Health Assigment

Health Assigment Help TASK1 Using the case study provided, identify an urgent risk area. Ensure your 

Health Assigment Help

Using the case study provided, identify an urgent risk area. Ensure your answer details why you have identified this risk area including specific information about the client and current literature.
Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would immediately undertake with your client to address the risk area noted in question 1a and include a rationale for the intervention.
Using the case study provided, identify a mental health concern. Ensure your answer details why this is an area of concern. Include specific information about the client and current literature.
Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would undertake with your client to address the mental health concern noted in question 2a and include a rationale for the intervention.
Using current literature, identify and discuss  two legal, ethical or professional issues a nurse / midwife may need to consider when working with the client in the case study
i. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.
ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources

Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion

PDR-271466 Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan… 

1 answer below »PDR-271466 Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan Select a developmental age group and identify three (3) topics for health promotion. Explain why each topic is appropriate for this population and identify resources within the community to assist the RN in facilitating health promotion. Rubric Post is relevant and thoroughly responds to all aspects of discussion topic, reflecting a deep understanding of key ideas and concepts. Critical thought and substantial evidence, using references to course materials (readings, videos, module notes, etc.) and additional related literature, are provided by including in text citations and a reference list to justify claims made within the post. Meaningful connections between discussion topic and nursing/healthcare (e.g., work- related experience) are expressed. Posts are well organized, clearly and concisely written, and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Posts use professional language, are courteous and respectful of other viewpoints. References and in text citations are formatted correctly using APA guidelines. References are from current (five [5] years old or less) professional nursing sources published in the United States. All sources are cited within discussion posts and on reference list. 1 page, 3 APA

nursing has become increasingly “professionalized” through advanced degrees

Module 2 Discussion As nursing has become increasingly “professionalized” through advanced degrees ,. 

Module 2 Discussion

As nursing has become increasingly “professionalized” through advanced degrees, specialization, and clinical practice, nurses’ salaries and responsibilities have also increased. Now, hospitals substitute non-nurses for nurses to perform all but the most technical tasks. What are the implications for the nursing profession? Have nurses lost their traditional role of hands-on patient care and, if so, is that to the profession’s and the patients’ advantage or disadvantage?


With significant oversupply of hospital beds in the United States, what is the rationale for taxpayer support of the separate and costly hospital system of the Department of Veterans Affairs?

When you are ready for the discussion, do the following:

Click on the discussion link above.

Start your answer by clicking “Start a New Thread” button with the title of your answer and the body of text following the guidance above.

To properly post your answer, please click on the “Post” button.

After posting your contribution, you must read what others have posted, reply to at least two of those posts, and respond (when appropriate) to those you have responded to you.

What are your nursing interventions for this issue, and please include education to your patient.

NUR2633 Section P1 Maternal Child Health Nursing Module 2 Discussion Emergency Contraception /… 

NUR2633 Section P1 Maternal Child Health Nursing

Module 2 Discussion

Emergency Contraception / Emergency Department

Group A will complete the following discussion and then respond to Group B discussion.

Emergency Contraception:

A16 year old reports to the local Family Planning clinic with concerns regarding pregnancy. She relates she had unprotected intercourse 2 nights ago and believes she may be 'fertile'.She wants to learn more about the 'morning after pill'

What additional information should you obtain from her?

What do you know about emergency contraception and the side effects?

What educational points should you provide to her?

Group B will complete the following discussion and respond to Group A's discussion post.

Vaginal Bleeding in pregnancy:

A pregnant patient arrives in the Emergency Department with complaints of vaginal bleeding. You will choose the gestational age of your patient, and based on that gestational age answer the following questions:

Knowing the gestational age, provide information on LMP, and EDD

What are the possible reasons she is bleeding at this gestational age?

What are your nursing interventions for this issue, and please include education to your patient.

discuss what therapeutic treatment modalities can be used for Angelina on the ward.

Essay Rubric for NUR2107 : Mental Health Essay Assessment Title: Assessment 1 – Discuss concepts of. 

