013).

What would be your next question and why?

Question: Do you often lose temper on people other than your mum?

This question is necessary to help determine the specific triggers of the client’s anger. If the answer is ‘NO’, then it’s true that the mum triggers his anger through excessive pressure and nagging. However, if the answer is ‘YES’, then the frequent loss of temper would qualify as one of the symptom for mental health conditions such as intermittent explosive disorder (Kulper, Kleiman, McCloskey, Berman & Coccaro 2015).


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.

Kaplan, B. J. (2016). Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry. Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie, 58(1), 78-79.

Kulper, D. A., Kleiman, E. M., McCloskey, M. S., Berman, M. E., & Coccaro, E. F. (2015). The experience of aggressive outbursts in intermittent explosive disorder. Psychiatry research, 225(3), 710-715.

Merrell, K. (2013). Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents. Routledge.


Comprehensive Integrated Psychiatric Assessment of an adolescent

What did the practitioner do well?

In the YMH Boston Vignette 4 YouTube Video, the therapist was professional by telling the teenager at the beginning of the session of the right of confidentiality and privacy unless he has suicidal or homicidal thoughts. This information built a good rapport and trust with the client which then enabled him to share his feelings. The adolescent may be worried about confidentiality, and clinicians can reassure them that approval will be requested from them before any detailed information is shared with parents, except situations involving danger to self or others (Price, 2017). The practitioner built a good rapport with the client by making good eye contact, trying to focus more on the client and not the parents, as well as asking him about his hobbies. Rapport is built by enabling patients to feel easiness during stressful situations. The practitioner also does a good job as he allows the client to explore his feelings. “When adolescents become able to cope with the controversial and problematic situations, anger affects self-perception because it is displayed in a situation where individuals are restrained or challenged” (Lok & Bademli, 2018). Moreover, the practitioner asked about his school and by asking him about what he liked doing after school.

In what areas can the practitioner improve?

The therapist needs improvement is communication because he did not introduce himself to the patient at the beginning of the video. In addition, the therapist was not firm with his statements as he agreed mostly with the client putting faults oh his mother. The client just wants someone to listen to him which explains why he praised his girlfriend because she listens to him. The practitioner failed to find out why the client thinks his mom is irritating. Moreover, the practitioner needs to improve on listening skills as a lot of time was spent taking notes during the interview which can be distracting for both the therapist and the patients. The practitioner could have politely asked the patient if it is okay for him to take notes during the session and explain the reason for that.

At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they?

A very important compelling concern is to inquire if the client feels safe at home with his mother. In addition, medications being taken by the client and psychiatric history and, lastly coping skills.

What would be your next question, and why?

I would ask the client about the possibility of having a family session which could be beneficial by making the people involved understand themselves more. It is important for the therapist to remain neutral and validate each family member`s feeling with the goal to improve communication among them and enable the therapist to develop an appropriate care plan for the client (Renee, & Ballas, 2018). Lastly, the next question would have been the practitioner to find out if the client is using drugs or having any suicidal or homicidal thoughts.


Lok, N., Bademli, K. (2018). The effects of anger management education on adolescents’ manner of displaying anger and self-esteem: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 32(1), p. 75-81.

Price, B. (2017). Developing patient rapport, trust, and therapeutic relationships. Nursing Standard. 31(50), p. 52-65.

Renee, W., & Ballas, P. (2018). Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation for Children. N.p.: University of Rochester Medical Center. Retrieved from

This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse. This paper will enhance your knowledge and understanding of pressure ulcer prevention and what you as a nurse can do to help decrease the oc

This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse. This paper will enhance your knowledge and understanding of pressure ulcer prevention and what you as a nurse can do to help decrease the oc

This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse. This paper will enhance your knowledge and understanding of pressure ulcer prevention and what you as a nurse can do to help decrease the occurrence of pressure injury. Format: This is an essay to be written in APA style based on course APA Minimum Expectations. Essays must be structurally intact with appropriate grammar, sentence and paragraph composition, spelling, punctuation, and logical, clear essay development (including introduction and conclusion). Paper length 2-3 pages (MAX… POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF OVER 3 PAGES), excluding cover and reference page. Must have a minimum of three references. Content: Address the following topics listed: 1. Discuss the etiology of pressure injury. 2. Discuss risk factors (local and systemic) and who is most at risk. 3. Discuss the tool (Braden Scale) to predict pressure injury risk factors, nursing interventions and up-to-date. This paper will be checked through a plagiarism checker, so please do not submit anyone elses work. Thanks

For this assignment you will continue to review current research and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and

For this assignment you will continue to review current research and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and

For this assignment you will continue to review current research and provide a critical evaluation on that research through an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a brief summary and analysis of the journal article reviewed. For more information on annotated bibliographies please visit Purdue’s OWL: Purdue Online Writing Lab

A total of two annotated bibliographies are to be submitted (not to exceed one page each). The articles must come from nursing scholarly literature and may not be older than 5 years since publication. Please note that the articles must be research based and reflect a qualitative methodology (review our reading assignments). Web pages, magazines, textbooks, and other books are not acceptable.

Each annotation must address the following critical elements:

  • Explanation of the main purpose and scope of the cited work
  • Brief description of the research conducted
  • Value and significance of the work (e.g., study’s findings, scope of the research project) as a contribution to the subject under consideration
  • Possible shortcomings or bias in the work
  • Conclusions or observations reached by the author
  • Summary as to why this research lends evidence to support the potential problem identified specific to your role specialization.

Nursing Research and Evidence based practiceType of ServiceCourseworkUrgency4 to 5 hoursNo. of Pages/Wordcount2 page(s)/ 550 WordsCitation StyleAPA StyleDetailed Description/ExplanationNursing Researc

Nursing Research and Evidence based practiceType of ServiceCourseworkUrgency4 to 5 hoursNo. of Pages/Wordcount2 page(s)/ 550 WordsCitation StyleAPA StyleDetailed Description/ExplanationNursing Researc

Nursing Research and Evidence based practice

Type of Service


Urgency4 to 5 hours

No. of Pages/Wordcount

2 page(s)/ 550 Words

Citation StyleAPA Style

Detailed Description/Explanation

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

In your practice as a nurse, you may use procedures and methods that did not necessarily originate in evidence, but instead were derived from informal and unwritten conventions, traditions, and observations. While these techniques may have merit, practices are constantly being updated and contradicted by information from scholarly research studies and professional guidelines. This new information serves as “evidence” for revising practices to improve outcomes across health care.

Based on this evidence, you can formulate a question. In this Discussion, you consider the use of evidence-based practice in your own organization and formulate a question that you will need to answer for your portfolio project. This is called a PICOT question. You will also investigate strategies for overcoming barriers to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP).

To prepare:

Consider a recent clinical experience in which you were providing care for a patient.

Determine the extent to which the care that you provided was based on evidence and research findings or supported only by your organization’s standard procedures. How do you know if the tasks were based on research?

What questions have you thought about in a particular area of care such as a procedure or policy? 

Review Chapter 2, pages 36—39 on “Asking Well worded Clinical Questions” in Polit & Beck and consult the resource from the Walden Student Center for Success: Clinical Question Anatomy & examples of PICOT questions (found in this week’s Learning Resources). Formulate your background questions and PICOT question.

Reflect on the barriers that might inhibit the implementation of evidence-based practice in your clinical environment.

Review the article “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making” in this week’s Learning Resources. Select one of the barriers described that is evident in your organization and formulate a plan for overcoming this barrier.. 


I   want to add that I want the research topic to be related to psych nursing
