Identify any new strategies that you think will "fit" better and describe why.

Part 2: How Am I Doing?Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated an

Part 2: How Am I Doing?

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.

Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following:

  1. Re-look at your Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel scores. Have they changed? If so, in what ways.
  2. Think about your current levels of tension and stress. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level, what is your score? Now think about the strategies you identified. Describe how well you have put them into action. If you have not been able to implement them, identify why and what you can do to overcome this.
  3. Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better and describe why.
  4. Minimum length 2-3 pages not including cover or referencing. APA formatting

see attachments I have complete a portion of the assignment but need the rest of theDiagnostic and Clinical Reasoning Paper AssignmentThe purpose of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity t

see attachments I have complete a portion of the assignment but need the rest of theDiagnostic and Clinical Reasoning Paper AssignmentThe purpose of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity t

see attachments I have complete a portion of the assignment but need the rest of the

Diagnostic and Clinical Reasoning Paper Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity to expand the scope of your clinical documentation and your thought processes relative to complex patient care cases. 

1. Select a patient encounter from your current clinical experience. 

2. The patient encounter you select should be one of the more complex patient cases that you have experienced with your current clinical patient population. Given that you are to select complex cases, this assignment may not be completed for a ‘general health, well child, well woman, routine OB, routine physical exam (etc.)’ type of encounter.

You will need to identify which patient encounter you are expanding your documentation for by including the Typhon Case ID # under your name on the title page of your paper. 

3. For this assignment you will utilize the same SOAP format that you do for your ‘expanded’ Typhon encounters. Construct this assignment ensuring that you adhere to the writing guidelines provided in the 6th edition APA manual. 

Below is the overview of the required elements for this assignment:

*Title Page (Page 1): Follow APA guidelines for running head on page 1, and include Medical Diagnosis, Student Name, Typhon Case ID #, and Date.

*Subjective (Start of Page 2): Follow APA guidelines for running head on page 2 and subsequent pages.

CC: chief complaint – What are they being seen for? This is the reason that the patient sought care, stated in their own words, or paraphrased. 

HPI: history of present illness – use the “OLDCART” approach for collecting data and documenting findings. [O=onset, L=location, D=duration, C=characteristics, A=associated/aggravating factors, R=relieving Factors, T=treatment, S=summary]

PMH: past medical history – This should include past illness/diagnosis, conditions, traumas, hospitalizations, and surgical history. Include dates if possible. 

Allergies: State the offending medication/food and the reactions. 

Medications: Names, dosages, and routes of administration. 

Social history: Related to the problem, educational level/literacy, smoking, alcohol, drugs, HIV risk, sexually active, caffeine, work and other stressors. Cultural and spiritual beliefs that impact health and illness. Financial resources. 

Click on the link below to explore the CDC’s information on the ‘social determinants of health’.

Family history: Use terms like maternal, paternal and the diseases and the ages they were deceased or diagnosed if known. 

Health Maintenance/Promotion: Immunizations, exercise, diet, etc. Remember to use the United States Clinical Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines for age appropriate indicators. This should reflect what the patient is presently doing regarding the guidelines. 

Click on the link below to access information about current guidelines.

Review of Systems (ROS): this is to make sure you have not missed any important symptoms, particularly in areas that you have not already thoroughly explored while discussing the history of present illness. You would also want to include any pertinent negatives or positives that would help with your differential diagnosis. For acute episodic (focused) visits (i.e. sprained ankle, sore throat, etc.) you may be omitting certain areas such as GYN, Rectal, GI/Abd, etc. While the list below is provided for your convenience it is not to be considered all-encompassing and you are expected to include other systems/categories applicable to your patient’s chief complaint.

General: May include if patient has had a fever, chills, fatigue, malaise, etc. 