Essay Rubric for NUR2107 : Mental Health Essay

Assessment Title:

Assessment 1 

Discuss concepts of mental health and mental illness 2. describe services available for consumers with mental illness 3. identify the impact of stigma on consumers and their carers 4. identify and respond to consumer specific issues such as culture, age and gender to optimise therapeutic communication 5. describe and discuss Mental Status Examination (MSE) and risk assessments conducted with clients who are experiencing disturbances in thought, mood,behaviour and perception 6. discuss the utilisation of the legal and ethical issues related to the care of clients when admitted under the Victorian Mental Health Act (2014) 8. describe a range of therapeutic modalities utilised in the care and treatment of people with mental health issues and disorders.

Details of task:

Summary: For a client to experience positive mental health outcomes, care from the Mental Health Nurse (MHN), will include therapeutic engagement & therapeutic treatment modalities. Angelina Parker is an 18 year old single woman who has commenced her first year of nursing at a Melbourne university. She moved from Warrnambool at the start of the year and lives with two other female university students. Angelina has both parents that she is close to and a younger sister who is in year 9. There is no family history of mental illness or substance misuse and Angelina’s close to and a younger sister who is in year 9. There is no family history of mental illness or substance misuse and Angelina’s developmental milestones are all normal. She was a high achieving student and enjoyed sports with a good social networks of friends. Over the last two weeks, Angelina’s roommates have been concerned with her mental state as Angelina has been displaying the following symptoms of depression: depressed mood most of the day & everyday., feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness., decreased interest in her nursing subjects and missing classes, weight loss of ~8kgs., insomnia, psychomotor retardation, fatigue, reduced concentration & attention with all the above symptoms leading to thoughts of suicide without suicidal intent or plan. As a result, Angelina has not paid her rent and did not attend her nursing examinations earlier today. Her parents were contacted by the roommates and once they arrived, drove Angelina to the emergency department for a mental health review. The MHN arranged for admission in the acute inpatient ward due to her symptoms of depression.

Essay Questions:

Using sources relevant to Mental Health Nursing (MHN);

[1]  discuss how the MHN will use therapeutic engagement skills with Angelina. 
[2]  discuss what therapeutic treatment modalities  can be used for Angelina on the ward.

Identify and evaluate two (2) professional issues that reflect the seriousness of this situation.

Scenario: A Nurse Provides prescription medicine without authority A Nurses Board received a… 


A Nurse Provides prescription medicine without authority

A  Nurses Board received a complaint concerning allegations that an  Enrolled Nurse, whilst working in the emergency department of a  hospital, practiced outside the scope of practice, by knowingly  providing prescription only medication to a patient without the  authority of a medical officer.

When  interviewed, the nurse stated “the patient attended the emergency  department for treatment and the department was busy at this particular  time and the patient knowing this stated that they were not prepared to  wait for treatment.” The nurse made enquires of the patient's allergies  and responses to medication and then consulted a doctor, verbally. The  nurse then obtained a packet of antibiotics and provided them to the  patient. The nurse also made false entries in the medical record of the  patient.

(Adapted from Nexus, NBV, November 2008, Volume 16 Issue 2)

Q1.  Identify one (1) way in which the nurse failed to use critical thinking  and analysis effectively in this situation. In your response, consider  the Codes of Professional Practice, Ethics and Conduct for Nurses. (100 –  200words)

Q2.  Referring to the scenario and upon reflection of the Nursing Code of  Ethics, identify whether the nurse acted within their Scope of Practice  or not.

Q3.  Identify two (2) ways in which the nurse failed to apply contemporary  nursing practice. Take into account the professional standards of  nursing practice.

Q4.  Identify – and explain briefly – three (3) significant conduct  statements from the Code of Professional Conduct for nurses that were  breached, in this situation.

Refer to

Q5.  Identify – and explain briefly – three (3) significant value statements  from the Code of Ethics for nurses that were breached – not followed in  this situation.

Refer to

Q6.  Identify the relevant Act which nurses must adhere to, as referred to in  the legislation section of the Australian Health Practitioner's  Regulation Authority (AHPRA) website. (Include the year quoted).

Q7. Identify one (1) key professional or legal standards that were contravened.

Q8.  Identify – and briefly explain – three (3) types of professional review  and development, for this nurse to undertake, to prevent future  incidents and why.

Q9. Identify and evaluate two (2) professional issues that reflect the seriousness of this situation.

Q10. Identify three (3) benefits of reflective practice, for you as a nursing student.

Q11. In  your own words, briefly describe how you would share the benefits of  this critical thinking case scenario for yourself and how it assisted  you in your learning. (No reference needed).