HEENT: head, eyes, ears, nose and throat 


CV: cardiovascular 


GI: gastrointestinal 

GU: genito-urinary 

PV: peripheral vascular 

MSK: musculoskeletal 

Neuro: neurological 

Endo: endocrine 



Physical Examination (PE): either limited for a focused exam or more extensive for a complete history and physical assessment. This area should confirm your findings related to the diagnosis. For acute episodic (focused) visits (i.e. sprained ankle, sore throat, etc.) you may be omitting certain areas such as GYN, Rectal, Abd, etc. All SOAP notes however should have physical examination of CV and lungs. While the list below is provided for your convenience it is not to be considered all-encompassing and you are expected to include other systems/assessments applicable to your patient’s chief complaint. Ensure that you include appropriate male and female specific physical assessments when applicable to the encounter. Your physical exam information should be organized using the same body system format as the ROS section. Appropriate medical terminology describing the objective examination is mandatory. 

VS: vital signs, height and weight, BMI 

Gen: general statement of appearance, if there is any acute distress. 


HEENT: head, eyes, ears, nose and throat 


CV: cardiovascular 


Abd: abdomen 

GU: genito-urinary 

PV: peripheral vascular 

MSK: musculoskeletal 

Neuro: neurological exam 


Diagnostic Tests: This area is for tests that were completed during the patient’s appointment that ruled the differential diagnosis in or out (e.g. – Rapid Strep Test, CXR, etc.).

*Assessment: (number each diagnosis) 

Diagnosis/Diagnoses: Start with the presenting chief complaint diagnosis first. Number each diagnosis. A statement of current condition of all other chronic illnesses that were addressed during the visit must be included (i.e. HTN-well managed on medication). Remember the S and O must support this diagnosis. Pertinent positives and negatives must be found in the write-up. 

*Plan: (number each plan specific to each diagnosis)

These are the interventions that relate to the above diagnosis and address the following aspects (they should be separated out as listed below): 

Diagnostics: labs, diagnostics testing – tests that you planned for/ordered during the encounter that you plan to review/evaluate relative to your work up for the patient’s chief complaint. 

Therapeutic: changes in meds, skin care, counseling 

Educational: information clients need in order to address their health problems. Include follow-up care. Anticipatory guidance and counseling.

Consultation/Collaboration: referrals, or consult while in clinic with another provider. If no referral made was there a possible referral you could make and why? Advance care planning. 

*Clinical Decision Making 

The next section summarizes your critical thinking, decision-making and diagnostic reasoning skills that provides you the platform to expand on your identified Typhon patient encounter. It is a reflection of the thought process you used in caring for the patient. Follow the directions under each section and label each area as appropriate. All information should be in your own words. 


Include information in regard to the pathophysiology related to the main diagnosis or illness process. This will help to understand how the S and O supported the diagnosis you assigned. 

Do not copy and paste from credible sources. Paraphrase source information as you construct your discussion of the pathophysiology and ensure that you provide in-text and reference citations for the source.  

Pharmacology:  OR (***Alternate – Therapy information): 

Choose one drug that was prescribed at this visit or that is taken chronically by the patient to review. Please include the name of the drug (generic and brand), class, action, excretion, side effects and interactions, why this particular drug is being prescribed for this particular patient, what is this drug intended to treat, (specifically antibiotics, what organisms are we treating?). What other drug could be chosen instead that would work, if any? Keep in mind the cost and convenience for the patient. 

***NOTE: Since the patient encounter you select for this assignment is supposed to be one of the most complex encounters you have with this course population, the likelihood exists that you will have a pharmacologic agent to discuss for this assignment requirement. However, if there are no pharmacologic agents to utilize then choose a non-pharmacologic element of the therapeutic plan (e.g. this could be hyperbaric therapy, water therapy, relaxation training, biofeedback, PT, OT, Counseling [e. g. nutritional, emotional, behavior modification, etc.]or a Complementary Alternative Medical regimen [e.g. nutritional therapy, a spiritual intervention, Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), journaling, visual imagery, progressive relaxation, Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES), etc.] 

Do not copy and paste from credible sources. Paraphrase source information as you construct your discussion and ensure that you provide in-text and reference citations for the source.  

Clinical Diagnostic Reasoning:

Include in this section:

1. Differential diagnoses

Include a list of all of the diagnoses you considered for your list of ‘differential diagnoses. This list may extend beyond the diagnoses identified in the ‘A’ section of the paper.

2. Priority diagnosis discussion

Discuss the key assessment [history and physical exam] findings that resulted in the identification of the priority diagnosis/diagnoses indicated in the ‘A’ section of the paper 

3. Rationale for key elements of the plan of care 

As an advanced practice student you need to explore the evidence relative to the patient’s care needs and be able to document the rationale for the elements of the plan. 

Briefly provide rationales for the key elements of the plan of care [e.g. if a particular HTN medication is prescribed then reference the current JNC guidelines, if a particular antimicrobial is prescribed provide the source referenced for the decision, etc.]

Provide a rationale for any care aspect included in the plan that is not consistent with the care approaches found in your course materials, EBP, CPGs or encompassed in the ‘community standard of care’. 

When using credible sources to support your discussion do not copy and paste from the sources. Paraphrase source information as you construct your discussion and ensure that you provide in-text and reference citations for the source.  

Ethical and or Cultural Concerns: 

Identify any ethical or cultural issues related to this patient’s care. Include how these concerns were addressed. 

Discuss the following:

1. Review the provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics 

Choose at least one of the provisions of the Code and discuss how your experience with the patient encounter aligns with the tenants of the provision OR how you advocated for the patient during the encounter to ensure your actions aligned with the tenants of the provision.

Link to gain access to the ANA Code of Ethics – you will need to scroll down to ‘Select One’ [option] to progress to the page where you will have full access to the Code:

2. Discuss actual or potential cultural implications for this encounter – from the patient’s cultural perspective or your cultural perspective

Links to articles that explore the issue of cultural concerns in health care:

Barriers to Care: 

Construct a discussion that summarizes the barriers/potential barriers your patient faces relative to their ability to seek or receive healthcare services and exploration of at least 3 of the applicable ‘social determinants of health’ for your patient.

Discuss the Following:

1. The actual and potential barriers you identified for your patient 

Your discussion needs to include observations about access to care, financial barriers, and non-financial barriers beyond access. Be sure to provide in-text citations as appropriate for APA style guidelines in your discussion to support the literature that you reviewed in identifying the actual/potential barriers. 

Links to article exploring barriers

2. Three priority social determinants of health for your patient 

Your discussion needs to include exploration of the three social determinants of health that you identified as having the most significant impact on your patient’s health care and health status. Be sure to provide in-text citations as appropriate for APA style guidelines in your discussion to support the literature that you reviewed in identifying the social determinants of health. 

Link to CDC’s information on Social Determinants of Health

3. Health care policy or advocacy initiatives relevant to your patient’s care 

Include in your discussion at least one health care policy or initiative that you identified in the literature as having the potential to positively impact the identified actual/potential barriers or priority social determinants of health for your patient. 

Resources for your ‘search’ include the Herzing Library, Google Scholar, PubMed, and/or the Virginia Henderson Repository

*Evidence based practice

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is a thoughtful integration of the best available evidence, coupled with clinical expertise. As such it enables health practitioners to address healthcare questions with an evaluative and qualitative approach. EBP allows the practitioner to assess current and past research, clinical guidelines, and other information resources in order to identify relevant literature while differentiating between high-quality and low-quality findings. Evidence-Based Practice includes the application of evidence and the evaluation of the outcomes to guide future practice. 

This section is a 1-2 paragraph summary of all the scholarly evidence utilized to complete this assignment. New resources, topics or ideas should not be introduced. 

Discuss the following:

1. Formulate a well-built question. 

What clinical questions and terms did you use to direct your search in the library database? 

2.  Identify articles and other evidence-based resources that answer the question. Identify all sources (APA citations) used that informed your decision making in this particular case. 