Explain the importance of the pharmaceutical industry in health care. What is the health care administrator’s role as a liaison with the drug company representatives?

Analyze key factors in the current health care professional workforce shortage. Select at least… 

Homework assignments are to be written in a Q & A format. This is different from the short application papers that must be in APA formatting. However, it is imperative that with all answered questions where the student uses another author’s concepts, statistics, numbers, or graphics that the source be both cited and referenced. All references should be complete and in APA formatting. Please make sure your name, date, and assignment name is on your homework.

There is no approved length for your answers. Your answers should be succinct and appropriate responses to the questions asked. Paraphrasing the homework questions in your answers will help ensure that you will answer all parts of each question.

  1. Workforce

Analyze key factors in the current health care professional workforce shortage. Select at least three of the factors and discuss. What are some effective strategies to address these specific shortages? What do you feel are some solutions?

  1. Health Care Paradigm

In fee-for-service, providers’ price services to cost. In managed care, providers cost to price. Explain this paradigm. Analyze how managed care and this paradigm has impacted relationships among providers, payers, and patients in the U.S.

  1. Access to Care

What is health care access? Why is it so important to measure access to health care? How may access statistics be used to improve health care services and processes?

  1. Continuum of Care and the Integrated Delivery Systems

What is the significance of a fully integrated delivery system (IDS)? Describe its development in terms of horizontal and vertical integration. Describe its development in terms of the limited health care premium dollar. What is its impact on customer satisfaction? What are the implications for managing risk?

  1. Mental Health and Long-Term Care

What are the commonalities of mental health services and long-term care? What are the challenges both areas of care continue to face today and in the future?

  1. Pharmaceuticals

Explain the importance of the pharmaceutical industry in health care. What is the health care administrator’s role as a liaison with the drug company representatives?

Which factors can it use to predict nurses’ grades? What other factors might be relevant?

Western General Hospital Each term, the Western General Hospital accepts a batch of 50 new… 

Western General Hospital

Each term, the Western General Hospital accepts a batch of 50 new student nurses. Their training lasts for several years before they become state registered or state enrolled. The hospital invests a lot of money in nurse training, and it wants to make sure that this is used efficiently. A continuing problem is the number of nurses who fail exams and do not complete their training. One suggestion for reducing this number is to improve recruitment and select only students who are more likely to complete the course. For instance, the hospital might look for relationships between students’ likely performance in nursing exams and their performance in school exams. But nurses come from a variety of backgrounds and start training at different ages, so their performance at school may not be relevant. Other possible factors are age and number of previous jobs. The following table shows some results for last term’s nurses. Grades in exams have been converted to numbers (A = 5, B = 4 and so on), and average marks are given.

The hospital collected data on the number of nurses who did not finish training in the past 10 terms, with the following results.


1. Having collected this data, how can the hospital present it in a useful format that is clear and easy to understand?

2. Which factors can it use to predict nurses’ grades? What other factors might be relevant?

3. What do you think the hospital should do next?

What’s the policy where you work? Is staff use of personal devices getting in the way of patient care?

Nursing Informatics Discussion

Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings (graded)

How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication device(s) impact patient care positively and/or negatively? What are the ethical and legal implications? What does the professional literature say about how communication devices can support safe nursing practice? 


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Re: Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings

Hello Class, 

In the ADN program in which I teach, our student use an app called Nursing Central on their phones. It has disease, drug and lab information readily available to them in the clinical area. When they first started to use it on their clinical rotations a few years ago, hospital staff were quite wary of this, thinking that the students were using their phones for personal purposes. Since then, I see nurses in both acute and long term care using their smart phones to look up patient related information. 

What’s the policy where you work? Is staff use of personal devices getting in the way of patient care?  

Or, if you are more recently a student, what was the policy at your school?





This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience.

Part I: Interview

Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview.

Review The Joint Commission resource found in topic materials, which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.

Your spiritual needs assessment survey must include a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview. During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.

The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided. Be sure to record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information through which the interviewee can be determined.

Part II: Analysis

Write a 500-750 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead, provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response:

  1. What went well?
  2. Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
  3. How can this tool assist you in providing appropriate interventions to meet the needs of your patient?
  4. Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee? Explain your answer with examples.

Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your results. This should be submitted as one document. The interview transcript does not figure into the word count.

Prepare this assignment according to APA Style Guide,

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.