3. Critically appraise the evidence [research study, evidence based or clinical practice guidelines, published care standards, etc.] to assess its validity. Comment on the quality of the research or evidence based practice guidelines used. What is the level of evidence? How credible is it? Is it a just a recommendation or an expected standard of care? 

4. Apply the evidence and evaluate for areas of improvement.   How valuable was the evidence in understanding and directing the care in this case? How did it influence your decision making? Were you able to assess the outcome? If so, are changes needed? 


Reflection on decision making:  This is an area where you look over the data gathered and after a careful review of the available resources (i.e. text books, reference readings) will provide a reflection of what might have been added or deleted that would have made this note more conclusive or complete. This is not an area to critique the preceptor. Discuss areas could you have changed? What areas might you have added, perhaps additional questions you should have asked in the ROS, or additional areas you may have assessed for in the PE? 

Advanced Practice Practitioner Role Analysis:  Identify the specific person that drove this plan of care and developed the management, while including detail in how you advocated for the patient. It is entirely possible, and desirable, that you drove the development of the plan of care.  Include how an individualized approach was applied to this patient’s care. Also include how you identified your advocacy for the role of the Nurse Practitioner. 

*Reference Page: Follow APA guidelines for constructing all reference page citations and ensure you used APA style for all in-text citations.  

Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge the gaps in health care service provided to the population.

ITS IMPORTANT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS!SAMPLE  ATTACHED!Develop a 3–5-page report that explains how an organization serves the health care concerns and needs of a population. The report should iden



Develop a 3–5-page report that explains how an organization serves the health care concerns and needs of a population. The report should identify gaps in the health care service, explain strategies to bridge the gaps, and describe potential barriers to those strategies.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other. You are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Explain the principles and concepts of disease prevention and health promotion for diverse and vulnerable populations.       
    • (IMPORTANT) Identify barriers to implementing evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Competency 2: Develop evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for diverse and vulnerable populations.       
    • (IMPORTANT) Identify gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.
    • (IMPORTANT) Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps in the health care service provided by an organization to a vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Competency 3: Apply basic epidemiological concepts, data analysis methods, tools, and databases to determine the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for diverse and vulnerable populations.       
    • (IMPORTANT) Explain how a health care organization serves the primary health care concerns of a vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the health care professions.       
    • (IMPORTANT) Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, APA formatting, and mechanics.

Assessment Instructions 


Now that your team has a better understanding of the population served by the organization, you need to evaluate how able the organization is to serve the specific health care needs of the population identified in the Windshield Survey assessment.

  • Use the Internet and the Capella library to locate at least three academic or professional resources to use in this assessment.
  • Follow the same formatting instructions that you used in the Windshield Survey assessment. Your assessment should be done as a report for your team, using APA formatting for in-text citations and references.


In your organizational evaluation, complete the following:

  • Describe the primary health concern for a vulnerable or diverse population.
  • Explain how the organization currently serves this health care concern. Be sure you include information on how the organization communicates to the population.
  • Identify gaps in the health care service provided to the population.
  • Explain evidence-based strategies to bridge the gaps in health care service provided to the population.
  • Identify any possible barriers to implementing your strategies.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page. The completed assessment should be 3–5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Reference at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Use current APA format for citations and references.
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
  • Double space.

Describe available preventive services that providers might recommend for patients at risk of the type of cancer you selected.

CANCER AND WOMEN’S AND MEN’S HEALTH:The American Cancer Society estimates that by the end of 2012, more than 226,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 241,000 men will be diag


The American Cancer Society estimates that by the end of 2012, more than 226,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 241,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (American Cancer Society, 2012a; American Cancer Society 2012b). With such prevalence of women’s and men’s cancers, patient education and preventive services are essential. In clinical settings, advanced practice nurses must assist physicians in educating patients on risk factors, preventive services, and for patients diagnosed with cancer, on potential drug treatments. The clinical implications of women’s and men’s cancer greatly depend on early detection, which is primarily achieved through preventive services. In this Assignment, you consider the short-term and long-term implications of cancer and drug treatments associated with women’s and men’s health, as well as appropriate preventive services.

To prepare:

  • Select a type of cancer associated with women’s or men’s health such as breast, cervical, or ovarian cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
  • Locate and review articles examining the type of cancer you selected.
  • Review the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force article in the Learning Resources. Think about available preventive services that providers might recommend for patients at risk of this type of cancer.
  • Select two of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how these factors might impact decisions related to preventive services.
  • Consider drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with the type of cancer you selected including short-term and long-term implications of the treatments.

Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe available preventive services that providers might recommend for patients at risk of the type of cancer you selected.
  • Explain how the factors you selected might impact decisions related to preventive services.
  • Describe drug treatment options for patients diagnosed with the type of cancer you selected. Explain the short-term and long-term implications of these treatments.

Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.

DISCUSSION: HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY:In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and


In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths, then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.

Consider the following scenario:

· As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic, you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies. One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest? What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?

To prepare:

· Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as the Roberts and Hickey (2016), Lunenfeld et al (2015), and Makinen and Huhtaniemi (2011) articles in the Learning Resources.

· Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.

· Locate and review additional articles about research on hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy.

· Based on your research of the strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.

· Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a description of the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.

Describe the spiritual experience you had with your patient, family member, or friend using this tool. How does this tool allow you to better meet the needs of your patient?

This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience. Part I: InterviewSelect a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to fo

This assignment requires you to interview one person and requires an analysis of your interview experience. 

Part I: Interview

Select a patient, a family member, or a friend to interview. Be sure to focus on the interviewee’s experience as a patient, regardless of whom you choose to interview.

Review The Joint Commission resource which provides some guidelines for creating spiritual assessment tools for evaluating the spiritual needs of patients. Using this resource and any other guidelines/examples that you can find, create your own tool for assessing the spiritual needs of patients.

Create a survey to assess the subject’s spiritual need during the interview. The spiritual needs assessment survey needs a minimum of five questions that can be answered during the interview.  During the interview, document the interviewee’s responses.

Submit the transcript of the interview. The transcript should include the questions asked and the answers provided.  Be sure record the responses during the interview by taking detailed notes. Omit specific names and other personal information from the interview. 

Part II: Analysis

Write a 250-500 word analysis of your interview experience. Be sure to exclude specific names and other personal information from the interview. Instead provide demographics such as sex, age, ethnicity, and religion. Include the following in your response:

  1. What went well?
  2. What would you do differently in the future?
  3. Were there any barriers or challenges that inhibited your ability to complete the assessment tool? How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
  4. Describe the spiritual experience you had with your patient, family member, or friend using this tool. How does this tool allow you to better meet the needs of your patient?
  5. Did you discover that illness and stress amplified the spiritual concern and needs of your interviewee?  Explain your answer with examples.

Submit both the transcript of the interview and the analysis of your result

· Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.

Discussion: Hormone Replacement TherapyIn recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and

Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy

In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths, then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.

Consider the following scenario:

· As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic, you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies. One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest? What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?

To prepare:

· Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as the Roberts and Hickey (2016), Lunenfeld et al (2015), and Makinen and Huhtaniemi (2011) articles in the Learning Resources.

· Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.

· Locate and review additional articles about research on hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy.

· Based on your research of the strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.

· Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.

With these thoughts in mind:


· a description of the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy. (I am looking for an explanation at the cellular or molecular level (whenever possible). 

· Based on these strengths and limitations, explain why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. 

· Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.

Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research project.There should be an introduction to the problem (as to why it is a problem) that is documented with l

Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research project.There should be an introduction to the problem (as to why it is a problem) that is documented with l

Prepare a 350 word draft of a clinical problem that you would like to use for your Research project.There should be an introduction to the problem (as to why it is a problem) that is documented with literature, a clear problem statement (one declarative sentence that begins with “The problem is…”, and a purpose to your project. Post this as your Initial response. (Essential I-IX).

the research problem is ” race/etnicity sex risk factor cardiovascular disease” on what you are working on it 

Discussion Rubric

The initial post will be regarding the topic of the week and will be a minimum of 250 words. Make sure you provide appropriate references and utilize APA style. Peer posts will be a minimum of 75-100 words, otherwise will be counted as 0. There will be a total of 8 discussion posts worth 1.25 points each or 10 points of your grade. In order to obtain full credit students must follow the above requirements. Each discussion will be allocated to a specific Master’s Essential.


1.25 Point

1 Point

0.75 Point



Weight 25.00%

100 %

3 Posts

80 %

2 Posts

60 %

1 Posts

0 %

0 Posts

Quality of informtaion

Weight 25.00%

100 %

Information is clear and relates to topic

80 %

Information is somewhat clear and might relate to topic

60 %

Information has little relation to topic and is not clearly displayed

0 %

Information is not clear and it does not relate to topic


Weight 25.00%

100 %

Provides relevant resources using APA guidelines

80 %

Provides relevant resources without APA guidelines

60 %

Limited on the resources provided with major errors in APA

0 %

Does not provide any resources

Critical Thinking

Weight 25.00%

100 %

Enhances the critical thinking process through premise reflection

80 %

Enhances the critical thinking process without premise reflection

60 %

Does enhance the critical thinking process in a very limited manner

0 %

Does not enhance the critical thinking process

Descriptive statistics are evaluated for effectiveness. Contextual information is provided.

(plagiarism report and references) InstructionsYou have been recently hired as an Epidemiological Research Assistant at your county’s Health Department. It is only day 1 on the job and you have been

(plagiarism report and references) 


You have been recently hired as an Epidemiological Research Assistant at your county’s Health Department. It is only day 1 on the job and you have been asked to develop a presentation for the County Commissioners describing a health disparity within your community.

In your report, you are asked to summarize the demographical information about the population, as well as summarize the health disparity. The County Commissioners ask that you present your findings in a PowerPoint® presentation.

In statistics or epidemiology, when you are asked to summarize an issue, this means that you must do so by using quantitative information. For this Assignment, please summarize by using only descriptive statistics. In order to procure this information, you will need to access databases supported by your State Public Health Department, CDC, CMS, etc.

You should pick a health disparity applicable to your future career.

Throughout your presentation, you must appropriately evaluate the effectiveness of descriptive statistics in summarizing the demographics of the population and the health disparity. Provide contextual information where appropriate.


  • Presentation is 10–12 slides in length.
  • Use of the speaker’s notes area contains detailed information, while the slides appear uncluttered.
  • Visual representations of data are used to summarize descriptive statistics of demographical information.
  • Visual representations of data are used to summarize descriptive statistics of the health disparity.
  • Descriptive statistics are evaluated for effectiveness. Contextual information is provided.

Assignment 6.1: The Female Reproductive System

Assignment 6.1: The Female Reproductive SystemThe Female Reproductive SystemObjectivesIdentify the anatomical structures of the male and female reproductive systems Explain the menstrual cycle Expla

Assignment 6.1: The Female Reproductive System

The Female Reproductive System


  • Identify the anatomical structures of the male and female reproductive systems
  • Explain the menstrual cycle
  • Explain the physiology of reproduction

Assignment Overview

This practice exercise allows students to review the major organs of the female reproductive system.


A table of the reproductive system

Step 1 Create a table.

Create a table that identifies the structures of the female reproductive system and defines the functions of each structure using images from the Internet. Be very clear in your descriptions.

Step 2 Add to your table.

Using the information in your textbook, add the phases of the menstrual cycle to the table you created in Step 1. Your goal is to identify the physiological processes in each phase of the cycle. Be creative. Use images, if you choose.

Step 3 Submit your answers.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit your assignment to your instructor using the dropbox.

Submission status

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